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Penguin Books Ltd Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters
A TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2021 'Punchy, funny and invigorating ... Pinker is the high priest of rationalism' Sunday Times 'If you've ever considered taking drugs to make yourself smarter, read Rationality instead. It's cheaper, more entertaining, and more effective' Jonathan Haidt, author of The Righteous Mind In the twenty-first century, humanity is reaching new heights of scientific understanding - and at the same time appears to be losing its mind. How can a species that discovered vaccines for Covid-19 in less than a year produce so much fake news, quack cures and conspiracy theorizing? In Rationality, Pinker rejects the cynical cliché that humans are simply an irrational species - cavemen out of time fatally cursed with biases, fallacies and illusions. After all, we discovered the laws of nature, lengthened and enriched our lives and set the benchmarks for rationality itself. Instead, he explains, we think in ways that suit the low-tech contexts in which we spend most of our lives, but fail to take advantage of the powerful tools of reasoning we have built up over millennia: logic, critical thinking, probability, causal inference, and decision-making under uncertainty. These tools are not a standard part of our educational curricula, and have never been presented clearly and entertainingly in a single book - until now. Rationality matters. It leads to better choices in our lives and in the public sphere, and is the ultimate driver of social justice and moral progress. Brimming with insight and humour, Rationality will enlighten, inspire and empower. 'A terrific book, much-needed for our time' Peter Singer
Penguin Books Ltd The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity
'The most inspiring book I've ever read' Bill Gates, 2017'A brilliant, mind-altering book ... Everyone should read this astonishing book' Guardian'Will change the way you see the world' Daily MailShortlisted for the Samuel Johnson Prize 2012Wasn't the twentieth century the most violent in history? In his extraordinary, epic book Steven Pinker shows us that this is wrong, telling the story of humanity in a completely new and unfamiliar way. From why cities make us safer to how books bring about peace, Pinker weaves together history, philosophy and science to examine why we are less likely to die at another's hand than ever before, how it happened and what it tells us about our very natures. 'May prove to be one of the great books of our time ... he writes like an angel' Economist'Masterly, a supremely important book ... For anyone interested in human nature, it is engrossing' The New York Times 'Marvellous ... riveting and myth-destroying' New Statesman'A marvellous synthesis of science, history and storytelling, written in Pinker's distinctively entertaining and clear personal style ... I was astonished by the extent to which violence has declined in every shape, form and scale' Financial Times'An outstandingly fruitful read, with fascinating nuggets on almost every page' Sunday Times, Books of the Year
Penguin Books Ltd The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature
In The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature, Steven Pinker looks at how the relationship between words and thoughts can help us understand who we are. Why do so many swear words involve topics like sex, bodily functions or the divine? Why do some children's names thrive while others fall out of favour? Why do we threaten and bribe and seduce in such elaborate, often comical ways? How can a choice of metaphor damn a politician or start a war? And why do we rarely say what we actually mean? Language, as Steven Pinker shows, is at the heart of our lives, and through the way we use it - whether to inform, persuade, entertain or manipulate - we can glimpse the very essence of what makes us human. 'Awesome' Daily Mail 'Highly entertaining ... funny and thought-provoking' The Times 'Anyone interested in language should read The Stuff of Thought ... moments of genuine revelation and some very good jokes' Mark Haddon, Sunday Telegraph Books of the Year 'No one writes about language as clearly as Steven Pinker, and this is his best book yet' David Crystal, Financial Times Steven Pinker is the Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. Until 2003, he taught in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT. He conducts research on language and cognition, writes for publications such as The New York Times, Time and Slate, and is the author of six books, including The Language Instinct, How the Mind Works and The Blank Slate.
Universidad del País Vasco. Servicio Editorial=Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Argitarapen Zerbitzua Hizkuntzasena
Saiakera klasiko honetan, Steven Pinker zientzialari kognitibo ezagunak argi kontatzen digu hizkuntzari buruz jakin beharreko guztia: nola funtzionatzen duen, haurrek nola ikasten duten, denboran zehar nola aldatzen den, burmuinak nola prozesatzen duen, eboluzioan nola garatu zen. Umoreaz, jakinduriaz, eta eguneroko adibide jostagarriak erabiliaz, Pinkerrek hizkuntzari buruzko ikerketa zientifikoak azken hamarraldietan aurkitutako guztia bilbatzen du, ideia nagusi baten inguruan: gizakiok dugun sen berezia da hizkuntza, eboluzioak denboraren ibilian gure garunetan zizelkatu duena. Armiarmek amaraunak egiten dituzten antzera egiten dugu guk hitz, gure biologian sustraiak dituen gaitasun kognitibo horri esker. Chomskyk lehenik aldarrikatutako ideia nagusi hori beste hainbat ikerlarien lanekin pipertsu bilduta aurkezten digu Pinkerrek.
