Search results for ""uniwersytet jagiellonski, wydawnictwo""
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Cyprus Crete and the Aegean Islands in Antiquity
ELECTRUM: Journal of Ancient History is published by the Department of Ancient History at the Jagiellonian University. It offers scholarly research on the history and culture of Greece, Rome, and the Near East from the beginning of the first millennium B.C. to about A.D. 400. This installment explores the ancient history of Cyprus, Crete, and the Aegean Islands.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Plurality of Realities – Collected Essays
The Plurality of Realities contains four texts by Leon Chwistek that deal with his original philosophical conception called the theory of plurality of realities. This collection is essential not only for understanding the full-fledged version of Chwistek’s conception but also for surveying its development over a span of five years (1916–1921). Reading these essays in chronological order allows us to notice all stages of its development, beginning with its first sketches, drawn in the book Meaning and Reality, where only two realities are considered, and finishing with Chwistek’s most famous essay, The Plurality of Realities, in which he discusses four different realities: the reality of things, the reality of physics, the reality of impressions, and the reality of imaginations. The collection is preceded by two introductory essays by Karol Chrobak. The first presents Leon Chwistek against the background of the intellectual, cultural, and political life of the interwar period in Poland. The second focuses on Chwistek’s conception of the plurality of realities and gives a critical account of its most widespread interpretations.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Civic Education in the Context of Migration Politische Bildung im Kontext der Migration
This book considers migration to Europe in terms of the role adult civic education can play in the integration of newcomers with host communities. It contrasts Germany, Poland, and Ukraine, each of which saw different forms of migration and reactions to it.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Europeanization of Heritage and Memories in Poland and Sweden
This book attempts to describe and understand the processes which are at work in the Polish and Swedish contexts and lead to the construction of new, Europeanized representations of the past. It asks how the ongoing process of European political integration influences local, regional, national, and transnational interpretations of the past in these two countries. It is the outcome of a multidisciplinary effort on the part of Polish and Swedish researchers working in the fields of ethnology and cultural anthropology, the sociology of culture, history, memory, and heritage studies. It describes a variety of cases and approaches while at the same time being firmly anchored in shared research questions and the authors' common attempts to grasp the sometimes fluid and elusive aspects of the Europeanization of heritage and memories in Poland and Sweden. The selection of cases presents the diverse directions of the processes of Europeanization as well as its dynamics in places which differ
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Unknown Lutsk Karaim Letters in Hebrew Script 1 – A Critical Edition
The work presents -- as far as is now possible -- the language spoken by Lutsk Karaims in the second half of the 19th and in the first two decades of the 20th centuries. This is attempted by means of editing eleven private letters and five open letters written in Lutsk Karaim -- with Hebrew interpolations. The letters were written by different authors in Hebrew script.The present publication appears to be the first critical edition of this type of text written in this particular dialect. Previous editions of south-western Karaim manuscripts either concerned very short texts from Halych or were prepared with no intention of being professional.The linguistic description of the texts aims to present a grammar of the manuscripts' language. It is complemented with a separate chapter dealing with the Slavonic structural influences exerted on the authors' idiolects, and with the lexicon of the texts. A separate part deals with the orthography and the features of the writing itself. The transcription and translation of each manuscript are preceded with a concise palaeographic description and a summary of the content. The work closes with a glossary, several indexes, maps, and the facsimile of the manuscripts.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo A Cognitive Approach to Genericity in Norwegian
How does one speak about kinds in Norwegian? Which noun form should one use to say that dogs bark and cows are mammals? And is it always necessary to use a plural noun form to express genericity? The study presented in this book shows a cognitive approach to genericity in Norwegian. The study material includes three data sets-two surveys and a specialised corpus of generic texts. Both the surveys and the corpus were analysed in two ways-with the use of chosen cognitive models and with a number of statistical tests. Applying both qualitative and quantitive methods has allowed to conduct a comprehensive study on genericity in Norwegian.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Future of Management: Volume Two: Industry 4.0 and Digitalization
The world is standing on the very edge of the fastest industrial revolution ever. A revolution which will rapidly increase the efficiency of many production processes. Automation (both mechanical and the one happening with computer processes) will reduce the demand for human work and release a huge amount of time we can use for further development. Industry 4.0 has been a buzz word recently. It is about interconnecting devices and giving them the possibility to making autonomous decisions. It is certainly a way of increasing efficiency of production, but it will also have impact on the facilitation of other processes within the organization.At the same time, it is said that we are on the verge of an ecological catastrophe and that we have merely a few years before irreversible climate changes may endanger the future of our species. Some say, that the development of AI will solve most of our problems. We believe that the need for the activity of human beings will be even bigger.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Strindberg and the Western Canon
During the whole of his writing career August Strindberg was a restless canon-maker. In his capacity as writer, librarian, cultural scholar, polemicist and amateur researcher he constantly quoted sources, both historical and contemporary, included and excluded certain authors in his own work, as well as re-evaluated the boundaries of aesthetics and culture around the turn of the twentieth century. At the same time, he was a very active author in his own right, living in self-imposed exile but in close contact with cosmopolitan intellectual circles. All of this raises questions about his relationship with the literary and cultural canon. The dynamics between local and global culture define the whole of his oeuvre and make him one of those European authors who are readily interpreted in the context of Weltliteratur.Strindberg was a multilingual cosmopolitan, an emigrant, theosophist, and reporter. In his capacity as a writer, with his gaze trained upon both East and West, he absorbed impressions from the universalist tendencies of the fin de siècle. His ambition to join the global “Republic of Letters” led him to study French, Hebrew, the Chinese system of logograms, Russian literature, and the history of the Middle East.This volume, edited by Jan Balbierz, gathers contributions from renowned Strindberg scholars and discusses questions, such as: How did Strindberg construct his predecessors and which traditions did he associate himself with? How is a Strindbergian text altered in performative practice in theatre and film? How did Strindberg, whose writings are deeply rooted in Swedish folklore and landscape, relate to foreign cultural values?
