Search results for ""sanssouci""
De Gruyter Sanssouci Palace
Sanssouci Palace, which Frederick the Great had built to his personal specifications, is one of the most important 18th-century royal palaces. Architect Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff finished the single-storey building in 1747 in only two years. Planned on the lines of a French pleasure castle, Sanssouci represents the pinnacle of Frederician Rococo. The statuary, the structure of the building itself and its site pay tribute to 'carefree leisure'. Beneath a striking dome is the famous oval Marble Hall, where Frederick the Great held his legendary round-table meetings with the intellectual elite of his day, sharing his many artistic and philosophical interests with guests such as Voltaire in an idyllic rural setting. Most of the 18th-century furnishings have survived to provide an authentic view of this place of cultural meetings, on which in large part rests the reputation of Frederick the Great as a monarch of the Enlightenment and major patron of the arts.
MC - De Gruyter Park Sanssouci
De Gruyter Sanssouci Park
A mid-19th century jewel of rococo architecture and garden art, Sanssouci Park was designed, in part, by Frderick the Great and created by the leading artists of his time. This guide takes visitors on a walk through these royal grounds, from the pleasure gardens, including those around Sanssouci Palace, via the grand axes and secret gardens to the New Palace.
De Gruyter Schloss Sanssouci
Eine der signifikantesten Residenzen des 18. Jahrhundert ist das Schloss Sanssouci Friedrichs des Grossen, das unter der Leitung von Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff 1747 vollendet wurde. Hier pflegte der Koenig seine Tafelrunden abzuhalten, um in landlicher Idylle mit Gasten wie Voltaire seinen musischen und philosophischen Interessen nachzugehen.
De Gruyter Park Sanssouci
In der Regierungszeit König Friedrichs II. angelegt, ist der Park Sanssouci über zweieinhalb Jahrhunderte zu einem einzigartigen Ensemble herangewachsen. Mit einer Fläche von 290 Hektar und beinahe 70 Kilometer Wegelänge ist es Brandenburgs größte Parkanlage. Das Schloss Sanssouci mit seinen Terrassen stellt den geistigen Mittelpunkt dar, dem sich alles Umliegende unterordnet – ganz in barocker Tradition. Die Hauptallee, deren Endpunkte zum einen ein Obelisk und zum anderen das Neue Palais bilden, erstreckt sich über 2,5 km. Sternförmig verlaufende Wege und Sichtachsen, verschlungene Pfade, die Mischung aus Zier- und Nutzgärten sowie zahlreiche Statuen, Fontänen und Teiche rhythmisieren und schmücken das Areal. Eingeflochten in den angrenzenden Landschaftspark, der im Wesentlichen die Handschrift Peter Joseph Lennés trägt, sind eindrucksvolle Bauten wie die Orangerie, das Neue Palais, die Bildergalerie, das Chinesische Haus, die Römischen Bäder und Schloss Charlottenhof.
Bebra Verlag Sanssouci entdecken
Edition Braus Berlin GmbH Park Sanssouci
De Gruyter Dampfmaschinenhaus: (Moschee) von Sanssouci
Water features have always been among the most important design elements in gardens, but the fountains and streams that rippled so sweetly were dependent on a technical masterpiece for their time. In the 19th century, the steam pump-house beside Neustadt Havelbucht supplied the water features in Sanssouci Park. The most charming as well as the strangest building in Potsdam, it is a remarkable example of early 19th-century industrial, functional architecture. Frederick William IV had the only pump-house in the Moorish style built by Ludwig Persius in 1841-43. The building, still visible from Sanssouci Palace at that time, created a picturesque architectural highlight in Potsdam’s cultural landscape. Unique building in Moorish style
Droemer Taschenbuch Sanssouci war nicht mehr frei
De Gruyter Park Sanssouci für Kinder Familien
De Gruyter Die Neuen Kammern von Sanssouci
Das Sommergästehaus Friedrich des Großen erstrahlt westlich von Schloss Sanssouci. Durch den Umbau der ehemaligen Orangerie 1771 entstand ein beeindruckendes Spätwerk des friderizianischen Rokoko, das die Besucher mit seinen prunkvollen Festsälen und Appartements bis heute fasziniert. In den „Neuen Kammern“ – so wurde das Schloss fortan genannt – verbirgt das schlichte äußere Erscheinungsbild eine Abfolge von farbigen Sälen, die von den führenden Künstlern der Zeit Friedrichs des Großen ausgestattet wurden. Der Kunstführer begleitet durch ein Gesamtkunstwerk, das durch sein Zusammenspiel der farbigen Wandverkleidungen und den darauf abgestimmten Marmorfußböden jeden Besucher verzaubert.
