Search results for ""Author Bruno""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Excursions in World Music
Lead author Bruno Nettl. The grand-daddy of Ethnomusicology compiled the first edition, and his name and contributions to the field have brought the book forward several editions. Chapters are written by established/known ethnomusicologists specializing in the particular region, in the perhaps the most balanced attempt to get expert authors together. Does not aim to teach students how to do field work (like Titon), per se, or other ethnomusicological study, and does not aim to teach music – rather, how to think about music in world perspective and the major themes and issues that emerge when we take the musics of the world seriously. Draws a big picture and explains why the musics of the world matter…..the economics, politics, and social dynamics of these sounds.
Aperture Self Publish, Be Happy: A DIY Photobook Manual and Manifesto
An economic and cultural revolution has shaken the photobook world in the last five years: self-publishing. An army of photographers operating as publishers have had an instrumental role in today’s photobook renaissance. This book offers a do-it-yourself manual and a survey of key examples of self-published success stories, as well as a self-publishing manifesto and list of resources. The manual portion of this volume offers insight, advice, and rudimentary how-tos for the photographer interested in self-publishing. The survey offers an overview of the contemporary self-publishing landscape and includes a contribution by the Museum of Modern Art’s art librarian and bibliographer David Senior, which grounds today’s activities in a legacy of artists’ books and collectives. The case studies themselves will each illustrate a particular theme and genre of self-publishing (such as diary, documentary, or conceptual object), and will be accompanied by personal testimonies from the artists who created them. Author Bruno Ceschel, founder of the Self Publish, Be Happy organization, provides a rallying cry for all those involved in the contemporary photobook revolution—a moment in which the photobook, in all its infinitesimal manifestations, has never before been so omnipresent in our cultural landscape, nor so critical to the photographer’s practice. Self Publish, Be Happy, founded by Bruno Ceschel in 2010, collects, studies, and celebrates self-published photobooks through an ongoing program of workshops, live events, and on/ offline projects. Its London-based collection contains more than two thousand publications. Self Publish, Be Happy is the physical manifestation of a worldwide online community formed of a new, ever-evolving generation of young artists, who experiment, stretch, and play with the medium of photography.
Independently Published Sha'arei Torah: Portões da Torah - BERESHIT 1
Peeters Publishers Metaphysique De La Destruction
Aufhebung est l'un des noms majeurs de la philosophie et l'auteur y cherche les chances d'une ultime transformation de l'esprit. Interrogeant ce noud conceptuel qui, a la fois, signifie destruction et depassement, sursaut et releve, catastrophe et metamorphose, il y cherche le chiffre d'une ultra-modernite qui regne d'abord par son pouvoir de destruction. Elucider la part de sursaut qui demeure encore accessible quand tout se fait decombre, ce n'est pas seulement interroger le plus puissant systeme philosophique de l'Occident, celui de Hegel, c'est demander a des constellations en apparence secondaires ou depassees dans l'economie du savoir: l'instant, la langue, la substance, le secret ou l'analogie de temoigner pour une faculte d'interiorisation et de synthese qui echappe aux desespoirs de l'heure, quand bien meme elle ne s'exercerait dans l'histoire que sous des formes parcellaires, decevantes ou dramatiques. Mais pour ce faire, il faut accepter d'entrer a nouveau, par-dela les certitudes communes de l'espace et du temps, dans le romantisme d'une dialectique absolue qui n'epargne rien, mais eclaire toute chose en s'imposant comme la metaphysique meme de toute destruction.