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Latin –ies/ia Inflection – Synchronic Evidence and Diachronic Origin
The monograph concerns the origin of the Latin -iēs/-ia inflection, the topic which to this day has not been explained satisfactorily. The proposal presented in the book allows for the most economic solution to the problem without difficult assumptions which were present in the previous hypotheses. The author explains the origin of the formation as the result of the identification and mutual influence of three former paradigms reconstructed for Proto-Indo-European and subsequent analogical influence of the commonly used Latin noun diēs 'day' from the fifth declension.Apart from the hypothesis itself, the analysis of all the forms of the Latin -iēs/-ia inflection is presented with an etymological commentary and illustrative examples from the original ancient texts. The question on the origin of the Latin fifth declension is also mentioned alongside the modern description of the Proto-Indo-European derivational morphology.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Customer Encounters on Twitter – A Study of Positive Evaluation and Complaint Management on English Corporate Profiles
The book presents a discussion of the selected properties of customer encounters conducted on brand profiles on Twitter. The first part of the book discusses social media and their use in corporate communication, with a particular consideration of Twitter. It also defines customer encounters as a genre of interaction and presents an overview of previous research devoted to this area of communication. The second part of the publication concerns corporate profiles on Twitter and customer encounters conducted in this medium. The author characterizes consumer messages containing positive evaluation and complaints posted on company profiles. The strategies which companies use in response to positive and negative evaluations are discussed in detail. The publication also contains a description of selected conventional politeness acts used in the interaction as well as the language properties of tweets on the lexical and syntactic level. The discussion presented in the book shows Twitter as an important tool of image management and customer interaction.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Participatory Social Work – Research, Practice, Education
As contemporary social work is challenged on the one hand by increasing and multidimensional social diversity and, on the other hand, an increasing emphasis on building a civil society based on activity, equality, and participation, the demand for research and debates relating to a participatory social work paradigm has been raised. Its rapid development is manifested not only by a theoretical shift or introduction of new research techniques and methods, but most of all by empowerment of the service users. It has given an impetus to the emergence of participatory research teams or, in the more radical viewpoints, to the gradual de-academization of both the empirical and theoretical aspects of social work. Eventually, expertise and commitment of participatory advisory bodies are reflected today in the sociopolitical decisions found in many countries.For enthusiasts of participatory social work, recognition of service users’ perspective and civic activities in both academic discourse and daily practice perpetuate democratization of the social service system. They maintain uneven power distribution in both frameworks of elitist research and in practical models of social work. However, there is a growing body of opinion that participatory practices are only a more intelligent tool of contemporary societies’ governance. Whichever approach one takes, participatory social work raises anew the issues of credibility of knowledge, processes of its creation and use, the purpose of social work, its relationship to politics, and—above all—the role and competences of a social worker (co-)constructing social change in partnership with and not just for the service users.This collective monograph considers thoroughly some of the above issues and many more. We focus not only on current state but most of all on raising controversial issues to encourage debate, reflection and discussion concerning participatory social work with a special attention given to participatory research. It offers new cross-national insight into participatory social work as well as discussion of its barriers and side effects. As a collective monograph prepared by an international team of researchers, it should help social workers, social pedagogues, politicians, sociologists, social activists, etc. from different geographic and sociocultural contexts to develop reflections on the implications and consequences of doing their research and practice in participatory manners.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Anthropology and Ethnology During World War II: The Activity of Sektion Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit in the Light of New Source Materials
The volume presents a collection of texts describing contemporary research findings into the documentation of the Sektion Rassen und-Volsktumsforschung of the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit (IDO)—a Nazi-led institution that was established in occupied Poland during World War II.The research project was carried out by anthropologists from the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology together with representatives of other disciplines: historians, sociologists, and physical anthropologists from Jagiellonian University. The studies and papers are based on an analysis of a vast body of documents and photographs. It is first of all a vast collection of sources connected with research carried out by Sektion Rassen-und Volkstumsforschung IDO, kept at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The authors refer as well to previously unknown documents discovered during queries conducted over the last few years. The available sources provide greater insight into the activities of the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit as well as make it possible to verify the existing information concerning the character of research carried out by Sektion Rassen-und Volkstumsforschung.The book contains a rich number of illustrations: Photographs, medical and anthropological questionnaires, psychological tests, and questionnaires containing sociological and ethnographic information not only help visualize, but in a significant way complement the text of the publication.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety – Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death
The essays included in this volume attempt to answer, directly or indirectly, the following questions connected with Shakespeare’s popularity worldwide. Can we appropriate Enobarbus’s fascination with Cleopatra, borrowed for the motto of this volume: “age cannot wither Shakespeare, or custom stale”? What makes it so that his works do not “cloy” their recipients’ appetite, but instead constantly whet it for more? Can we still talk about Shakespeare’s “infinite variety” and how are we to understand this epithet in the twenty-first century? Does this opinion hold in the context of the international reception of his works? Why does he still enjoy such an exciting career—with his works still in active circulation—even though he died in 1616? How is it possible for works written with a quill over four hundred years ago by a man in ruffs and tights to resonate with the hearts and minds of contemporary recipients all over the world?
