Search results for ""london town press""
London Town Press A Band of Bears: The Rambling Life of a Lovable Loner
With seven of the world’s eight species of bears endangered and the other threatened, interest in these solitary, majestic creatures is greater than ever. A Band of Bears combines interesting facts and vivid images to profile the truly wild lives of polar bears, grizzlies, black bears, and others. Here young readers learn about bear behavior: their predatory nature, their curiosity, their omnivorous eating habits, their intelligence and resourcefulness, and their fierce protectiveness as parents. A Band of Bears separates fact from popular fiction, explaining everything youngsters want to know about these endlessly fascinating creatures.
London Town Press A Pod of Killer Whales: The Mysterious Life of the Intelligent Orca
Images from Free Willy and captive killer whales performing at Sea World don’t tell the real story of these marvelous creatures. With their vast bulk and killer” instincts, these predators weighing up to ten tons and eating more than 100 pounds of food a day rule their underwater world. This lively book introduces young readers to every aspect of these singular beasts, from their surprising social arrangements (living in lifelong family groups) to their pod-specific dialects to their awesome methods of killing prey. Photos by noted wildlife cinematographer Jeff Foott include rare shots of killer whale behavior.
London Town Press The Secrets of Coral Reefs: Crowded Kingdom of the Bizarre and the Beautiful
Secrets of Coral Reefs explains in simple language the interlocking community of bizarre and beautiful coral reef animals and plants. Although their stony structures seem impervious to harm, coral reefs are actually fragile communities under siege not by natural forces but by humankind. Featuring dozens of full-color photographs by Francois Gohier, Jeff Foott, Howard Hall, Frank Balthis, and others, Secrets of Coral Reefs explores the incredible diversity of reef-dwellers, the differences between Indo-Pacific and Caribbean reefs, and the complex relationships between reef animals and plants. Stressing the importance of this multifaceted world, the book shows young readers the importance of coral reefs, the reefs' chances for survival, and what they can do to help ensure it.
London Town Press The Secrets of the Polar Regions: Life on Icebergs and Glaciers at the Poles and Around the World
The Secrets of the Polar Regions — a new edition in the Jean-Michel Cousteau Presents series (formerly titled Glaciers: Life at the Frozen Edge ) — presents timely information on the South and North Poles. The book clearly explains the geology of glacier and iceberg ecosystems of these remote but crucially important realms and reveals the fascinating adaptations of the animal and plant life living on or near the ice. Animals profiled include seals, sea lions, walruses, wolves, polar bears, Arctic foxes, musk oxen, yaks, and snow leopards. Even tiny creatures like the fascinating glacier flea that freezes solid every night but awakens to search for pollen the next day are included. Throughout, the book presents an up-to-date discussion on the implications of global warming and icecap melt.
London Town Press Whale Comedian
Serious-looking little Finston would do anything to make a whale happy, and it’s easy to see why: whales show their appreciation not by laughing, but by spitting water at the comedian. Finston, however, soon learns he has a very dry sense of humor. After disappointing shows on the high seas, he takes his act to marine aquariums, and finds an even tougher crowd. When he finally realizes that what whales really like are silly faces and goofy dances, he winds up getting doused.
London Town Press A Charm of Dolphins: The Threatened Life of a Flippered Friend
With their distinctive characteristics, dolphins are an unending source of wonder and delight. They breathe air, nurse their young, and are both highly communicative and deeply intelligent. This fun and informative book from the Jean-Michel Cousteau Presents series introduces 40 species of dolphins through breathtaking color photographs, fascinating facts, and the author’s exciting accounts of his own encounters with these beloved mammals. Children learn about dolphins’ keen hunting ability, their characteristic jumps and lively games, the unique sense known as echolocation, and other remarkable traits. The book also describes the impact of fishing and pollution on dolphins’ natural habitats and explains what can be done to save them.
London Town Press Fooling the Tooth Fairy
Little Marty hatches a plot to trick the Tooth Fairy with a paper tooth. But when the clever fairy finds out what he's done, watch out! He's about to learn that she has a strong sense of justice—and an even stronger sense of humor! The warm childhood memories of Martin Nelson Burton find a perfect home in Clint Hansen's paper sculpture wonderland. The sequence of wordless pages in the book - where the Tooth Fairy flies to the boy's house, reacts passionately to finding out that the boy has tried to trick her with a paper tooth, then devises her own strategy to "get even" - make for a wonderful prediction exercise for young readers. A storytelling treat, this charming picture book offers a true story from the author's childhood that kids will recognize as authentic, as they lose their baby teeth and get visits from the Tooth Fairy themselves.
London Town Press A Chorus of Frogs: The Risky Life of an Ancient Amphibian
Frogs are quirky and gross, but as A Chorus of Frogs shows, they're also important: As an "indicator species" -- one sensitive to environmental contaminants -- frogs hold important lessons for humanity. A Chorus of Frogs explores frogs from many angles -- their benefits (they eat harmful insects), their unusual parenting teamwork, and their predators (other frogs, in some cases). Young readers learn the differences between frogs and toads, how their bodies are made (backbones but no ribs), their incredibly precise tongues, and the potent toxin of poison-arrow frogs. Most exciting for children is the amazing transformation from tadpoles with gills to frogs with lungs, from living wholly in the water to jumping about on land. A Chorus of Frogs covers these engaging creatures in easy text and spectacular full-color images.
London Town Press The Secrets of Tropical Rainforests: Hot and Humid and Teeming with Life
The rainforest ranks with dinosaurs as an enduring source of fascination for children, but has the advantage of still being around to be experienced - at least for now. In 42 color photographs, The Secrets of Tropical Rainforests introduces readers to this amazing environment, the unusual relationships between its animals and plants, and human interaction with rainforests. The book carries a strong ecological message as it explores the rainforest's crucial importance in the world ecosystem, and its extraordinary combination of resilience and fragility. Young readers learn, for example, that killing a rainforest may mean losing potent weapons against kids' cancer. Structured just as the rainforest itself is, from the roots up to the canopy, this title will amaze and delight young readers.
London Town Press A Frenzy of Sharks: The Surprising Life of a Perfect Predator
Sharks are deadly predators with incredible natural advantages, from internal ears that detect the distant sounds of a struggling fish to nasal organs that hone in on the electrical fields of their prey. With startling, fact-packed text and spectacular photos, A Frenzy of Sharks reveals this creature's fascinating world. Readers meet graceful blue sharks, lightning-fast makos, burrowing angel sharks, and powerful hammerheads, as well as lesser-known wobbegongs and the ethereal manta rays. Going beyond sharks' thrilling life as hunters, the book captures a less-known of this remarkable animal; images showing them squirming inside egg sacs and effortlessly transporting human passengers reveal sharks a side of sharks rarely seen.