Search results for ""author yi–fu tuan""
University of Minnesota Press Landscapes of Fear
To be human is to experience fear, but what is it exactly that makes us fearful? Landscapes of Fear—written immediately after his classic Space and Place—is renowned geographer Yi-Fu Tuan’s influential exploration of the spaces of fear and of how these landscapes shift during our lives and vary throughout history.In a series of linked essays that journey broadly across place, time, and cultures, Tuan examines the diverse manifestations and causes of fear in individuals and societies: he describes the horror created by epidemic disease and supernatural visions of witches and ghosts; violence and fear in the country and the city; fears of drought, flood, famine, and disease; and the ways in which authorities devise landscapes of terror to instill fear and subservience in their own populations. In this groundbreaking work—now with a new preface by the author—Yi-Fu Tuan reaches back into our prehistory to discover what is universal and what is particular in our inheritance of fear. Tuan emphasizes that human fear is a constant; it causes us to draw what he calls our “circles of safety” and at the same time acts as a foundational impetus behind curiosity, growth, and adventure.
Columbia University Press Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perceptions, Attitudes, and Values
What are the links between environment and world view? Topophilia, the affective bond between people and place, is the primary theme of this book that examines environmental perceptions and values at different levels: the species, the group, and the individual. Yi-Fu Tuan holds culture and environment and topophilia and environment as distinct in order to show how they mutually contribute to the formation of values. Topophilia examines the search for environment in the city, suburb, countryside, and wilderness from a dialectical perspective, distinguishes different types of environmental experience, and describes their character.
Melusina Topofilia un estudio sobre percepciones actitudes y valores medioambientales
El libro analiza con una mirada comparativa todos los vínculos afectivos del ser humano con el entorno material. En este sentido, topofilia designa esa experiencia única que cifra los lazos existentes entre la persona y el lugar que habita, ya sea éste la ciudad, el extrarradio o el campo.Esta edición incluye una nueva introducción del autor escrita para el público español.
University of Minnesota Press Space And Place: The Perspective of Experience
A study of the ways in which people feel and think about space, how they form attachments to home, neighborhood, and nation, and how feelings about space and place are affected by the sense of time.“Since it is the breadth and universality of his argument that concerns Yi-Fu Tuan, experience is defined as ‘all the modes by which a person knows and constructs reality,’ and examples are taken with equal ease from non-literate cultures, from ancient and modern oriental and western civilizations, from novels, poetry, anthropology, psychology, and theology. The result is a remarkable synthesis, which reflects well the subtleties of experience and yet avoids the pitfalls of arbitrary classification and facile generalization. For these reasons, and for its general tone and erudition and humanism, this book will surely be one that will endure when the current flurry of academic interest in environmental experience abates.” Canadian Geographer
University of Minnesota Press Cosmos And Hearth: A Cosmopolite’s Viewpoint
Melusina Quin soy yo General Spanish Edition
Elegí la geografía porque siempre me he preguntado, acaso hasta la obsesión, sobre el significado de la existencia: quiero saber qué es lo que hacemos aquí, qué queremos de la vida.Yi-Fu Tuan es uno de los pensadores más influyentes en la actualidad y, sin embargo, pocas personas han oído hablar de él. Con una voz crítica pero sosegada, marcada por el desarraigo del exilio, ha renovado el campo de la geografía suscitando la reflexión sobre cuestiones como la función de los paisajes simbólicos, la estética geográfica y la fantasía cultural, y la tensión primaria entre el cosmos y el hogar.Su trabajo rompe las barreras académicas tradicionales para hilar un pensamiento inédito y extremadamente sutil, a partir de disciplinas tan diversas como la filosofía, la psicología, la planificación urbana, el paisajismo y la antropología. El autor ha dedicado toda su vida a indagar cómo los seres humanos moldeamos las realidades personales y culturales y cómo este proceso refleja, a su vez, nu
Johns Hopkins University Press Escapism
In prehistoric times, our ancestors began building shelters and planting crops in order to escape from nature's harsh realities. Today, we flee urban dangers for the safer, reconfigured world of suburban lawns and parks. According to geographer Yi-Fu Tuan, people have always sought to escape in one way or another, sometimes foolishly, often creatively and ingeniously. Glass-tower cities, suburbs, shopping malls, Disneyland-all are among the most recent monuments in our efforts to escape the constraints and uncertainties of life-ultimately, those imposed by nature. "What cultural product," Tuan asks, "is not escape?" In his new book, the capstone of a celebrated career, Tuan shows that escapism is an inescapable component of human thought and culture.