Search results for ""author thomas köhler""
Wienand Verlag & Medien Ferdinand Hodler und die Berliner Moderne
SCHATTAUER Der Charme des Todes Rtselhafte Todesflle und kuriose posthume Schicksale berhmter Persnlichkeiten
Wienand Verlag & Medien Modebilder Kunstkleider. Fotografie Malerei und Mode 1900 bis heute
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Freuds Psychoanalyse Eine Einfhrung
Schoeningh Verlag Cold War. EinFach Geschichte ... unterrichten BILINGUAL
Balance Buch + Medien Lia und das RTeam Ein Bilderbuch ber Resilienz fr Eltern und Fachkrfte
Hirmer Verlag Edvard Munch: Magic of the North
Munch’s pictorial worlds – the initial impetus for modernism Edvard Munch’s radical modernity in painting was a challenge for his contemporaries. This applied in particular to the art scene in Berlin around 1900 which the Norwegian Symbolist artist influenced profoundly. In return, he received support there and was able to continue to develop his work. The publication is lavishly illustrated and describes knowledgeably the story of Munch and Berlin. In 1892 the Association of Berlin Artists invited the still-unknown Edvard Munch (1863–1944) to an exhibition. The public was shocked by the colourful, sketch-like pictures. The artist enjoyed the furore and moved to the city on the Spree, where he repeatedly sojourned until 1908. Here he learned the techniques for printed graphics and presented for the first time paintings in several continuous series which would become central to his oeuvre. In Berlin, before long, the concept of the “Magic of the North” (Stefan Zweig) was no longer associated with romantic or naturalistic fjord landscapes, but with Munch’s psychologically concentrated pictorial worlds.
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs Towards a New Millennium
Prestel Faraway Focus: Photographers Go Travelling (1880-2015)
Travel has been a major theme in photography for over 100 years. In the late 19th century, an age of colonial expansion and nascent tourism, photographers roamed the globe with a simple spirit of discovery to report back from distant places. Traveling has also prompted artistic explorations of cultural, political, and social conditions in countries around the world. Some works are spontaneous responses to the unfamiliar, while others are rooted in conceptual notions. Featuring over 130 images by 15 famous and lesser-known photographers, this book illustrates key eras and styles in photography from modernism until the present (1880-2015).
Aschendorff Verlag Rechtliche Optionen Fur Kooperationsbeziehungen Zwischen Deutschem Staat Und Muslimischen Gemeinschaften
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig John Bock: Wesensprasenz
DruckVerlag Kettler Painting Forever! 5 pb
This four-part publication, bound into a single volume with binding screws, catalogues a four-part exhibition at the Berlinische Galerie, Deutsche Bank KunstHalle, KW Institute for Contemporary Art and Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin. It includes work by Martin Eder, Anselm Reyle, Thomas Scheibitz, Franz Ackermann, Jeanne Mammen and many others. Bilingual edition ***Four volumes held together by screws***