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Resilience and Health: Challenges for an Individual, Family, and Community
Resilience and Health presents a wide-ranging scientific dialogue on resilience issues interpreted in the following contexts: theoretical and philosophical, in the perspective of lifespan developmental psychology, the experience of chronic disease and disability, as well as in the family and social settings. Bringing together these individual parts is an emphasis on principles of positive psychology.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Regenerative Medicine for the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence
This monograph addresses an innovative autologous muscle-derived stem cell therapy for urinary incontinence in women. It provides a detailed overview of studies and research projects on the use of stem cells for the treatment of urinary incontinence. It provides updated information about this condition for the era of regenerative medicine, making it a valuable resource for both students and physicians.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Studies on the Iranian World – Medieval and Modern
Today, the Iranian world, which encompasses the whole Persian-speaking and culturally "Persianate" region, including Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Tajikistan, parts of Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent, is a geopolitically sensitive region. But it is also a distinct cultural area with a rich and complex history, a mosaic of ethnic and religious groups, ancient languages and dialects, and sophisticated literatures. The essays in this volume address a broad range of questions from a variety of fields, including languages, literature, religions, history, anthropology, demography, sociology, medicine, art, and film. The second volume covers events occurring in the medieval and modern Iranian world.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo At the Roots of the Modern Novel – A Comparative Reading of Ihara Saikaku`s The Life of an Amorous Woman and Daniel Defoe`s Moll Flanders
The book focuses on the use of confessional mode in Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders and Ihara Saikaku's The Life of an Amorous Woman, two works of fiction, which, although written in two different cultural contexts, bear a number of narrative similarities. Both works attempt to create trustworthy narrators and use realistic techniques of depiction while focusing on details and enumerating tangible objects. Both describe vividly and colourfully the milieu and the characters while embracing the contradictions of life and personality. Finally, both use a mode of confession, displaying 'what occurs in the individual mind under the impact of the temporal flux,' which is a principle characteristic of the modern novel (Watt 22).The author delineates the development of narrative fiction in Japan and England (Chapter I), analyses the role of confession (or revelation) in the literary and cultural traditions of the two countries (Chapter II&III), and considers various intricacies of using confession as a narrative strategy in fiction (Chapter IV). The revelation of the narrators' past is accompanied by their conscious concealment of various details and by means of withholding certain information they succeed in attracting the attention of the audience and preparing a suitable setting for disclosure. Moreover, although Moll Flanders and the Amorous Woman, both experienced and advanced in years, yet sometimes showing naivety and ignorance characteristic of their childhood and youth, speak from the distance of time and place, they are entirely absorbed in their stories, frequently using the praesens historicum to emphasise the immediacy of what they narrate. The terms "novel" and "confession" are used in the book as broad categories, which enable – although not without reservations – a comparative reading of two works coming from two different backgrounds. The attempts to define the labels in the literary, historical and biographical contexts bring to the forefront not only the narrative traditions in England and Japan but also the present-day understanding of what the modern novel is.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Cereals of Antiquity and Early Byzantine Times – Wheat and Barley in Medical Sources (Second to Seventh Centuries)
The present book entitled Cereals of antiquity and early Byzantine times. Wheat and barley in medical sources (second to seventh centuries AD), penned by Maciej Kokoszko, Krzysztof Jagusiak and Zofia Rzeznicka, aims at a detailed analysis of the evolution of dietetic doctrines and an assessment of the value of medical sources for historians of food. In order to achieve the goal, the authors have analysed select medical sources composed between the 2nd and the 7th centuries AD, i.e., treatises published from the moment of canonizing dietetic doctrine by Galen up to the composition of the medical encyclopaedia compiled by Paul of Aegina and the publication of the anonymous work entitled De cibis. Within this timeframe, there appeared a number of works which, following the assumptions of the Hippocratic school, contain a cohesive discourse devoted to the role of food in maintaining and restoring human health, thus allowing us to trace the development of diets during the period in question.In order to conduct their research, the authors have selected a food group, namely cereals and cereal products, starting with common and durum wheat (and including in the research hulled wheats, i.e. einkorn, emmer and spelt) and finishing with barley, since all the above-mentioned crops constituted the basis of diet of the majority of peoples inhabiting the Mediterranean. The researches have shown the history of the said cereals in the area around the Mediterranean Sea, singled out the most important products obtained therefrom, demonstrated their dietetic evaluations as presented in the sources, determined the place of cereals in cuisine and outlined their role in medical procedures.The final result of the analyses proves stability of the dietetic doctrines throughout the researched period, explains intricacies of the conceptual system developed by the medical doctors to describe cereal and other foodstuffs, defines recipes, methods and technologies profited from in food processing and outlines the place of cereal substances (both as independent medicinal agents or as ingredients included in composed medicaments) in popular medical treatment methods.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo History, Memory, Trauma in Contemporary British and Irish Fiction
