Search results for ""pearson education (us)""
Pearson Education (US) Weld Quality 29106
Pearson Education (US) SMAW Groove Welds with Backing 29111
Pearson Education (US) Plasma Arc Cutting 29103
Pearson Education (US) Principles of Site and Building Layout 27114 v1.0
Pearson Education (US) BLI Side by Side Plus 2 SB and eText with CD
Pearson Education (US) Envision in Depth
Pearson Education (US) Valuing Diversity in Early Childhood Education with Enhanced Pearson Etext Access Card Package
Pearson Education (US) Psychology
Pearson Education (US) Project Success 2 Student Book with eText
Project Success is a new six-level, four-skills series with a strong focus on workplace skills and 21st-century challenges. Geared toward adults and young adults, this highly engaging videobased program teaches English by involving students in real-life professional situations. This blended digital course, the first of its kind for adult education English language learners, provides video, audio, digital, and print materials to guide teacher-student interaction in the classroom. All materials are integrated for seamless blending of classroom and independent learning. Each level of Project Success presents a different workplace setting. Students learn situational language, employment, and educational skills as they watch interactions with co-workers, customers, family, and friends in a variety of workplace and personal situations. This practical focus enables students to learn and hone everyday life skills as well as critical thinking skills for the workplace and for
Pearson Education (US) Introduction to Computers and Information Technology Student Workbook
Pearson Education (US) Reading Primary Literature: A Practical Guide to Evaluating Research Articles in Biology
Reading primary literature is an exciting, rewarding part of being a scientist and Reading Primary Literature will help get students up to speed quickly in reading research articles. The booklet covers the parts of a research paper, succinctly explaining the aim of each section and how the paper works as a whole, and as a part of the larger world of science. Students select a paper to evaluate, and this book guides them through that evaluation with clear explanations, directions for reading and analyzing the material, and applied questions to encourage critical reading skills. A list of sources and references at the back helps students get started finding papers to read.
Pearson Education (US) First Latin: a Language Discovery Program: Student Activity Book I: Language and Family
Pearson Education (US) Math 2011 Student Edition Grade 4
Pearson Education (US) Study and Critical Thinking Skills in College
For Study Skills and Critical Thinking courses. A unique integration of study and critical-thinking skills to help students succeed Study and Critical Thinking Skills in College, Eighth Edition aligns closely with the ways students read, study, learn, think, and network in the twenty-first century. McWhorter discusses the active strategies that develop students' proficiency with text and lecture material, emphasizing that students must adapt how they read and how they study to suit the characteristics of each unique academic discipline. Study and Critical Thinking Skills in College also encourages students to study and think in ways that match their learning styles and to use technologies (such as online databases and social media) that maximize their productivity.
Pearson Education (US) Strategies For Success: Study Skills for the College Math Student
Strategies for Success, Second Edition provides a series of study skills activities designed to foster student success in college mathematics. Lynn Marecek and MaryAnne Anthony-Smith encourage students to take an active approach in determining what they need to do to become successful math students. These proven, class-tested activities have been developed over many semesters from the authors' firsthand experience with their own students. This workbook contains 44 activities, in ready-to-use worksheet format. The activities can be used in several ways-individual work, group work, or large group discussion. They can be used in class or assigned as homework. An accompanying Instructor's Guide is available that contains instructions and implementation strategies for each activity to help instructors easily integrate Strategies for Success into their classes. Some of the topics covered include Notebook Preparation, Reading a Math Textbook, Successful Student Behavior, Time Management, Test Preparation Skills, Study Group Ideas, and much more. The Second Edition also includes several new activities that focus on specific study skills needed by students doing their homework exercises on a computer in online, hybrid, emporium, or redesign formats.
Pearson Education (US) Student Workbook and Selected Solutions for Introductory Chemistry: Atoms First
Features examples from each chapter, learning objectives, review of key concepts from the text, and additional problems for student practice. Also, the workbook provides comprehensive answers and explanations to selected end-of-chapter problems from the text. Provides over 200 worked examples and more than 550 practice problems and quiz questions to help students develop and practice their problem-solving skills.
