Search results for ""mp-mqu marquette university""
MP-MQU Marquette University Su225rez Between Scholasticism Modernity
MP-MQU Marquette University What Sort of Human Nature Medieval Philosophy and the Systematics of Christology by Marilyn Mccord Adams Aquinas Lecture The Aquinas Lecture in Philosophy
MP-MQU Marquette University Essays on Love and Knowledge Pierre Rousselot
MP-MQU Marquette University Givenness Hermeneutics
MP-MQU Marquette University Spacetime and Theology in Dialogue
MP-MQU Marquette University Lonergan Hermeneutics Theological Method
MP-MQU Marquette University The Problem of the Criterion Aquinas Lecture 38 The Aquinas Lecture in Philosophy
MP-MQU Marquette University How Things are in the World
MP-MQU Marquette University Suarez Disputation Six on Formal Universal Unity Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation
MP-MQU Marquette University Of Being and Unity De Ente et Uno
MP-MQU Marquette University Metaphysics 002 Marquette Studies in Philosophy
MP-MQU Marquette University Saint Thomas and Epistemology Aquinas Lecture 10
MP-MQU Marquette University Creativity and Method Essays in Honor of Bernard Lonergan SJ
MP-MQU Marquette University The Christian Understanding of Freedom and History of Freedom in the Modern Era
MP-MQU Marquette University The Foundations of Aristotles Categorial Scheme
MP-MQU Marquette University News from Fredericksburg Klement lectures on the Civil War Frank L Klement Lectures
MP-MQU Marquette University Psyche and Cerebrum Aquinas Lecture
MP-MQU Marquette University Recent Catholic Philosophy The Nineteenth Century Marquette Studies in Philosophy
MP-MQU Marquette University On the Eternity of the World De Aeternitate Mundi
MP-MQU Marquette University Grosseteste on Light
MP-MQU Marquette University Is There Life After Death
MP-MQU Marquette University On Real Relation Francisco Su225rez Disputatio Metaphysica XLVII
MP-MQU Marquette University Faith Adoring the Mystery Reading the Bible with St. Ephraem the Syrian
MP-MQU Marquette University Proportionalism
MP-MQU Marquette University Prison Meditations on Psalms 51 and 31
MP-MQU Marquette University Reality of the Historical Past
MP-MQU Marquette University The Postilla of Nicholas of Lyra on the Song of Songs
Provides the reader not only with the medieval Latin on facing pages, but also provides historical background on of the work, the era, and Nicholas of Lyra himself. This volume is ideal for scholars interested medieval biblical commentaries, as well as, the language and context of the fifteenth Century.
MP-MQU Marquette University Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement Centenary Essays
MP-MQU Marquette University Wisdom of Love in the Service of Love
MP-MQU Marquette University Through a Glass Darkly Bernard Lonergan Richard Rorty on Knowing without a GodsEyeView
MP-MQU Marquette University What is Reparative Justice Aquinas Lecture Aquinas Lectures
MP-MQU Marquette University Subject and Psyche Casenote Legal Education Series
MP-MQU Marquette University A Sensible Metaphysical Realism
MP-MQU Marquette University The Metamorphoses of Phenomenological Reduction
MP-MQU Marquette University A Commentary on Gabriel Marcels The Mystery of Being
MP-MQU Marquette University The Soul De anima. William of Auvergne Bishop of Paris
MP-MQU Marquette University Being for the Other
MP-MQU Marquette University Questions on the Soul Quaestiones de Anima Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation
MP-MQU Marquette University Natural Desire for God Aquinas Lecture
MP-MQU Marquette University What Happens After Pascals Wager Living Faith And Rational Belief
Explores the consequences of French philosopher Blaise Pascal's (1623-62) famous conclusion that believing in a God that did not exist was safer than not believing in one that did. Among the aspects the book ponders are self-deception and deciding to believe, non-cognitivity and contingency, and rationality and history.
MP-MQU Marquette University Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee
MP-MQU Marquette University An Introduction to the Metaphysical Thought of John Peckham
Provides translations of and extensive commentary on John Peckham's Summa de Esse et Essentia and a selection of his Quodlibetal Questions. The book shows the original character of Peckham's thought by exploring central themes in his metaphysics, such as universal hylomorphism, seminal reasons, and the ontological status of universals.
MP-MQU Marquette University Mystery and Truth
MP-MQU Marquette University Henry of Ghents Summa Articles 5355 On the Divine Persons
MP-MQU Marquette University Recent Catholic Philosophy The Twentieth Century
Alan Vincelette traces the thought of twenty-one key Catholic philosophers of the Twentieth-Century and their contributions to the philosophical movements in which their thought can most accurately be situated. Containing a valuable bibliography and rich notes, this collection is an excellent resource for the student of philosophy, theology, church history, history, and western culture in general.
MP-MQU Marquette University First Principles Finals Ends and Contemporary Philosophical Issues
Presents MacIntyre's most explicit defense of his approach to Thomistic metaphysics. This lecture follows MacIntyre's argument in After Virtue that modern philosophy has very literally lost its way, and the problems it faces are insoluble. The difficulties are twofold, and stem from the Cartesian turn to the self in the XVith century.
MP-MQU Marquette University The Font of Life Fons Vitae
MP-MQU Marquette University Directions in New Testament Methods