History, memory and trauma as well as their complex interrelations have been lying at the centre of interdisciplinary academic debates since the end of the previous century. These are also themes with which contemporary writers and other artists are increasingly preoccupied in their work. History, Memory, Trauma in Contemporary British and Irish Fiction is an attempt at analysing the relationship between history, memory and trauma in the selected novels of Pat Barker, Sebastian Barry, Kazuo Ishiguro and John Banville. The author examines the notion of memory in a variety of contexts: collective memory in the historical novels of Barker and Barry, individual memory as a foundation of the sense of self in the novels of Banville and Ishiguro, and traumatic memory in the novels of Barry and Ishiguro. By applying the theoretical framework of trauma studies to the work of those renowned writers, History, Memory, Trauma offers new interpretations of their novels. The author demonstrates that contemporary fiction moves beyond mere representation of trauma and engages the reader in the role of co-witness who enables the process of working through trauma.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Academics of Jewish Origin in the History of the Jagiellonian University
The book Academics of Jewish Origin in the History of the Jagiellonian University is a collective work, an anniversary publication connected with the celebrations of 650 years since the foundation of the Cracow academy in 1364; making it undoubtedly one of the elite group of universities that were to see their beginnings before the end of the 14th century in Medieval Europe.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo U.S.–Latin American Relations
U.S. – Latin American Relations is the next volume in Basic American Documents. It presents a collections of primary sources related to U.S. relations with the Latin American and Caribbean region. The selection of texts and documents seek to demonstrate a more modern and complicated history. There are, of course, several texts documenting the American domination over Latin American and Caribbean States. Of particular note are those outlining recent differences between the United States and its southern neighbors over anti-drug policy and attitudes toward economic development. The works of Simón Bolivar and Jose Marti have provided eloquent testimony of how American governments have historically sought to dominate its southern neighbors. Mexico, Cuba, and most of Central American and Caribbean States have especially painful memories of American imperialism. But there are also significant documents that demonstrate how the United States and the Latin American and Caribbean states have established significant forms of regional cooperation. In the past these agreements have helped to ease an otherwise conflicting sets of interests, values, and objectives. The pan-American movement in the 1920s and 1930s is perhaps the best example of this cooperation that at the time was historically unique in international affairs.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Scientific Biographies – Between the `Professional` and `Non–Professional` Dimensions of Humanistic Experiences
In this volume, the wording 'professional' and 'non-professional' is central to our discussion of concepts, since these notions reflect well the weighty aspect of the tension appearing at the junction of the private sphere of our life and the scientific one. Personal experience of each of us (the 'non-professional' part of our biography) continuously—consciously or unconsciously—gets imprinted in everything that is located in the area of 'professional' actions; from the choice of research areas to the ways of their theoretical and methodological conceptualization.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Health and Resilience
This collection provides readers with an opportunity to consider the issue of mental health and resilience from various perspectives. It examines numerous concepts of resilience as they relate to patterns of adaptation in adverse contexts. Consequently, resilience can be conceived by readers as good adaptation, effective coping, or well-being attained despite adversity.Referring to a class of complex phenomena, resilience is not only a basic category for developmental psychopathology and positive psychology but also applies to developmental, educational, family, and health psychology, as well as to psychoneuroimmunology. The chapters in this book address the issue of resilience from either the nomothetic or the idiographic perspective. They discuss theoretical models of resilience, investigate mechanisms and processes connected with health and resilience, scrutinize various aspects of the latter (such as risk and protective factors or internal and external resources), and provide examples of support in difficult life circumstances.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo China at the Beginning of the Twenty–First Century
China at the beginning of the 21st century intrigues many researchers around the world. No different was the enthusiasm widely shared among the participants of the students' conference China at the beginning of the 21st century organized by the Institute of Middle and Far East Studies of Jagiellonian University in Kraków in April 2010. Research enthusiasm and inquisitive attitude of presenters and discussants observed during the conference inspired to go beyond the university walls and put this publication together. The problems discussed within this volume provide the readers with a background of most vital issues in modern China. They are related to the challenges of the Chinese society and state's international skirmishes. Each article is separately concluded by the author's findings, which is highly admirable, since the authors are young, but promising adepts in the field. At the same time, being open for criticism, the authors invite us to take a long hard look at China's modern challenges.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Current Problems of University Management
The quality of teaching in higher education has been debated for years, and private universities have found it increasingly difficult to provide adequate academic staff for didactic purposes. Therefore the Department of Applied Economics at the Jagiellonian University financed an international study to investigate the issues affecting universities worldwide. The study found many similar problems among the universities and discovered pro quality management restructuring demands the implementation of Total Quality Management principles.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Constitutional Developments of the Habsburg Empire in the Last Decades Before its Fall – Materials of Polish–Hungarian Conference, Cracow, Sept. 2007