Pearson Education (US) Practice Book for Conceptual Physics
This book is filled with computational exercise, misconception-busting questions, analogies, and straightforward practice questions and problems that help students “tie it all together.”
Pearson Education (US) Laboratory Manual for Conceptual Chemistry
Written by John Suchocki and Donna Gibson of Chabot College, the Laboratory Manual features 20 experiments tightly correlated to the chapter content, including a new lab on Charles’ Law. Each lab consists of objectives, a list of materials needed, a discussion, the procedure, and report sheets.
Pearson Education (US) Beginning Algebra with Applications & Visualization
The Rockswold/Krieger algebra series fosters conceptual understanding by using relevant applications and visualization to show students why math matters. It answers the common question “When will I ever use this?” Rockswold teaches students the math in context, rather than including the applications at the end of the presentation. By seamlessly integrating meaningful applications that include real data and supporting visuals (graphs, tables, charts, colors, and diagrams), students are able to see how math impacts their lives as they learn the concepts. The authors believe this approach deepens conceptual understanding and better prepares students for future math courses and life.
Pearson Education (US) Student's Solutions Manual for Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and Models
Pearson Education (US) Explorations in Basic Biology
Explorations in Basic Biology is a self-contained laboratory manual designed for one- or two-semester introductory biology courses for non-biology and mixed biology majors. The exercises are appropriate for three-hour laboratory sessions, but are also adaptable to a two-hour laboratory format. Ideal for students with little hands-on science laboratory experience, this student-friendly text provides clear background information and directions for conducting laboratory activities. Students not only learn basic biological information but also gain experience practicing laboratory techniques. The Twelfth Edition has been updated with new content, including several new or modified figures and procedures that have been clarified wherever necessary to facilitate student learning, a new Appendix, and guidelines for writing a scientific paper. Several exercises also feature significant improvements.
Pearson Education (US) Medicinal Chemistry: The Modern Drug Discovery Process
Emphasizing applications of chemistry while reinforcing theory - especially in the areas of organic and physical chemistry - this new text prepares readers for career success in the pharmaceutical, medical, and biotech industries. Medicinal Chemistry: The Modern Drug Discovery Process delivers a comprehensive introduction to medicinal chemistry at an appropriate level of detail for a diverse range of readers. By highlighting the concepts and skills related to drug discovery, Stevens deepens readers' understanding of the knowledge and techniques necessary for their careers.
Pearson Education (US) World's Religions, The
The World’s Religions provides an orientation to the study of religion. Surveying the stages of development, worldviews, and current situations of the major world religions, this text discusses the ways these religions respond to contemporary ethical issues. It also presents a sampling of new religious movements and looks to the possible ways the world's religions may interact in the 21st century. Its distinctive “framework for understanding” religious worldviews allows readers to compare and contrast the teachings of religions objectively. Teaching and Learning Experience Personalize Learning – MyReligionLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals. Improve Critical Thinking - The “framework for understanding” allows students to think critically about varying religious worldviews. Engage Students – Contemporary ethical issues make studying world religions relevant to students today. Support Instructors - Teaching your course just got easier! You can create a Customized Text or use our Instructor’s Manual, Electronic “MyTest” Test Bank or PowerPoint Presentation Slides. 0205949428 / 9780205949427 World's Religions, The Plus NEW MyReligionLab with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0205871429 / 9780205871421 NEW MyReligionLab with Pearson eText -- Valupack Access Card 0205917615 / 9780205917617 World's Religions, The
Pearson Education (US) Pearson Guide to Critical and Creative Thinking, The
Critical and creative thinking for life experience and career success The first edition of The Pearson Guide to Critical and Creative Thinking provides students with the tools, techniques, and strategies for thinking both critically and creatively. A toolbox for higher-order analytical and imaginative thinking, readers practice critical and creative thinking by applying learned theories to examples, demonstrations, and exercises. Exercises involve both individual and collaborative critical and creative thinking applications across academic disciplines, as well as in personal and professional career contexts. The clear and easy to follow writing style makes concepts and theories accessible to all students, especially in the foundational chapters. Later chapters enable students to exercise their reasoning skills and judgment by generating ideas and applying what they’ve learned.