Peeters Publishers Le Conte du Portefaix et des Trois Jeunes Femmes dans le Manuscrit de Galland (XIVe-XVe Siecles): Edition, Traduction et Etude du Moyen Arabe d'un Conte des Mille et une Nuits
Se limiter, comme l'a fait B. Halflants, en presence d'une edition critique deja realisee avec beaucoup de soin, a l'etude approfondie du moyen arabe d'un seul manuscrit arabe essentiel des Mille et Une Nuits, comme celui dit A" de Galland A", permet non seulement de mettre en evidence un grand nombre de traits communs au moyen arabe des juifs, des chretiens et des musulmans, mais aussi de traits propres au moyen arabe des Mille et Une Nuits. Nul doute que cette approche fructueuse sera appliquee a l'avenir a d'autres textes de moyen arabe et qu'elle permettra d'offrir aux arabisants un corpus de textes aussi etendu pour le moyen arabe des musulmans que pour celui des juifs et des chretiens.
API Ediciones España, S.L. Astrología del nodo lunar
Edaf Antillas Evangelios a la Luz de la Historia, Los
Ediciones Sgueme, S.A. La esencia del cristianismo
V&r Academic Buchpaket Qumran 2023 Coins and Settlement
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Die Letzte Generation Der Griechischen Geschichtsschreiber: Studien Zur Historiographie Im Ausgehenden 6. Jahrhundert
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Fondements Logiques Et Phenomenologiques de la Rationalite Mathematique Chez Husserl
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Legerete de l'Etre: Etudes Sur Malebranche
Classiques Garnier La Fin Du Sens de l'Histoire: Eric Voegelin, Karl Lowith Et La Temporalite Du Politique
The New Press War Without End The View from Abroad
Hal Leonard Corporation Bruno Mars: Pro Vocal Men's Edition Volume 58
Hal Leonard Corporation Bruno Mars - Guitar Chord Songbook
Boer Politische Novelle
Galiani, Verlag Als unser Deutsch erfunden wurde Reise in die Lutherzeit
minedition AG Hubert und der Apfelbaum
Scheidegger & Spiess Le Corbusier. Von der eleganten Lösung zum offenen Werk
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Birschgnge Erlebtes und Erfhltes Heiteres und Nachdenkliches
Hirmer Verlag F.C. Gundlach: Collection
F.C. Gundlach, one of the most important German fashion photographers of the post-war period, has created a remarkable collection of photographs and multimedia art by famous contemporary artists. This publication provides the first opportunity to reconstruct the view of the medium of photography in juxtaposition with paintings and sculptures by these artists. “The medium of photography has the right to be thought provoking”: that was the extent of it according to Albert Oehlen’s view of the medium in 1986. This inspired the photographer and passionate collector F. C. Grundlach to make additional acquisitions by important artists, from Büttner to Förg and from Oehlen to Polke. Their anarchic will to express themselves, their wit and caustic criticism were shaped into works of art that span a variety of media. This publication uses numerous illustrations to provide an atmospheric insight into the spirit of the conditions under which they were produced and gives an overview of the fascinating breadth of the medium of photography. A Who’s Who of the “gods of contemporary art”: Georg Baselitz, Werner Büttner, Günther Förg, Richard Hamilton, Georg Herold, Hubert Kiecol, Martin Kippenberger, Jürgen Klauke, Meuser, Albert Oehlen, Sigmar Polke and Franz West.