In the aftermath of the Polish-Hungarian Conference held in Cracow in 2007 there has been published the present volume. It is exponential of the cooperation between the legal historians of the Cracow and Pecs Universities. The participants of the Conference discussed at length the topics concerned with the constitutional developments in the Austro-Hungarian empire in the final era of its existence. A series of articles published in the volume are illustrative of the Rechtsstaat tendencies as detectable in the functioning of the Austro-Hungarian administration and the judiciary, and also in the field of Church-State relationships. Against that background there is also discussed the liberalism of the Austro-Hungarian regime in the area of emigration as well as the grass-roots initiative of the Poles in laying the foundations of Polonia restituta at the time when World War I had not yet come to its end. Last but not least, some authors present fairly individual topics such as the role of the fidei-comissuni in promoting the preservation of cultural legacy in the Hungarian part of the empire, or the survival of Hungarian serfdom tradition in the area of Poland controlled post-war Spisz and Orawa.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Gaps in the Iron Curtain – Economic Relation Between Neutral and Socialist States in Cold War Europe
This volume explores relations between socialist planned economies of Central and East European countries and capitalist market economies of neutral states in Europe during the Cold War. It focuses on the significant role of neutral countries as path-breakers in building East-West contacts.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Genre Analysis of Online Encyclopedias – The Case of Wikipedia
The book is the first complete discussion of the genre of online encyclopedias. The first part of the book, preceded by a theoretical introduction into the concept of webgenres, gives a detailed overview of the types of encyclopedic websites, presenting the characteristics of their content, form and functionality. The second part of the publication concerns Wikipedia -- the most popular online encyclopedia. The presentation of the structure of the portal is followed by an in-depth discussion of Wikipedia discourse features, describing the most conspicuous properties of the stylistic layer of this encyclopedia. The value of the book is additionally enhanced by many illustrations reproducing the analyzed websites.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Women in New Migrations – Current Debates in European Societies
The volume offers an overview of research and debates concerning new female migrants in European countries. Despite the effects of globalisation and the Europeanisation both of national migration and integration policies and of studies carried out by transnational research projects, social, economic and political conditions at a national level remain a powerful basis of academic production. Varying conditions for migration and integration and language and cultural specificities create differentiated research and debates.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Shields of the Empire – Eastern Roman Military Elites during the Reigns of the Emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I
The Shields of the Empire: Eastern Roman Military Elites during the Reigns of the Emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I aims to reconstruct the involvement of the Eastern Roman military elite in various matters of the state on the wider background of political history marked by the reigns of the emperors Theodosius II (408-450), Marcian (450-457) and Leo I (457-474). On its pages, the author presents the history of the numerous wars in which the Empire found itself entangled in during that uneasy time, as well the periods of conflict and cooperation between the generals and the emperors. The focus is not only on the military elite as a group, but also on outstanding individuals, such as generals Plintha, Flavius Zeno, Aspar or Zeno-Tarasikodissa, the aforementioned emperors and their civilian advisors. The result is a comprehensive study and a novel interpretation of the nearly seven decades of turmoil that, contrary to what happened in the West, curiously did not result in the collapse of the Eastern Roman state – perhaps, as the author argues, in no small part due to those military leaders, who were serving and protecting it.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Think Locally, Act Globally: Polish Farmers in the Global Era of Sustainability and Resilience
The monograph should be seen as an attempt to present changes affecting the category of family farm owners in Poland over the last 70 years, since the end of World War II. These changes brought significant social transformations, including the dismantling of the landowner class (who had large agricultural farms in their possession), moving the state border westward and changing the multiethnic Polish society into one close to ethnic homogeneity.The main goal of this reflection is to recount ways in which family farms coped with various unfavorable forces and factors in order to remain in operation. One could say that the entire study can be viewed as a manifestation of the well-known phrase that served as the title of the James C. Scott book (1990): Domination and the Arts of Resistance. The monograph presented here refers to these analyses stemming from another edition of sociological research, completed within the framework of the MAESTRO project financed by the National Science Center of Poland.The main goal of the project was to depict the functioning of agricultural family farms as the traditional sector of agriculture in Poland in the contemporary context of globalization processes. The farms were examined in terms of the principles of sustainable development as well as flexibility and resilience in reaction to various crises.The monograph is divided into four essential parts. The first part is devoted to the theoretical issues and methodological groundwork for the entire publication. The second part of the book aims to capture the changes that took place from 1994 to 2017, which was an adequate period to encompass the changes and metamorphoses that mostly happened as a result of two things: the regime transformation which began in 1990, and Poland's accession to the European Union on May 1, 2004. The third part deals with the crucial issues of regional variations, mostly in regard to life strategies and strategies of operating agricultural farms. Finally, there is a fourth part which places the focus on select themes, such as rural lifestyles, food safety and security, farmers' utilization of new computer and IT resources, and the potential for socio-political mobilization.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Greek World in the Fourth and Third Centuries B.C.