Pearson Education (US) Disce! An Introductory Latin Course, Volume 2
Designed to bring you to the point where you can read Latin fluently, Disce! An Introductory Latin Course, Volume 2, combines the best of both the grammar approach and reading method. An original, unified story provides controlled introduction to vocabulary and grammar in context while also utilizing orderly and clear grammar explanations in every chapter. Additionally, Disce! weaves culture throughout the text, and stresses the role of Classical culture in the modern world by the many links drawn between Latin and modern languages, and between Roman practices and modern culture.
Pearson Education (US) Student Activities Manual for Chinese Link: Beginning Chinese, Simplified Character Version, Level 1/Part 2
The Student Activities Manaul contains homework and extra practice assignments for each lesson in the Chinese Link Simplified Characters Level 1 / Part 2, 2e textbook. Homework activities are divided among listening, character recognition and writing, grammar exercises, and communicative tasks. The topics are directly correlated with those in the respective chapters of the textbook.
Pearson Education (US) Conscious Reader, The
This classic thematic anthology is widely admired for its exceptionally rich collection of essays, personal writing, fiction and poetry, and for its ground-breaking inclusion of classic and contemporary images.
Pearson Education (US) Hoy día: Spanish for Real Life, Volume 2
Hoy día : Spanish for Real Life focuses on the Spanish you need for everyday communication and teaches you to function in a variety of settings. Hoy día helps you focus on what you need to know now to use Spanish effectively in real life. Volume 2 is a paperback split of the Chapters 7-12.
Pearson Education (US) Technical Editing
This market-leading text, which reflects recent changes in technology, workplace practices and the global marketplace, progresses from concepts and basic copyediting to comprehensive editing, management and production issues. The addition of Angela Eaton of Texas Tech University brings a fresh tone to her updates of content and pedagogy while retaining the authoritative voice of Carolyn Rude. Some of the text's changes include an update ot Chapter 6, "Electronic Editing," and examples about editing Web sites are found throughout the text to support the increased role of online resources in every aspect of communication.
Pearson Education (US) Student Activities Manual for Chinese Link: Beginning Chinese, Traditional Character Version, Level 1/Part 2
The Student Activities Manaul contains homework and extra practice assignments for each lesson in the Chinese Link Traditional Characters Level 1 / Part 2, 2e textbook. Homework activities are divided among listening, character recognition and writing, grammar exercises, and communicative tasks. The topics are directly correlated with those in the respective chapters of the textbook.
Pearson Education (US) Introduction to Audiology Today
Introduction to Audiology Today is a contemporary and clinically oriented review of information traditionally found in an introductory audiology book used by undergraduate students. An up-to-date introduction to the profession of audiology, Introduction to Audiology Today is written to stimulate the student’s interest and excitement in audiology or speech-language pathology as a career choice. Chapters on hearing science covering essential information about sound and auditory anatomy/physiology include helpful figures and readable explanations of recent research findings. Current behavioral and objective procedures and strategies for hearing assessment of children and adults are described and consistently related to clinical audiology practice. Two chapters are devoted to a readable and up-to-date review of the diverse etiologies underlying peripheral and central auditory dysfunction, including auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder and auditory processing disorders. The text is enhanced with an assortment of high quality digital photographs illustrating the tools and technologies used by audiologists in clinical practice.
Pearson Education (US) What Every Student Should Know About Preparing Effective Oral Presentations
What Every Student Should Know Preparing Effective Oral Presentations includes advice on overcoming speech anxiety and dealing with nervousness, building speaker confidence, researching and using supporting materials, using language effectively, organizing your presentation, opening and closing your presentation, using PowerPoint and other visual aids, and delivering an effective speech.