Reich Verlag Ag Die Seidenstrae Auf der legendren Route nach Asien
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Gaschromatographie in Bildern: Eine Einführung
Die bew hrte Einf hrung in die Gaschromatographie von Bruno Kolb enth lt jetzt auch einen Abschnitt ber die GC-MS-Kopplung. Praktiker, Studenten und Auszubildende k nnen sich durch dieses Buch schnell und einfach mit der GC vertraut machen. Der Autor beschreibt neben den Grundlagen und Begriffen die Teile des GC-Systems (Injektionssysteme, Trenns ulen und Detektoren), die zahlreichen M glichkeiten der Probenaufgabe speziell f r Kapillars ulen, Betriebs-und Trennbedingungen, sowie ausf hrlich die quantitative Auswertung. Aus Rezensionen der ersten Auflage "Dieses didaktisch und graphisch gut gestaltete Buch kann den Anwendern der Kapillar-GC w rmstens empfohlen werden; es kann auch in der Ausbildung sehr gut eingesetzt werden." Chromatographia "Dem Autor ist es gelungen, ohne komplizierte Theorien zu beschreiben, in anschaulicher Weise pr zise ber die wesentlichen Grundlagen der GC zu informieren. Herausragend ist dabei die Gegen berstellung von verst ndlichen Abbildungen mit dem dazugeh rigen Text auf jeder Doppelseite des Buches. [...] Das Werk sollte deshalb in keinem GC-Labor fehlen und ist dem neuen Anwender oder den 'alten Hasen' u erst zu empfehlen." Lebensmittelchemie ber den Autor: Bruno Kolb war lange Jahre in der Perkin-Elmer Firmengruppe als Leiter der GC-Anwendung t tig und war massgeblich an der Entwicklung von GC-Detektoren und insbesondere der Headspace-Technik beteiligt. Er hat zahlreiche GC-Einf hrungs- und Anwendungskurse gegeben, ist Herausgeber und Autor mehrerer B cher sowie von ber 50 wissenschaftlichen und technischen Publikationen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Coins and Economy in Magdala/Taricheae
On a monetary basis, Magdala must be considered as one of the most important and active settlements between the 1st century BC and most of the 3rd century AD on Lake Kinneret, a place of production and trade, of supply for military forces, certainly in contact with other trading centres, probably located on the Mediterranean coast, however in a 'market' perspective quite different from our current experience and even from the semantic content of this word, often abused with a semantic extension that does not correspond to the experience of the ancients. Its monetary decline started on the early 4th century, when the economic and monetary strategies of the Constantinian era shifted the flow of money to other routes, especially between the great port cities of the Mediterranean.The welcome contribution of Callegher's study derives from the new data published, which allows us to overcome "clichés" and a stereotypical view of both the archaeological site and the economy of the Upper Galilee.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Eine neue Soziologie fr eine neue Gesellschaft Einfhrung in die AkteurNetzwerkTheorie
Outlook Verlag Studien zur Philosophie der exakten Wissenschaften
Outlook Verlag Luther und Kant
Tredition Gmbh Spitalkost und Taralli
NordSüd Verlag AG Noch einer oben drauf
Giger Verlag Dein persönlicher Weg durch das Lebenslabyrinth
Brotsuppe, Verlag Die STADT AUF ZEIT
What on Earth Publishing Ltd Every Second: 100 Lightning Strikes, 8,000 Scoops of Ice Cream, 200,000 Text Messages, 3 Million Litres of Cow Burps ... and Other Incredible Things That Happen Each Second Around the World
This striking portrait of our world in numbers makes statistics fun and accessible to children and their grown-ups. Every second, somewhere across the globe, an aeroplane takes off and another one lands. Two people die, and four babies enter the world. 15,000 plastic bottles are produced and 1,600 are recycled. 8,000 scoops of ice cream are eaten, 200,000 text messages are sent. This book of remarkable facts, lushly illustrated with memorable infographics, reveals the incredible things that happen each and every second in our world.
Cinebook Ltd Alone Vol. 9: Before The Midnight Child
In the arenas, the Campton kids have won their citizenship' of the In-Between-World's strange society. Now free to come and go as they please, they've left town for the mountains, following Dodzi without really knowing why. When the young boy explains to them that he is in fact trying to discover whether he is the herald of Evil - the Midnight Child - a violent dispute ensues. Meanwhile, hidden nearby, the soldiers of the First Families await an opportunity to attack...
