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McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm
Zeithaml's Services Marketing introduces readers to the vital role that services play in the economy and its future. Services dominate the advanced economies of the world, and virtually all companies view services as critical to retaining their customers. The seventh edition maintains a managerial focus by incorporating company examples and strategies for addressing issues in every chapter, emphasizing the knowledge needed to implement service strategies for competitive advantage across industries.New research references and examples in every chapter include increased coverage of new business model examples such as Airbnb, Uber, OpenTable, Mint/Intuit, and others, alongside greater emphasis on technology, digital and social marketing, Big Data, and data analytics as a service. The longer cases have been removed from the 7e. View Table of Contents and Features below for more information.
McGraw-Hill Education Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm ISE
Zeithaml/Bitner/Gremler, Services Marketing introduces readers to the vital role that services play in the economy and its future. Services dominate the advanced economies of the world, and virtually all companies view services as critical to retaining their customers. • Managerial focused approach emphasizing the knowledge needed to implement service strategies for competitive advantage across industries. • New chapter on "Artificial Intelligence and Service Robotics" and the implications for service marketing. • New research references and examples in every chapter of new business models such as Airbnb and Uber along with greater emphasis on technology, digital and social marketing, Big Data, and data analytics as a service. • McGraw Hill’s Connect provides personalized reading experience with Smartbook, variety of test bank questions and Application-Based Activities supporting critical thinking and application skills development.
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Services Marketing
McGraw-Hill Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Service Across the Firm 4e
Successful businesses recognize that the development of strong customer relationships through quality service (and services) as well as implementing service strategies for competitive advantage are key to their success.In its fourth European edition, Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm provides full coverage of the foundations of services marketing, placing the distinctive Gaps model at the center of this approach. The new edition draws on the most recent research, and using up-to-date and topical examples, the book focuses on the development of customer relationships through service, outlining the core concepts and theories in services marketing today.New and updated material in this new edition includes:• New content related to human resource strategies, including coverage of the role of robots and chatbots for delivering customer-focused services.• New coverage on listening to customers through research, big data, netnography and monitoring user-generated content.• Increased technology, social media and digital coverage throughout the text, including the delivery of services using mobile and digital platforms, as well as through the Internet of Things.• Brand new examples and case studies added from global and innovative companies including Turkish Airlines, Volvo, EasyJet and McDonalds.Available with McGraw-Hill’s Connect®, the well-established online learning platform, which features our award-winning adaptive reading experience as well as resources to help faculty and institutions improve student outcomes and course delivery efficiency.