Pearson Education (US) Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction
With its focus on “demonstrated competency,” Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction provides an additional rationale and theme illustrating how social work and social welfare require collaborative efforts in advancing social and economic well-being.). As a historically collaborative profession across broader societal institutions (business and government), students new to social work will be able to learn what social workers do and how their work relates to other professions such as sociology, psychology, human services, and counseling.
Pearson Education (US) Reading/Writing Connections in the K-2 Classroom: Find the Clarity and Then Blur the Lines
By utilizing the reading/writing connection, teachers can fit more into a day than they ever dreamt possible. Reading/Writing Connections in the K-2 Classroom demonstrates how through careful, explicit assessing, planning and teaching every student can understand the relationship between reading and writing. Filled with practical classroom strategies based on both theory and research, this resource demonstrates how to move students between reading and writing to become more skillful readers and writers. The book explores the essential understandings needed to use the reading/writing connection; demonstrates how planning helps to use the reading/writing connection; and outlines teaching strategies to use the connection to strengthen your everyday encounters with students. Charts, minilessons, and curriculum calendars provide ways to organize your ideas. A special feature called “For Further Study” is included for staff developers, literacy leaders, principals and members of study groups to provide a track for continued learning. Assessment is integrated into each chapter, providing a clear image of what it looks like to assess in the service of student learning. Practical ways to integrate phonemic awareness, phonics, word study and spelling into planning and teaching reading and writing are incorporated throughout. Word study is integrated into each chapter to ensure a systematic approach to the topic.
Pearson Education (US) Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students
Revives the classical strategies of ancient Greek and Roman rhetoricians and adapts them to the needs of contemporary writers and speakers.
Pearson Education (US) THINK Social Problems
THINK Currency. THINK Relevancy. THINK Social Problems. THINK Social Problems is informed with the latest research and the most contemporary examples, allowing you to bring current events directly into your classroom with little additional work. An engaging visual design developed with extensive student feedback and 12-15 page chapters makes THINK Social Problems the textbook your students will actually read. This student-friendly text delivers the core concepts of Social Problems in a way they can easily understand. The 2nd edition includes three new chapters: “Economy and Work,” “Politics,” and “Sex and Social Problems Related to Sexuality.” A better teaching and learning experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. Here’s how: Personalize Learning — MySearchLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals. Improve Critical Thinking — Chapter organization follows a 3-step process that presents the topic, considers the social problems, and urges students to uncover solutions. Engage Students — TheThinkSpot provides open-access to chapter-by-chapter quizzes, study cards, flashcards, and a professor-written sociology blog. Explore Theory — Three main sociological paradigms are discussed visually through a theory infographic in every chapter. Understand Diversity — Global comparisons are found in every chapter within a designated feature box. Support Instructors - Written activities and assessment in MySearchLab offer instructors supplemental materials to help their students succeed. Note: MySearchLab does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MySearchLab, please visit: or you can purchase a valuepack of the text + MySearchLab (at no additional cost).
Pearson Education (US) Theatre: Collaborative Acts
Updated in its 4th edition Theatre: Collaborative Actsstimulates creative thinking and discussions of artistic, social, and ethical questions through its interwoven themes of theatre as culture, collaboration, spatial art, and a fusion of the past and present. It emphasizes the diversity of purpose and effect of theatre, and the collaborative nature of the theatrical process.
Pearson Education (US) Active Reading Skills: Reading and Critical Thinking in College
Active Reading Skills focuses on essential skill areas for college-reading success, and improves students' reading through concise instruction, and extensive practice and testing. Each chapter focuses on a specific reading and thinking skill, and contains exercises that get students applying the learned skill to textbooks and ends with a vocabulary enrichment exercise.