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Geopolitics for the End Time: From the Pandemic to the Climate Crisis
A sharp vision of our changing world order as Covid and climate breakdown usher in a new ‘survival of the fittest’. How well have different cultures and societies responded, and could this become a turning point in the flow of history? Before Covid, a new competition was already arising between alternative geopolitical models–but the context of this clash wasn’t yet clear. What if it takes place on neutral ground? In a state of nature, with few or no political rules, amid quickly evolving chaos? When the greatest threat to national security is no longer other states, but the environment itself, which countries might rise to the top? This book explores how Covid-19 has already transformed the global system, and how it serves as a prelude to a planet afflicted by climate change. Bruno Maçães is one of the first to see the pandemic as the dawn of a new strategic era, heralding a profoundly changed world-political landscape. Cover image: Ludwig Meidner, ‘Apocalyptic City’, 1913. © Ludwig Meidner-Archiv, Jüdisches Museum der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Belt and Road: A Chinese World Order
China’s Belt and Road strategy is acknowledged to be the most ambitious geopolitical initiative of the age. Covering almost seventy countries by land and sea, it will affect every element of global society, from shipping to agriculture, digital economy to tourism, politics to culture. Most importantly, it symbolises a new phase in China’s ambitions as a superpower: to remake the world economy and crown Beijing as the new centre of capitalism and globalisation. Bruno Maçães traces this extraordinary initiative’s history, highlighting its achievements to date, and its staggering complexity. He asks whether Belt and Road is about more than power projection and profit. Might it herald a new set of universal political values, to rival those of the West? Is it, in fact, the story of the century?
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Recognition in the Age of Social Media
The desire to be recognized is a basic human trait. In contemporary society, social media platforms play a key role in defining how processes of recognition take shape. To post, to like, or to comment have become daily practices of expressing individual recognition. On the one hand, social media platforms make it easier for individuals to be visible and to be recognized; on the other hand, they control the structure of these dynamics. This timely and original book reflects on processes of recognition on social media platforms. Revisiting traditional discussions on recognition theory, Bruno Campanella investigates how the field of media and communication has used the concept and poses new questions raised by the omnipresence of social media. He argues that existing work does not fully explore the impact of platforms on contemporary processes of recognition. Individuals must learn new skills to make themselves visible online, but how to achieve this changes as a consequence of the role played by platforms: what is seen depends on decisions taken by their algorithms, which impacts how individuals and social groups are valued in society. Recognition in the Age of Social Media is a key contribution to the field, and a must-read for students and scholars of media and communication, sociology, and politics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime
The present ecological mutation has organized the whole political landscape for the last thirty years. This could explain the deadly cocktail of exploding inequalities, massive deregulation, and conversion of the dream of globalization into a nightmare for most people. What holds these three phenomena together is the conviction, shared by some powerful people, that the ecological threat is real and that the only way for them to survive is to abandon any pretense at sharing a common future with the rest of the world. Hence their flight offshore and their massive investment in climate change denial.The Left has been slow to turn its attention to this new situation. It is still organized along an axis that goes from investment in local values to the hope of globalization and just at the time when, everywhere, people dissatisfied with the ideal of modernity are turning back to the protection of national or even ethnic borders.This is why it is urgent to shift sideways and to define politics as what leads toward the Earth and not toward the global or the national. Belonging to a territory is the phenomenon most in need of rethinking and careful redescription; learning new ways to inhabit the Earth is our biggest challenge. Bringing us down to earth is the task of politics today.
Taylor & Francis Inc Smart Technologies in Healthcare
Assistive technologies for the old and people with disabilities is now a very active field of research. It also constitutes a very profitable market (expected to reach US $60 billion p.a. by 2018). The book covers key aspects of this important field and provides guidelines for developing assistive technologies in smart environments. The book also presents the new paradigm of open innovation used by the most prolific research teams around the world. The latest developments in the field are given. Overall this book will be a reference for researchers, practitioners and engineers.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC With Him: Listening to the Underside of the World
A meditation on the role of the Dominican in the modern world with a foreword by Timothy Radcliffe OP. Bruno Cadoré has recently completed his nine year term as Master of the worldwide Dominican Order – an order which includes men and women, friars and nuns and also a very large ‘Third Order’ of lay people and workers. To be Master of the order means constant travel, living out of a suitcase. But as a result of this experience, Cadoré has developed a new and invigorating vision of the Charism of the Dominican Order, the res dominicana. Cadoré’s father was born in Martinique and thus remained something of an outsider to European culture – this background has been an essential part of the vision he has brought to the role. But this book is fundamentally about engagement, engagement the Dominican way. Cadoré talks of the murder of the Dominican bishop Pierre Claverie by Muslim fundamentalists, the community of Dominican nuns and brothers who continue to live and work in Baghdad, and his own experience of extreme poverty when he returned to work among the native people in Haiti. In the pages of this book, Cadoré, in an incisive and illuminating manner, writes of the future of the planet, of humankind, of a universal conscience which is compassionate and demanding but focussed always on the Dominican motto, the one word: Truth. This book may be of Dominican inspiration but it is a book which should be read by all people of goodwill.