This volume contains eight studies written by scholars from Great Britain, Israel, Poland, and the United States. The contributors are all specialists in Greek history, and their essays deal with different aspects of the period's history, focusing on historiography, political evelopments, and military actions and events.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Young Linguists in Dialogue: The First Conference
This volume contains selected papers on linguistics from the conference organized by the Jagiellonian University Student's English Society from April 7 to 8 in 2008 in Krakow. The authors were all students of the Jagiellonian University and the university of Lodz at the time of the conference. The papers address questions related to the theory of natural language syntax, language diachrony, theory of phonology, psycholinguistics, linguistic stylistics, translation theory and language methodology. This impressive spectrum of topics reflects the students' wide ranging research interests in the study of natural language.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Legal Philosophy and the Challenger of Biosciences
The present book is the fourth volume of the series Studies in the Philosophy of Law which has appeared since 2001. The previous two volumes had a monographic character, the last one being devoted to the topic of the economic analysis of law and published in English. The present volume also has a monographic character and concerns various issues of bioethics, law, and philosophy.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Dialogue in Foreign Language Education
Dialogue in foreign language education is a collection of studies that explore topics important in contemporary foreign language education, such as: academic discourse, intercultural communication, the use of information technology, critical reading, the development of communicative skills, and anxiety in foreign language learning. Researchers from Poland and abroad discuss the interplay between various factors influencing foreign language learning and teaching. The publication consists of 11 chapters, each followed by comments in which their authors dialogue with the opinions expressed in the chapters. It is our hope that the book will inspire readers to ask questions and pursue new paths along "old, well known" topics concerning foreign language education.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Ageing Societies of Central and Eastern Europe
This book entitled The Ageing Societies of Central and Eastern Europe: Some Problems - Some Solutions wants to contribute to a better understanding of how societies of Central and Eastern Europe are changing and how they are responding to the challenge of even more rapid ageing process than Western Europe.The aim of this book is to present the specific challenges ageing societies in selected Central and Eastern European countries face, with a particular focus on Polish society. Questions to be addressed in this volume include: How does demographic ageing influence societal change? How can we overcome age discrimination? Who will care for increasing numbers of older dependents at a time when the numbers of potential family carers is dwindling? How will family change impact on intergenerational solidarity? How can the specific skills of the young and the old be combined in the workplace? How are policy makers and politicians dealing with the ageing issues? How can the public pensions systems be made financially sustainable to prevent poverty and social exclusion of older people?