Pearson Education (US) Majority-Minority Relations Census Update
Why groups interact as they do Majority – Minority Relations helps students develop an understanding of the principles and process that influence race and ethnic relations. This topically organized text is designed to develop students' understanding of the principles and processes that shape the patterns of relations between racial, ethnic, and other groups in society. Organized by topic, this book provides a more integrated look at the social forces that affect different racial groups. The Census Update program incorporates 2010 Census data into a course–simply and easily. The components of the Census Update Program include an updated census edition with all charts and graphs–to reflect the results of the 2010 Census. In addition, A Short Introduction to the U.S. Census is available and an updated MySocKit. Teaching & Learning Experience Personalize Learning – MySocKit delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals. Improve Critical Thinking – Encourages students to critically evaluate racial inequality and conflict. Engage Students – Topical organization helps students delve into the sociology of inter-group relations. Explore Theory – Integrated look at the social forces, principles, and processes that impact different racial groups. Support Instructors – MySocKit enables instructors to assess student progress and adapt course material to meet the specific needs of the class. Note: MySocKit does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MySocKit, please visit: or you can purchase a ValuePack of the text + MySocKit (at no additional cost). ValuePack ISBN-10: 0205172229 / ValuePack ISBN-13: 9780205172221
Pearson Education (US) What a Life! Stories of Amazing People 2 (High Beginning)
Pearson Education (US) Insulating Level 3 Trainee Guide, 1e, Binder
This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes Trade Math, Air Duct Systems, Theory of Heat Transfer and Moisture Effects, Adhesives and Their Uses, Steam, Condensate, and Process Water Systems, Large Boilers, Breechings, Precipitators, and Apparatus, Refrigeration and Cryogenic Systems, Specialized Insulation Systems, Blueprints and Specifications, Jacketing Fabrication – Piping and Fittings, Jacketing Fabrication – Vessels and Equipment and Sheet Metal Lagging. Instructor Supplements Instructors: Product supplements may be ordered directly through OASIS at For more information contact your Pearson NCCER/Contren Sales Specialist at Instructor's Guide Paperback 0-13-909474-1 Instructor's Guide Binder 0-13-909482-2
Pearson Education (US) Electrical Level 3
Electrical, Level 3, offers an exciting next step in our four-part electrical series. Over the course of the series, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure of electrical systems, while learning how to follow blueprints, install wiring and navigate electrical components. This third level will help you grow your skills in electrical installation and maintenance. As you complete 11 essential modules, such as load calculations, lighting systems and motor controls, you'll move closer toward a career in the electrical trade. The 11th Edition aligns with the most up-to-date electrical codes. Its simplified presentation of complex concepts, such as math problems, will help you better grasp concepts. A new, modern layout and art style reflect the latest tools, methods, technologies and best practices.
Pearson Education (US) Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies
Pearson Education (US) HVACR, Level 1
Pearson Education (US) Construcción con hormigón, nivel uno
Pearson Education (US) Construcción de techos, nivel dos
Pearson Education (US) Student Workbook for Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach
This print textbook is available for students to rent for their classes. The Pearson print rental program provides students with affordable access to learning materials, so they come to class ready to succeed. For courses in introductory calculus-based physics. A research-driven approach to physics Physics for Scientists and Engineers incorporates Physics Education Research and cognitive science best practices that encourage conceptual development, problem-solving skill acquisition, and visualization. Knight stresses qualitative reasoning through physics principles before formalizing physics mathematically, developing student problem-solving skills with a systematic, scaffolded approach. The text presents a finely tuned, practical introduction to physics with problems that relate physics to everyday life and includes models, modeling, and advanced topics. With the 5th Edition, new and expanded media and assessments in Mastering and the Pearson eText provide fully integrated print and digital resources for both the active and traditional classroom. New content includes key topics such as Entropy quantitatively, Viscosity and Poiseuille’s Equation, and Carnot Efficiency details.
Pearson Education (US) Video Organizer for Intermediate Algebra