De Gruyter Das Neue Palais von Sanssouci
Das Neue Palais im Park von Sanssouci diente Friedrich dem Großen als Ort der Repräsentation, ganz im Gegensatz zu dem intimen Schloss Sanssouci. Im Innern begeistern noch heute prächtige Festsäle, großartige Galerien und fürstlich ausgestattete Appartements sowie im Südflügel das barocke Schlosstheater von Sanssouci. Das Neue Palais ist das letzte Schloss, das Friedrich der Große in seinem Park errichten ließ. Es sollte eine Demonstration des ungebrochenen Leistungsvermögens des preußischen Staates nach den entbehrungsreichen Jahren des Siebenjährigen Krieges 1756–1763 sein. Der Besucher kann jetzt wieder beim Rundgang durch das Schloss das erst kürzlich restaurierte Untere Fürstenquartier bewundern, das eine der kostbarsten Innenausstattungen in Europa zeigt. Auch der prächtige Grottensaal wurde nach umfassenden Sanierungsarbeiten wieder integriert. Das geheimnisvolle Glitzern und Funkeln des Saales, mit dem Friedrich der Große damals seine Gäste beeindrucken wollte, ist nun heute wieder zu erleben.
Emons Verlag Schatten ber Sanssouci Historischer Kriminalroman
Fe-Medienverlags GmbH Im Zwielicht der Freiheit Potsdam ist mehr als Sanssouci
De Gruyter Königliche Gartenlust im Park Sanssouci: Inszenierung, Ernte und Genuss
Verführung und Genuss, Inszenierung und Ernte, Biotop und Klimawandel: Die Bedeutungsebenen des Parks Sanssouci in Potsdam sind ebenso vielfältig wie die in Jahrhunderten gewachsenen unterschiedlichen Partien des weltberühmten, von Friedrich dem Großen angelegten und von seinen Nachfolgern weiterentwickelten Gartenparadieses. Kunsthistoriker, Gartendenkmalpfleger und Umweltwissenschaftler nähern sich in diesem Führer mit fundierten Beiträgen den bekannten und unbekannten Facetten des Parks Sanssouci und zeichnen das faszinierende Bild eines historisch einmaligen Gartenensembles, das es ganz neu zu entdecken gilt.
Ebert, Regina Verlag Vom Stadtschloss nach Sanssouci Ein Spaziergang fr Kinder durch Potsdam
De Gruyter The Pleasures of Royal Gardening in Sanssouci Park
Verfuhrung und Genuss, Inszenierung und Ernte, Biotop und Klimawandel: Die Bedeutungsebenen des Parks Sanssouci in Potsdam sind ebenso vielfaltig wie die in Jahrhunderten gewachsenen unterschiedlichen Partien des weltberuhmten, von Friedrich dem Grossen angelegten und von seinen Nachfolgern weiterentwickelten Gartenparadieses. Kunsthistoriker, Gartendenkmalpfleger und Umweltwissenschaftler nahern sich in diesem Fuhrer mit fundierten Beitragen den bekannten und unbekannten Facetten des Parks Sanssouci und zeichnen das faszinierende Bild eines historisch einmaligen Gartenensembles, das es ganz neu zu entdecken gilt.
Sanssouci Das silberne Einhorn
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom Mrz
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom Februar
Sanssouci Der verrückte Ritter
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom Juli
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom April
Sanssouci Das Alphabet der kleinen Freuden
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom Januar
Sanssouci Fröhliche Weihnacht überall
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom August
Sanssouci Im Frühtau zu Berge
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom Oktober
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom November
Sanssouci Mein Buch vom Juni
JOVIS Verlag Neues Palais: Photographs by Friederike von Rauch
A hundred years ago, the baroque Neues Palais in the Sanssouci park, Potsdam, Germany, became a museum. Today's visitors are almost completely unaware that beyond palatial interiors, the rooms continue, hidden from sight, and have long served as workshops, offices, or depots. As part of a comprehensive restoration of the castle, this activity has now been moved elsewhere. This represents a major turning point for the Neues Palais.
De Gruyter Das Neue Palais in Potsdam
Auch aus entfernten Winkeln des Parks Sanssouci fallt der Blick immer auf die hohe Tambourkuppel des Neuen Palais. Friedrich II. erfullte sich mit diesem Bau am westlichen Ende der Hauptallee den lang gehegten Traum einer prachtvollen architektonischen Manifestation preussischer Erfolgspolitik. Das Neue Palais, 1763 - 1768 erbaut, war der letzte Schlossbau Friedrichs des Grossen und gleichsam die letzte bedeutende Schlossanlage des preussischen Barock.
