Search results for ""author william peter blatty""
Skyhorse Publishing Finding Peter A True Story of the Hand of Providence and Evidence of Life after Death
HarperCollins The Exorcist
Starscape Legion
From the author of The Exorcist -- Legion, a classic tale of horror, is back in print! A young boy is found horribly murdered in a mock crucifixion. Is the murderer the elderly woman who witnessed the crime? A neurologist who can no longer bear the pain life inflicts on its victims? A psychiatrist with a macabre sense of humor and a guilty secret? A mysterious mental patient, locked in silent isolation? Lieutenant Kinderman follows a bewildering trail that links all these people, confronting a new enigma at every turn even as more murders surface. Why does each victim suffer the same dreadful mutilations? Why are two of the victims priests? Is there a connection between these crimes and another series of murders that took place twelve years ago--and supposedly ended with the death of the killer? Legion is a novel of breathtaking energy and suspense. But more than this, it is an extraordinary journey into the uncharted depths of the human mind and the most agonizing questions of the human condition. The answers are revealed in a climax so stunning that it could only have been written by the author of The Exorcist--William Peter Blatty.
Festa Verlag Der Exorzist
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Exorcist: Quite possibly the most terrifying novel ever written . . .
Father Damien Karras: 'Where is Regan?' Regan MacNeil: 'In here. With us.'The terror begins unobtrusively. Noises in the attic. In the child's room, an odd smell, the displacement of furniture, an icy chill. At first, easy explanations are offered. Then frightening changes begin to appear in eleven-year-old Regan. Medical tests fail to shed any light on her symptoms, but it is as if a different personality has invaded her body.Father Damien Karras, a Jesuit priest, is called in. Is it possible that a demonic presence has possessed the child? Exorcism seems to be the only answer...First published in 1971, The Exorcist became a literary phenomenon and inspired one of the most shocking films ever made. This edition, polished and expanded by the author, includes new dialogue, a new character and a chilling new extended scene, provides an unforgettable reading experience that has lost none of its power to shock and continues to thrill and terrify new readers.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Exorcist
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El exorcista / The Exorcist
L?inspector Kinderman, un dels protagonistes de L?exorcista, enfronta un nou cas que el portarà a traspassar una frontera més enllà de la qual mai no s?havia aventurat.Després d?haver encapçalat la investigació d?un homicidi relacionat amb la possessió demoníaca de la Regan, una nena de dotze anys, l?inspector Kinderman enfronta una sèrie d?assassinats amb una signatura d?allò més blasfema, entre ells, la crucifixió d?un infant i la decapitació d?un sacerdot. Les proves condueixen a l?assassí Gèminis, però és evident que alguna cosa no encaixa, ja que, segons asseguren, l?aterridor assassí va morir més d?una dècada enrere. En el curs de la investigació, en Kinderman acabarà adonant-se que les noves víctimes del Gèminis podrien guardar relació amb l?exorcisme de la petita Regan.William Peter Blatty presentà en Kinderman per primera vegada a L?exorcista, el best-seller que esdevingué la novella de terror més cèlebre de tots els temps. A Legió, Blatty dona nova vida a l?inspector po
El pare Damien Karras, sacerdot jesuïta, passa per una crisi de fe després de la pèrdua d?un familiar. Quan l?actriu Chris MacNeil recorre a ell amb motiu del comportament erràtic i violent de la seva filla Regan, el pare Karras conclou que la nena ha estat posseïda per un esperit diabòlic. Amb l?ajuda del pare Merrin, un exorcista experimentat, Karras provarà per tots els mitjans de recobrar la fe i salvar la Regan d?un destí terrible.Amarada d?una cruesa i una profanitat sense precedents, L?exorcista és una experiència inigualable que ha inquietat i aterrit generacions de lectors, així com una de les novel?les més controvertides que s?han escrit. Inspirat en la història d?una possessió demoníaca durant la dècada dels 40, William Peter Blatty fou l?artífex d?una trama terroríficament addictiva i de ritme narratiu trepidant que va transformar la cultura popular per sempre i que ha esdevingut la novel?la de terror per excel?lència.Ara, L?exorcista veu la llum en català tot coincid
Faber & Faber The Exorcist
Georgetown, Washington D.C., 1973. Actress and divorced mother Chris MacNeil starts to experience 'difficulties' with her usually sweet-natured eleven-year-old daughter Regan. The child becomes afflicted by spasms, convulsions and unsettling amnesiac episodes; these abruptly worsen into violent fits of appalling foul-mouthed curses, accompanied by physical mutation. Medical science is baffled by Regan's plight and, in her increasing despair, Chris turns to troubled priest and psychiatrist Damien Karras, who immediately recognises something profoundly malevolent in Regan's distorted fetures and speech. On Karras's recommendation, the Church summons Father Merrin, a specialist in the exorcism of demons . . .William Peter Blatty scripted this version of his own best-selling novel for director William Friedkin, and was rewarded with an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay of 1973. This publication also includes the texts of the film's legendary 'lost scenes' and excised dialogue which shed additional light on The Exorcist's profound darkness.