Search results for ""author zitkala-sa""
Erasmus Ediciones Recuerdos de una india sioux
Recuerdos de una india sioux. Habituados a la visión que de los indios norteamericanos nos han ofrecido el cine y la literatura estadounidenses, siempre obra de autores de raza blanca, la visión que una genuina nativa del pueblo dakota nos da de las costumbres y tragedias de este pueblo, no deja de ser de entrada subyugante, y aún más si el personaje es mujer. El resultado es poderoso si, además, es una escritora de raza quien nos documenta sobre ese universo enigmático, siendo capaz de transmitirnos las inflexiones peculiares de la rica y secreta lengua de su pueblo. Zitkala-Sa (o Gertrude Bonnin) nos ha dejado un soberbio relato de su niñez en una reserva sioux y de su posterior trayectoria de mujer india que lucha por abrirse paso en un mundo de hombres blancos imbuido de solapado o abierto racismo.
Miraguano Ediciones Cuentos y leyendas de los indios sioux
La autora primera india sioux educada en occidente, defensora de las tradiciones de su pueblo, recoge en este los cuentos y leyendas que se cuentan a la luz de la hoguera y en las reuniones de la tribu. Escritos de forma fácil y sencilla por una sioux.
Dover Publications Inc. American Indian Stories and Old Indian Legends
Palisander Verlag Roter Vogel erzhlt Erzhlungen einer Dakota
University of Nebraska Press Dreams and Thunder: Stories, Poems, and The Sun Dance Opera
"Hafen has done a great service to the study of American Indian literature by collecting in one book several published and unpublished pieces. . . . A wonderful and enlightening collection."—ChoiceZitkala-Ša (Red Bird) (1876–1938), also known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, was one of the best-known and most influential Native Americans of the twentieth century. Born on the Yankton Sioux Reservation, she remained true to her indigenous heritage as a student at the Boston Conservatory and a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School, as an activist in turn attacking the Carlisle School, as an artist celebrating Native stories and myths, and as an active member of the Society of American Indians in Washington DC. All these currents of Zitkala-Ša’s rich life come together in this book, which presents her previously unpublished stories, rare poems, and the libretto of The Sun Dance Opera.
University of Nebraska Press Old Indian Legends
Early in the century a magnificent Sioux woman named Zitkala-Ša published these legends that she learned during her childhood on the Yankton Reservation. Her eastern education developed a writing talent that was put to good use in recording from oral tradition the exploits of Iktomi the trickster, Eya the glutton, the Dragon Fly, the Blood Clot boy, and other magical and mysterious figures, human and animal, known to the Sioux. Until her death in 1938, Zitkala-Ša stood between two cultures as preserver and translator.
Random House USA Inc American Indian Stories
University of Nebraska Press American Indian Stories
American Indian Stories, first published in 1921, is a collection of childhood stories, allegorical fiction, and an essay. One of the most famous Sioux writers and activists of the modern era, Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Bonnin) recalled legends and tales from oral tradition and used experiences from her life and community to educate others about the Yankton Sioux. Determined, controversial, and visionary, she creatively worked to bridge the gap between her own culture and mainstream American society and advocated for Native rights on a national level. Susan Rose Dominguez provides a new introduction to this edition.
Penguin Books Ltd American Indian Stories, Legends, and Other Writings
Zitkala-Sa struggled with the conflicting influences of American Indian and white culture throughout her life. Raised on a Sioux reservation, she attended boarding schools that enforced assimilation and was witness to major events in white-Indian relations in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Drawing on personal experience, Zitkala-Sa writes stories and articles that illuminate the tragedy and complexity of the American Indian experience. In authoritative and evocative prose, she encourages new thinking about the perceptions, assumptions and customs of both Sioux and white cultures, and raises questions about assimilation, identity and race relations that remain compelling today.