Stanford University Press Queer Theory: The French Response
In 2012 and 2013, masses of French citizens took to the streets to demonstrate against a bill on gay marriage. But demonstrators were not merely denouncing its damaging effects; they were also claiming that its origins lay in "gender theory," an ideology imported from the United States. By "gender theory" they meant queer theory in general and, more specifically, the work of noted scholar Judith Butler. Now French opponents to gay marriage, supported by the Vatican, are attacking school curricula that explore male/female equality, which they claim is further proof of gender theory's growing empire. They fear that this pro-homosexual propaganda will not only pervert young people, but destroy the French nation itself. What are the various facets of the French response to queer theory, from the mobilization of activists and the seminars of scholars to the emergence of queer media and the decision to translate this or that kind of book? Ironically, perceiving queer theory as a threat to France means overlooking the fact that queer theory itself has been largely inspired by French thinkers. By examining mutual influences across the Atlantic, Bruno Perreau analyzes changes in the idea of national identity in France and the United States. In the process, he offers a new theory of minority politics: an ongoing critique of norms is not only what gives rise to a feeling of belonging; it is the very thing that founds citizenship.
Headline Publishing Group Bruno My Story
Meet Bruno Tonioli - Strictly Come Dancing judge, wildcat choreographer and stardust magnet. With his irrepressible personality and Italian exuberance, Bruno has become a TV sensation, settling the fate of Britain's ballroom hopefuls during the nation's favourite Saturday night show.Bruno's journey is mind-blowing. He fled from home at eighteen to join the dance company La Grande Eugene and travelled around Europe; he later coached the actress Goldie Hawn as a dance instructor, and orchestrated lavish productions for TV, film and pop videos, where he worked alongside The Rolling Stones, Freddie Mercury, Duran Duran and Tina Turner.Along the way Bruno has Tangoed with high fashion, performed the Cha Cha Cha with untameable pop vixens Bananarama and danced an emotional Waltz with bereavement and breakdown before settling in the perfect location - a seat on the judging panel of Strictly Come Dancing, where he wowed the nation at home and in Hollywood with his passion for dance and an excitable turn of phrase.My Story tears away the glittery wrapping of this most exuberant and loveable of TV stars. Strap yourselves in for a wild and sexy ride with more frills than Versailles.
Little, Brown Book Group The Secret Diary of Mario Balotelli
'He's a total rock 'n' roller. There's a bit of Mario in all of us - well, maybe not Gary Neville - but the rest of us most definitely.' Noel GallagherHe may be football's latest superstar, but Mario Balotelli is just as famous off the pitch for his eccentricity and extraordinary antics. From the time he let off fireworks in his bathroom to the notorious bib incident, he's rarely out of the news. But in his secret diary*, as we follow Mario through one turbulent football season and the trail of mayhem he leaves in his wake, we discover that the headlines only tell half the story. Whether he's hiding Silvio Berlusconi in his basement, patrolling the streets of Manchester as a caped crusader or trying to be the first Premiership footballer to go to the moon, the truth is stranger, and much funnier, than we could have expected.*not the actual diary of Mario Balotelli