BKB Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Potsdam 4 You
The city guide for the special cities with all information for your city trip. 96 pages + 8 pages cover (city map + public transport) and more than 100 atmospheric photos. Make the most of your time ... and experience something special. The BKB travel guide "#potsdam" supports you in planning your city trip. We show you the highlights, typical districts, have a break in nice cafés and beautiful restaurants and tell stories ... just as much as you need for an exciting weekend! Highlights: Sanssouci Palace and Park; Nicolai Church; Glienicker Bridge; Dutch Quarter; Barberini Museum; Schiffbauergasse Cultural Centre; Babelsberg Film City
Freytag-Berndt Potsdam - Havelseen, cycling and hiking map 1:50,000
The cycling and hiking map focuses on a culturally and scenically attractive area south of Berlin. Marked cycling and hiking trails lead along the shores of numerous lakes. The Great Wannsee, the Templiner See and the Schwielowsee are mentioned here as examples. Meadows, parks, orchards and heaths characterize the landscape. The cities along the Tour Brandenburg, the Boerderadweg Berlin-Hameln or the Havelradweg are particularly interesting: Potsdam, with its buildings and parks described on the back - above all the famous Sanssouci Palace - is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. In the information section on the back you can find out which other sights you can discover as a cyclist or hiker in this region.
De Gruyter Frankreich in Potsdam
Potsdam has more in common with the magnificent residence of the French Sun King Louis XIV, Versailles, than with any other French city. Did the city of Potsdam become what it is today not least because the Prussian rulers sought to emulate the French court during the 17th and 18th centuries? Potsdam’s institutions house many artistic highlights from our neighbouring country, like French Impressionist works from the Hasso Plattner Collection in Museum Barberini and the French Rococo paintings to be found in the palaces of Sanssouci and Neues Palais. These outstanding art venues are the main stops on a new city tour developed in collaboration between the Foundation of Prussian Palaces and Gardens and Museum Barberini. Walk through the French side of Potsdam
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd Cities of Silence: Extraordinary Views of a Shutdown World
The London Eye at a standstill, against a brilliant blue sky. Venetian gondolas, resting beneath their tarps. The Trevi Fountain in Rome, Schloss Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, the Brooklyn Bridge in New York… all deserted, in the middle of the day. The global Covid-19 lockdown of Spring and Summer 2020 that had millions of people confined to their homes made for remarkable photographs around the world. Cities of Silence shows striking images of more than 60 major cities in lockdown — eerie, yet beautiful snapshots of otherwise densely crowded spaces. Free of people and traffic, the pure aesthetics of each site shine in their original glory: the symmetry of a square or boulevard, the harmony of a façade, the unfettered beauty of an empty stretch of beach. A document of an extraordinary and challenging period, and a reminder of a slower-paced world, Cities of Silence also offers us the visual space, and perhaps, clarity, to imagine a better future. Text in English and German.
Edition Axel Menges Ludwig Persius: The Architectural Work Today
Text in English and German. Ludwig Persius (1803-1845) was a pupil of Karl Friedrich Schinkel and his closest assistant. Very little has been published about him to date. With the aim of providing an exhaustive documentation of all his work that is still in existence, the present volume now shows Persius' architectural work in its current condition in 180 photographs, with numerous as yet unpublished exterior and interior photographs including also many detailed views. Persius' architecture was moulded by the work of Schinkel. He was his site supervisor at the Hofgärtnerhaus in Charlottenhof, adopting its style inspired by Italian domestic architecture for his numerous villas with towers, which are still characteristic features of the Potsdam cityscape. He was a master of the disposition of building volumes and of tying buildings into the landscape. About 50 buildings have survived, including early industrial structures. Persius' work is to be found almost exclusively in Potsdam. King Friedrich Wilhelm IV appointed him to the post of an "Architect to the King", a title he shared only with Friedrich August Stüler. His best-known buildings are the Friedenskirche in Potsdam, the Heilandskirche in Sacrow and the so-called Mosque by the Havel bay in Potsdam, a steam-driven pump-house in the Moorish style for the fountains in the gardens of Sanssouci and an eminent example of the romantic and exotic transfiguration of a simple functional building.
Jonglez Secret Potsdam Guide: A guide to the unusual and unfamiliar
Let Secret Potsdam guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating Potsdam guide book and let our local experts show you the well-hidden treasures of this amazing city. Ideal for local inhabitants and curious travellers alike. The places included in our guides are unusual and unfamiliar, allowing one to step off the beaten track. A piece of the summit of Kilimanjaro at the New Palace, a swasticak in Sanssouci Park, a remnant of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, the starry ceiling of a villa alluding to the Masonic setting of Mozart's opera The Magic Flute, a spectacular Expressionist tomb, a stone that sings in the heart of the city, a copy of the music pavilion of one of King Louis XV's mistresses, a luminous art installation under a bridge, a carved monkey from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, chimneys replicating those at Hampton Court in London, the esoteric passions of Emperor Frederick William II, a column to commemorate the deat of a parrot, a tower to calculated the displacement of the Earth's rotational axis, the last witness to the extraordinary epic of silk production in the Babelsberg district, a woman who disguised herself as a man to fight Napoleon, the spectacular hidden remains of Katharinenholz firing range, the forgotten mock-ups in Zeppelin Park... Far from the crowds and the usual cliches, Potsdam holds many well-hidden treasures that are revealed only to local residents and travellers who know where to step off the beaten track.
