Search results for ""vicens vives""
Vicens Vives Stephen Hawking
Vicens Vives Virus
Editorial Vicens Vives La Visita dun Inspector Ne Auxiliar educación secundaria
Editorial Vicens Vives Mitos y leyendas del antiguo Egipto cucaña
Editorial Vicens Vives La vos de los sueños Educación Primaria. Material auxiliar
Editorial Vicens Vives El gran llibre dels jocs de taula
En aquest llibre, la diversió està garantida amb vuit jocs de taula clàssics que s'ambienten en els escenaris d'alguns dels contes més populars de la història. Inclou figuretes i dau per muntar!
Editorial Vicens Vives Tots per un i un per tots manuscrita pinyata
Vicens-Vives, Spain Albert Einstein Historia Geniales
Editorial Vicens Vives Solo un dia cucaña
Editorial Vicens Vives Tormento
Editorial Vicens Vives El misterio de los bailarines The mystery of the dancers
Editorial Vicens Vives Robin Hood ESO. Material auxiliar
Editorial Vicens Vives Tristana Aula De Literatura
Editorial Vicens Vives Antologia de la lirica amorosa Anthology of Amorous Lyrics
Editorial Vicens Vives El mago de Oz vvkids
Diviértete haciendo puzles que recrean las aventuras de Dorothy y sus amigos, y después colorea las ilustraciones de este libro de la forma que más te guste. Pero antes de jugar, deberás afrontar la bruja malvada del oeste...
Editorial Vicens Vives Tres Sombreros De Copa Three Cup Hats
Acantilado La crisis del siglo XX 19191945
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: AcantiladoAparte de su valor historiográfico indudable, puesto que descubre un eslabón hasta hoy desconocido en la evolución del pensamiento histórico y político de Vicens Vives, este texto nos ofrece un análisis lúcido, vibrante y exhaustivo del camino que llevó al mundo desde la primera a la segunda guerras mundiales.
labutxaca Notícia de Catalunya nosaltres els catalans
Notícia de Catalunya (Nosaltres els catalans) va ser el llibre editat en català més venut durant les festes de Nadal de lany 1954. Aquest èxit demostra que va ser una publicació oportuna i, sobretot, insòlita: era la primera obra de la postguerra editada legalment en català que reflexionava sobre la catalanitat.Allò que va impulsar a Jaume Vicens Vives a escriure un llibre daquestes característiques va ser la voluntat doferir una visió del passat collectiu i les característiques del tarannà i la psicologia dels catalans a partir de la història, adreçada a un públic molt ampli, no exclusivament català, sinó també espanyol.
Princeton University Press Economic History of Spain
This comprehensive account of the economic development of Spain, available for the first time in English, is generally regarded as a major achievement in Spanish historiography. It covers the entire history of Spain's economic and social evolution from prehistoric times to the end of the nineteenth century. The book originated from lectures given at the University of Barcelona by Jaime Vicens Vives, who has been called Spain's greatest historian in recent decades. Aware of all the major interpretations of Spanish history, the author draws upon the recent research of Spanish, French, and American historians; yet to the overall picture he gives his own imprint. Originally published in 1969. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Manchester University Press The Debate on the Decline of Spain
When, why and how did Spain fall from its pre-eminent position as a leading world power in the seventeenth century? These fundamental questions have exercised the minds of distinguished historians such as Prescott, Merriman, Hamilton, Braudel, Vilar, Vicens Vives, Elliott and Kamen and produced a prolific amount of writing. But while the subject of Spain’s decline has been subject to rigorous historical research, the debate between scholars underpinning it has not thus far been analyzed from a historiographical perspective. What are the methodologies and schools of inquiry that have shaped the discourse? How have historians’ perceptions been influenced by time and circumstance? Why has the ‘Two Spains’ phenomenon endured as a historical paradigm against which to measure its fortunes? These are some of the issues this book will address in its appraisal of the historians of Spain’s decline and their discourse.
Editorial Pòrtic Com han estat i com som els catalans
Rodolf Llorens i Jordana va ser un pensador a contracorrent. Arrauxat, contundent i àcid quan convenia, va escriure pensant sempre en positiu, per a un país i una cultura normals, malgrat les circumstàncies de la Guerra Civil i de l'exili. La frescor i audàcia del seu estil punyent l'apropen a Francesc Pujols i l'allunyen del Noucentisme i d'Eugeni d'Ors, a qui va combatre amb llibres com aquest que presentem, rèplica implacable a Les formes de la vida catalana de Josep Ferrater Mora. El lector hi trobarà una relectura de la Història de Catalunya de Ferran Soldevila, coratjosa, rampelluda a voltes, que té ben poc a veure amb la mesura i el seny tantes vegades esmentat. Prenent com a punt de partida els encerts i errors d'altres autors que han provat de definir la idiosincràsia catalana (Jaume Vicens Vives, Josep Trueta, Valentí Almirall o Carles Pi-Sunyer), Llorens desenvolupa la seva pròpia teoria sense embuts. El mateix autor ja ens adverteix, d'entrada, que el llibre l'ha fet a cops
Springer International Publishing AG The First Export Era Revisited: Reassessing its Contribution to Latin American Economies
This book challenges the wide-ranging generalizations that dominate the literature on the impact of export-led growth upon Latin America during the first export era. The contributors to this volume contest conventional approaches, stemming from structuralism and dependency theory, which portray a rather negative view of the impact of nineteenth-century globalization upon Latin America. It has been considered that, as a result of the role of Latin American countries as providers of raw materials produced in enclaves dominated by foreign capital, their participation in the world economy has had adverse consequences for their long-term development. This volume addresses a representative sample of countries with varied initial conditions and resource endowments, a diverse productive specialization, as well as different degrees of integration to the world economy. This allows a direct comparison among the different experiences within the region, which in turn enables a more nuanced understanding of the contribution of exports to economic growth and economic modernization. Seven national case studies are presented – Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Mexico and Bolivia – which offer an insight into the successes of a region traditionally viewed as disadvantaged by globalization and export-led growth.Winner of the Vicens Vives prize for the best economic history book granted by the Spanish Economic History Association.