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Manifestations of Male Image in the World′s Cultures
Manifestations of Male Image in the World's Cultures shows a single cultural phenomenon from a number of diverse perspectives. Methods used to analyze the titular male image range from Literary Studies and Cultural Studies to Media Studies. Thanks to the Authors' broad experience in various fields of academic research, the volume presents this highly layered theme in a truly interdisciplinary way. This multiauthored – and therefore "polyphonic" – collection as a truly original attempt to build a framework of humanistic thought that is based on clear theoretical and methodological criteria. Moreover, its open character allows the use and merging of a number of humanistic methods, such as the aforementioned Literary or Cultural Studies, with other inspirations that, layer by layer, add the depth and provide further insight into the relationship between the male image and broadly understood cultural practices.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Faces of Crisis in 20th- and 21st-Century Prose: An Anthology of Criticism
Faces of Crisis in 20th-and 21st-Century Prose. An Anthology of Criticism offers a unique overview of the motif of crisis tackled by 20th-and 21st-century novelists. In one way or another, crisis has always been an inevitable part of our lives and it is still a central aspect of the contemporary world, in which we are constantly inundated with information about economic, environmental, and health threats.The anthology is divided into three parts pertaining to the main themes of the articles. The first section "Selves in Crisis" is concerned with personal and identity crisis. The second part "Bonds in Crisis" is devoted to interpersonal relationships and family ties. The third section "Worlds in Crisis" deals with threats on a global scale, both in the present and in the future. Focused on the main theme, literary scholars from different European universities tackle the problem of crisis from various perspectives, analysing works by authors such as James Joyce, Vita Sackville-West, Charles Hamilton Sorley, Daphne du Maurier, D.H. Lawrence, B.S. Johnson, Ann Quin, Zoë Wicomb, Rachel Seiffert, Sarah Waters, Diane Setterfield, Boualem Sansal, Philip K. Dick, and Suketu Mehta.The anthology opens with the article "Literature as Crisis" written by Dr Richard Brown from the University of Leeds, UK. Other articles are authored by young scholars representing universities both in Poland and abroad.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo New Media Behind the Iron Curtain – Cultural History of Video, Microcomputers and Satellite Television in Communist Poland
During the years of the Polish People's Republic, Poles were cut off from the western world. Travel was restricted, as was access to outside culture and goods. This unique situation led to a period of great ingenuity in the realm of new media. Not only were media adapted to suit Poles' needs, but new technology was fashioned to gain access to western television, film and video games. Bringing people together, VCRs, computers and satellite television were thus a window to the outside world and contemporary to the mobilisation of Solidarity and the end of communism. As such, their diffusion is an important but largely overlooked aspect of Poland's history. Acutely aware of this, the authors of this book recount new media behind the Iron Curtain in a way that will appeal to scholars and non-academic readers alike. Coupling archival research with in depth interviews, they bring to life the talent and determination of the PPR's new media pioneers, compelling others to dig further.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Post–Crash Decade of American Cinema – Wall Street, the "Mancession", and the Political Construction of Crisis
Crisis defines the present cultural moment. From the environment, through migration, to democracy, a continuous state of emergency engulfs us – so much so that crisis appears to be one of the few things not in crisis. The Post-Crash Decade of American Cinema: Wall Street, the "Mancession" and the Political Construction of Crisis focuses on two instances of this overwhelming trend: the latest masculinity crisis and what helped trigger it – the 2008 global financial crash. Looking at selected American cinematic texts of culture from the subsequent ten years, depicting both the causes of the crash and its victims, the volume offers answers to the questions: how has (popular) culture, in particular literature and film, responded to the greatest economic upheaval since the Great Depression, and what conclusions can be drawn from this response?Timely, interdisciplinary and in-depth, this analysis combines literary and cultural studies, as well as feminist criticism, gender studies and masculinities studies with research on the latest history of political economy to interrelate such diverse phenomena as capitalism, "Wall Street culture", the "Mancession" myth, Donald Trump, pornography, patriarchy, neoliberalism, precarity, postfeminism, the fourth wave of feminism, the #MeToo movement, 9/11, home, housing studies, positive psychology, and happiness studies. Ultimately, the book problematises the very concept of "crisis", elucidating it as a powerful political construct.Topographies of (Post)Modernity: Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature in English> is a bilingual, English-Polish book series dedicated to publishing original research on 20th and 21st century literature in English. Monographs and collective volumes in the series address, but are not restricted to, the following research areas: literary genre studies, comparative literature, cultural poetics and transversality of ideas, as well as transnationalism of literature in English.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Aftermath: The Fall and the Rise After the Event
What happens in the wake of the event? Is the event’s aftermath always characterised by the experience of disorder, fragmentation, and impermanence? Or, alternatively, can aftermath be seen as a new growth, a second crop of grass that can be sown and reaped and which gives rise to a new integrity, a new unity? The volume’s twenty-three essays by scholars from Australia, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, and the United States re-visit the notion and representation of aftermath, understood here widely as a consequence/result/after-effect of a seminal event (to an individual, a community, society, regions or nations), and explore its transformative and life-changing characteristics. While acknowledging disastrous or catastrophic consequences of the event, Aftermath argues in favour of recognising some rejuvenating potential of its after-effects.Topographies of (Post)Modernity: Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature in English is a bilingual, English-Polish book series dedicated to publishing original research on 20th and 21st century literature in English. Monographs and collective volumes in the series address, but are not restricted to, the following research areas: literary genre studies, comparative literature, cultural poetics and transversality of ideas, as well as transnationalism of literature in English.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Articles in English as a Second Language A Phraseological Perspective