APA Publications Insight Guides Germany (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This Insight Guide is a lavishly illustrated inspirational travel guide to Germany and a beautiful souvenir of your trip. Perfect for travellers looking for a deeper dive into the destination's history and culture, it's ideal to inspire and help you plan your travels. With its great selection of places to see and colourful magazine-style layout, this Germany guidebook is just the tool you need to accompany you before or during your trip. Whether it's deciding when to go, choosing what to see or creating a travel plan to cover key places like Berlin, Lake Constance and Frankfurt, it will answer all the questions you might have along the way. It will also help guide you while exploring Hamburg or discovering Munich on the ground. Our Germany travel guide was fully-updated post-COVID-19. The Insight Guide Germany covers: Berlin and the Eastern States, Munich and the deep South, Frankfurt and the seven states, Hamburg and the coast.In this guide book to Germany you will find: IN-DEPTH CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL FEATURES Created to provide a deeper dive into the culture and the history of Germany to get a greater understanding of its modern-day life, people and politics. BEST OFThe top attractions and Editor's Choice featured in this Germany guide book highlight the most special places to visit.TIPS AND FACTSUp-to-date historical timeline and in-depth cultural background to Germany as well as an introduction to Germany's food and drink, and fun destination-specific features. PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATION A-Z of useful advice on everything, from when to go to Germany, how to get there and how to get around, to Germany's climate, advice on tipping, etiquette and more.COLOUR-CODED CHAPTERS Every part of the destination, from Berlin and the Eastern States, to Munich and the deep South, has its own colour assigned for easy navigation of this Germany travel guide.CURATED PLACES, HIGH-QUALITY MAPSGeographically organised text, cross-referenced against full-colour, high-quality travel maps for quick orientation in Dresden, Leipzig, and many other locations in Germany.STRIKING PICTURESThis guide book to Germany features inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Cologne Cathedral, and the spectacular Schloss Sanssouci.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this travel guide to Germany to access all the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
APA Publications Pocket Rough Guide Berlin (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Pocket Rough Guide BerlinMake the most of your time on Earth with the ultimate travel guides.Entertaining, informative and stylish pocket guides, now with free eBook.Discover the best of Berlin with this compact and entertaining pocket travel guide. This slim, trim treasure trove of trustworthy travel information is ideal for short-trip travellers and covers all the key sights (the Reichstag, Brandenburger Tor, Museum Island), restaurants, shops, cafés and bars, plus inspired ideas for day-trips, with honest and independent recommendations from our experts.Features of this travel guide to Berlin:- Compact format: packed with practical information, this is the perfect travel companion when you're out and about exploring Berlin- Honest and independent reviews: written with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, our writers will help you make the most of your trip to Berlin- Incisive area-by-area overviews: covering Unter den Linden, Alexanderplatz, Potsdamer Platz and Tiergarten, Prenzlauer Berg, Friedrichshain and more, the practical 'Places' section provides all you need to know about must-see sights and the best places to eat, drink and shop- Handy pull-out map: with every major sight and listing highlighted, the pull-out map makes on-the-ground navigation easy- Time-saving itineraries: carefully planned routes will help inspire and inform your on-the-road experiences- Day-trips: venture further afield to Schloss Sanssouci or Potsdam. This tells you why to go, how to get there, and what to see when you arrive- Travel tips and info: packed with essential pre-departure information including getting around, health, tourist information, festivals and events, plus an A-Z directory and handy language section and glossary- Attractive user-friendly design: features fresh magazine-style layout, inspirational colour photography and colour-coded maps throughout- The ultimate travel tool: download the free eBook to access all this from your phone or tablet- Covers: Spandauer Vorstadt; Museum Island; Unter den Linden and the government quarter; Alexanderplatz and the Nikolaiviertel; Potsdamer Platz and Tiergarten; Prenzlauer Berg and Wedding; Friedrichshain; West Kreuzberg; East Kreuzberg; Neuköln; Charlottenburg; Schöneberg and Day-trips from BerlinLooking for a comprehensive travel guide to Germany? Try The Rough Guide to Germany for an informative and entertaining look at all the country has to offer.About Rough Guides: Rough Guides have been inspiring travellers for over 35 years, with over 30 million copies sold. Synonymous with practical travel tips, quality writing and a trustworthy 'tell it like it is' ethos, the Rough Guides list includes more than 260 travel guides to 120+ destinations, gift-books and phrasebooks.