Search results for ""world health organization""
World Health Organization Basic Documents Fortyeighth Edition Basic documents World Health Organization
World Health Organization Research and the World Health Organization: A History of the Advisory Committee on Health Research, 1959-1999
Cornell University Press The World Health Organization between North and South
Since 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched numerous programs aimed at improving health conditions around the globe, ranging from efforts to eradicate smallpox to education programs about the health risks of smoking. In setting global health priorities and carrying out initiatives, the WHO bureaucracy has faced the challenge of reconciling the preferences of a small minority of wealthy nations, who fund the organization, with the demands of poorer member countries, who hold the majority of votes. In The World Health Organization between North and South, Nitsan Chorev shows how the WHO bureaucracy has succeeded not only in avoiding having its agenda co-opted by either coalition of member states but also in reaching a consensus that fit the bureaucracy’s own principles and interests. Chorev assesses the response of the WHO bureaucracy to member-state pressure in two particularly contentious moments: when during the 1970s and early 1980s developing countries forcefully called for a more equal international economic order, and when in the 1990s the United States and other wealthy countries demanded international organizations adopt neoliberal economic reforms. In analyzing these two periods, Chorev demonstrates how strategic maneuvering made it possible for a vulnerable bureaucracy to preserve a relatively autonomous agenda, promote a consistent set of values, and protect its interests in the face of challenges from developing and developed countries alike.
World Health Organization Who Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Guidelines for Implementation of Article 5.3, Articles 8 to 14
World Health Organization Atlas of Health and Climate
World Health Organization Keeping Promises, Measuring Results: Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health
World Health Organization International Health Regulations (2005)
World Health Organization Safe Abortion: Technical and Policy Guidance for Health Systems
World Health Organization Helminth Control in School-Age Children: A Guide for Managers of Control Programmes
World Health Organization The Evolving Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance: Options for Action
World Health Organization Vih: Defendamos Los Derechos Humanos
World Health Organization Aplicacion del Pensamiento Sistemico Al Fortalecimiento de Los Sistemas de Salud
World Health Organization Evaluación de Necesidades Y Recursos Psicosociales Y de Salud Mental: Guía de Herramientas Para Contextos Humanitarios
World Health Organization Subsanar Las Desigualdades En Una Generación: Alcanzar La Equidad Sanitaria Actuando Sobre Los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud
World Health Organization Informe Sobre La Salud En El Mundo 2008: La Atención Primaria de Salud - Más Necesaria Que Nunca
World Health Organization Tratamiento del Paludismo Grave: Manual Práctico
World Health Organization Guía de Intervención Mhgap Para Los Trastornos Mentales, Neurológicos Y Por USO de Sustancias En El Nivel de Atención de la Salud No Especializada
World Health Organization Medios Auxiliares Para El Diagnóstico Microscópico del Paludismo
World Health Organization Control del Cáncer.Tion. Aplicación de Los Conocimientos: Política Y Abogacía
World Health Organization El USO de Las Pruebas Rápidas Para Sífilis
World Health Organization Alivio del Dolor Y Tratamiento Paliativo En El Cáncer Infantil
World Health Organization Introducción Al Programa de Mantenimiento de Equipos Médicos
World Health Organization Formulación de Políticas Sobre Dispositivos Médicos
World Health Organization Sistema Computarizado de Gestión del Mantenimiento
World Health Organization Evaluación de Las Necesidades de Dispositivos Médicos
World Health Organization Control de Las Leishmaniasis: Informe de Una Reunión del Comité de Expertos de la Oms Sobre El Control de Las Leishmaniasis
World Health Organization Stratégie Mondiale Visant À Réduire l'Usage Nocif de l'Alcool
World Health Organization Pr�vention du suicide : l'�tat d'urgence mondial
World Health Organization L'Amiante Chrysotile
World Health Organization Surveillance Des Soins Obstétricaux d'Urgence: Manuel d'Utilisation
World Health Organization Manuel de Suivi Et d'Évaluation Des Ressources Humaines Pour La Santé: Comprenant Des Applications Spécialement Adaptées Aux Pays À Revenu Faible Ou Intermédiaire
World Health Organization Promouvoir l'Accès Aux Technologies Médicales Et l'Innovation: Intersections Entre La Santé Publique, La Propriété Intellectuelle Et Le Commerce
World Health Organization Développement de Politiques Relatives Aux Dispositifs Médicaux: Série Technique de L Oms Sur Les Dispositifs Médicaux
World Health Organization Dons de Dispositifs Médicaux: Considérations Relatives À Leur Demande Et À Leur Attribution
World Health Organization Evaluation Des Besoins En Dispositifs Médicaux
World Health Organization Pesticide Residues in Food: Toxicological Evaluations
World Health Organization Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives: Seventy-first Meeting of the Joint Fao/Who Expert Committee on Food Additives (jecfa)
World Health Organization Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives: Seventy-ninth Meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
World Health Organization Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives: Sixty-eighth Meeting of the Joint FAO/Who Expert Committee on Food Additives
World Health Organization Basic Documents Official Publication
World Health Organization World Malaria Report 2019
World Health Organization Managing epidemics: Key facts about major deadly diseases
World Health Organization Preventing Disease through Healthy Environments: A Global Assessment of the Burden of Disease from Environmental Risks
World Health Organization Framework for a public health emergency operations centre: November 2015
World Health Organization Investing to Overcome the Global Impact of Neglected Tropical Diseases: Third WHO Report on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2015
World Health Organization Protecting health from climate change: vulnerability and adaptation assessment
World Health Organization Global and regional estimates of violence against women: prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence
World Health Organization The world health report 2013: research for universal health coverage