The aim of this study is to provide an overview of research findings on the acquisition and use of articles in English as a second language, investigated from a phraseological perspective. It also presents an examination of various linguistic accounts of the English article system with respect to their application to English language teaching.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Englishness Revisited – Contemporary Literary Representations of English National and Cultural Identity
The book discusses selected works of literature written in Great Britain in the final decades of the twentieth century in the context of contemporary debates on English national and cultural identity. Its main goal is to investigate how writers discussed in the book, Peter Ackroyd, Julian Barnes, and Adam Thorpe, address the issue of Englishness and to examine how they revisit its traditional formulations. Literary works by Ackroyd, Barnes, and Thorpe are discussed in the context of philosophy of history, spatial definitions of Englishness founded upon the myth of Green England, the tradition of the pastoral novel, and the discourse of the picturesque. Literary approaches to these issues are confronted with prevailing discourses of Englishness that in the late twentieth century were being both reinforced and questioned from different positions, as well as addressed by the authors in questions in their novels and polemical texts.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Enemies of the Later Roman Order – A Study of the Phenomenon of Language Aggression in the Theodosian Code, Post–Theodosian Novels, and the S
The book deals with the presence of language aggression in postclassical Roman law, in common opinion one of the characteristic features of the decadence at the dawn of the Byzantine culture. In his analysis of normative sources, the author makes use of an original research method whereby he concentrates on seeking out particular ideologically charged terms in the relevant articles of law, in order to analyze, throughout each selected corpus of legal documents, the context in which they appear and, on that basis, to determine their specific semantic fields. Notably, in his thorough analysis of the statements which are definitely negative in relation to those who are regarded as enemies of the state, he proceeds to examine such expressions semiologically, as based on the traditional forms of invective present in Greek and Roman literature.The book consists of three parts: the first considers the methodological assumptions of the work, the second is devoted to an analysis of the negatively marked vocabulary as found in the relevant constitutions, and the third identifies the groups of enemies of the Roman order and presents conclusions resulting from the author’s analysis of the quantities of terms and expressions of invective in the relevant sources. The author attempts to determine semantic fields of the invective-forming expressions on the basis of a wide range of reference material, at times reaching as far as several centuries back (from the perspective of the Late Antique period). The book is intended for scholars and students of postclassical law, historians, and philologists.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo From the Absurd to Revolt – Dynamics in Albert Camus`s Thought
This book presents a selection of texts devoted to two key issues in the thought of Albert Camus: absurdity and rebellion. The contributors are particularly interested in the problem of transition in the thought of the author of The Rebel from philosophical considerations over the absurd in the human condition to the attitude of rebellion. The monograph consists of three parts. The first analyzes the sources of Camus's concept of rebellion, the problems of the absurd, and, more generally, the early thought of the author of The Outsider. Part two presents considerations on Camus's rebellion from the perspective of contemporary humanities. And part three focuses on comparative studies and takes up the associations between Camus's thought with, inter alia, Dostoyevsky, Kolakowski, and Iwaszkiewicz.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Unintended Revolution – Middle Class, Development, and Non–Governmental Organizations
Unintended Revolution describes the ways in which development performed in and by nongovernmental organizations in an Indian metropolis serves as a tool for reinforcing and improving social standing. Anna Romanowicz argues that the NGO environment gives a particular opportunity to middle class members whose cultural and economic capital are (re)produced in such an environment. She concludes that the ineffectiveness of development lies in the interest of this group and as such reflects neoliberal policies more broadly. She also argues that class status is the most important factor in acquiring a job position in a contemporary NGO, and that this cuts across gender, caste, and nationality, as well as other identities.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Words and Dictionaries – A Festschrift for Professor Stanislaw Stachowski on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday
This book is a collection of articles written in honor of Professor Stanislaw Stachowski, a distinguished linguist from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Stachowski is known both in Polish academic circles and to a wider world of scholars as an expert in Turkish, Balkan, and Slavonic linguistics. The papers included in the volume reflect the varied scholarly pursuits of the authors, but are all related to Professor Stachowski's research interests.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Applying the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in Horizontal Relations
?This book tackles the issue of individual rights within the Polish constitutional system. It begins by asking why the horizontal effect of individual rights was not contemplated in Polish jurisprudence until the 1980s, and why it is not expressly addressed in the Polish Constitution despite the proposal of a relevant clause during the drafting process. Through extensive research, the author finds that the decision to abandon this clause was done on purpose, therefore nothing stands in the way of incorporating the horizontal application of constitutional rights into the framework of the Polish Constitution.The author then analyzes the regulation of individual rights and freedoms in Poland's constitution to determine whether the document covers rights or freedoms that may have a horizontal dimension. Further chapters then seek to determine what practical form the direct application of the constitution may take when examining the horizontal dimension of constitutional rights; the scope of the horizontal application of constitutional rights and the related issue of the collision of constitutional rights; and the three basic models for the horizontal operation of individual rights to determine their applicability within the Polish constitutional system. In different countries, these models are applied in a parallel and complementary manner. This book makes available to English-speaking readers the inner workings of Polish jurisprudence and their effect on individual rights legislation beyond the boundaries of Poland.