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Collegiate Press To Make a Poem
A poem comes from the same human need as a prayer, a curse, a lullaby, and a keen. How can emotion use language to satisfy its most urgent need, and how can it share and prolong that satisfaction by putting it into poems that will satisfy the same need in others? The answer can be learned and the skill taught. Unlike many other textbooks, this one has no teaching manual and Alberta Turner does not expect those who use it to agree with her interpretations. Each principled is illustrated with detailed analysis of several poems, but it is up to the teachers and students to decide whether it has succeeded or failed. Poetic tastes can't be legislated; they have to creep by underground runners. Although a poem never illustrates only one poetic principle at a time, this book has focused on each separately. Since the book is intended to used by beginning poets, the principles are sequenced from simpler to more complex. As courses in writing poetry range from two-week enrichment programs to full-semester college workshops, the book is arranged so that the course can be shortened or lengthened. This book will work best for flexible, imaginative teachers of flexible imaginative students. A Collegiate Press book
Collegiate Press The Analytical Writer: A College Rhetoric
In The Analytical Writing Adrienne Robins explains college writing as a process of discovery, as a series of strategies that any college student can learn to apply. All strategies explained in this text are based on sound theories of teaching writing and on the patterns of successful writers. Writing and thinking should not be separated, and presenting only the steps without the accompanying explanation of how they influence thinking would be of little more help than having no method at all. By using this text the students will see as they plan, draft, and revise how their writing helps clarify their thoughts. This clearly written and engaging textbook is illustrated by real examples of student writing and appropriate cartoons. The second edition was revised and updated based on the large-scale evaluation of the first edition completed by professors and students. The new edition reflects four essential values: recognizing the diversity of writing processes, the necessity of peer and teacher interaction with the writer on drafts, the integration of writing and reading, and the appropriate uses of technology. Specific features of this second edition include: -new writing samples -electronic citation formats -updated library use chapter with technological guidance -concise paragraph chapter -revised introduction and conclusion chapter -rhetorical as well as grammatical explanations for punctuation usage -new cartoons -exercises drawn from students' papers -a condensed chapter on research papers -and an expanded, and clearer, chapter on special assignments and other writing tasks A Collegiate Press book
Collegiate Press College Writing Skills
College Writing Skills uses explanation, demonstration, and practice to teach skills essential to success in college writing. For this course Peder Jones and Jay Farness have constructed a framework of rhetoric—work in composing paragraphs and essays—around disciplined study of sentences and words. The authors have sought in each section of the book to combine the most useful features of contemporary and traditional approaches to college English. Their overall aim is to enable the beginning college writer to compose clear and effective sentences, paragraphs, and compositions. This new edition of College Writing Skills is a refinement of the four previous editions; it has been shaped by helpful comments from students and instructors who have used the course. Exercises have been updated, and many minor changes for clarity have been made. Basic features of this text have not changed, however. As a hybrid of textbook and workbook, it continues to stress focused practice leading to directed independent composing activities; it emphasizes student writing rather than students reading about writing. This emphasis translates into more than 500 sets of exercises, more than 100 optional workshop activities, and an Appendix covering special problems in the acquisition of English. The exercises in this textbook embody our belief that practice is crucial to improving one's writing skills. Accordingly, this text provides practice in forming ideas, in getting ideas our one's head and onto paper, in experimenting with various sentence structures in order to achieve clarity, in following models of correct grammar and effective style, and in making the writing process pay off through effective revision and editing. A Collegiate Press book
Collegiate Press World Civilization: A Brief History
Robin W. Winks placed particular emphasis on those developments that most directly explain the nature of the modern world: social diffusion, group and national consciousness, technological change, religious identities-those aspects of intellectual history that have contributed most to our current dilemmas. In turn this means that there is more in World Civilization: A Brief History about nationalism, imperialism, or ethnic identities than there is about monarchies, feudalism, or diplomacy. The result of the strategic and intellectual decisions made with respect to this textbook is that its proportions are not the customary ones. Particular emphasis is placed on the early origins of civilizations, on Greece and Rome, and on the period of the so-called barbarian invasions, because it is by studying these periods that students may best learn how societies are formed. Particular emphasis is also placed on the period from the French Revolution on, for it is the events of the last two hundred years that have most closely shaped our present condition. This book can be read, straight through and in its entirety, as an interpretive statement about Western history written by a person who knew a good bit about non-Western history and who could thus throw into perspective the unusual, the commonplace, and the comparable in that sector of history conventionally labeled 'Western'. The text draws on over thirty-five years of discovering, in the classroom, what students themselves wish to ask about the past rather than what a body of scholars may have concluded they should wish to ask. Though this book is largely about Western civilization, it is also about world civilizations, for from the eighteenth century forward—and in many aspects of life, much earlier-the non-West has interacted with the West in such a way as to make it virtually impossible to separate one from the other when dealing at this level of generalization. As a teacher of the history of exploration and discovery, of imperialism and decolonizati