Penguin Putnam Inc Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters
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Penguin Putnam Inc The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
Penguin Books Ltd How the Mind Works
Why do we laugh? What makes memories fade? Why do people believe in ghosts? How the Mind Works explores every aspect of mental life, showing that our minds are not a mystery, but a system of organs of computation designed by natural selection.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature
Penguin Putnam Inc Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
Penguin Books Ltd The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century
Steven Pinker, the bestselling author of The Language Instinct, deploys his gift for explaining big ideas in The Sense of Style - an entertaining writing guide for the 21st centuryWhat is the secret of good prose? Does writing well even matter in an age of instant communication? Should we care? In this funny, thoughtful book about the modern art of writing, Steven Pinker shows us why we all need a sense of style.More than ever before, the currency of our social and cultural lives is the written word, from Twitter and texting to blogs, e-readers and old-fashioned books. But most style guides fail to prepare people for the challenges of writing in the 21st century, portraying it as a minefield of grievous errors rather than a form of pleasurable mastery. They fail to deal with an inescapable fact about language: it changes over time, adapted by millions of writers and speakers to their needs. Confusing changes in the world with moral decline, every generation believes the kids today are degrading society and taking language with it. A guide for the new millennium, writes Steven Pinker, has to be different.Drawing on the latest research in linguistics and cognitive science, Steven Pinker replaces the recycled dogma of previous style guides with reason and evidence. This thinking person's guide to good writing shows why style still matters: in communicating effectively, in enhancing the spread of ideas, in earning a reader's trust and, not least, in adding beauty to the world. Eye-opening, mind-expanding and cheerful, The Sense of Style shows that good style is part of what it means to be human.
Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century
Penguin Books Ltd The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language
'Dazzling... Pinker's big idea is that language is an innate to us as flying is to geese... Words can hardly do justice to the superlative range and liveliness of Pinker's investigations'- Independent'A marvellously readable book... illuminates every facet of human language: its biological origin, its uniqueness to humanity, it acquisition by children, its grammatical structure, the production and perception of speech, the pathology of language disorders and the unstoppable evolution of languages and dialects' - Nature
Penguin Books Ltd The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
'A passionate defence of the enduring power of human nature ... both life-affirming and deeply satisfying' Daily TelegraphRecently many people have assumed that we are blank slates shaped by our environment. But this denies the heart of our being: human nature. Violence is not just a product of society; male and female minds are different; the genes we give our children shape them more than our parenting practices. To acknowledge our innate abilities, Pinker shows, is not to condone inequality, but to understand the very foundations of humanity.'Brilliant ... enjoyable, informative, clear, humane' New Scientist'If you think the nature-nurture debate has been resolved, you are wrong ... this book is required reading' Literary Review'An original and vital contribution to science and also a rattling good read' Matt Ridley, Sunday Telegraph 'Startling ... This is a breath of air for a topic that has been politicized for too long' Economist
Alianza Editorial El instinto del lenguaje cómo la mente construye el lenguaje
Encuadernación: Rústica hiloColección: Alianza ensayo?El instinto del lenguaje? se ha convertido en un clásico donde Steven Pinker, el experto mundial en lenguaje y mente explica todo lo que a cualquiera de nosotros nos gustaría saber sobre el lenguaje: cómo funciona, cómo lo aprenden los niños, cómo cambia, cómo lo elabora el cerebro, y cómo evoluciona. Con claridad y buen humor, el autor nos dice que el lenguaje constituye un instinto humano incorporado a nuestro cerebro por la evolución. Después de más de quince años en el mercado, este libro sigue siendo una introducción muy útil a la ciencia del lenguaje aún teniendo en cuenta que es una disciplina que ha evolucionado mucho con el tiempo. Y, en las páginas finales de esta nueva edición, el autor ofrece algunas reflexiones sobre el contenido de cada capítulo a la vista de los desarrollos y avances de la ciencia del lenguaje desde 1994.
INGRAM PUBLISHER SERVICES US Words and Rules The Ingredients Of Language Science Masters Series
"In Words and Rules, Steven Pinker answers questions about the miraculous human ability called language, and does it in the gripping, witty style of his other bestsellers. Here Pinker explains the myst"
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language
Penguin Books Ltd Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
THE TOP TEN SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Bristles with pure, crystalline intelligence, deep knowledge and human sympathy' Richard Dawkins Is modernity really failing? Or have we failed to appreciate progress and the ideals that make it possible?If you follow the headlines, the world in the 21st century appears to be sinking into chaos, hatred, and irrationality. Yet Steven Pinker shows that this is an illusion - a symptom of historical amnesia and statistical fallacies. If you follow the trendlines rather than the headlines, you discover that our lives have become longer, healthier, safer, happier, more peaceful, more stimulating and more prosperous - not just in the West, but worldwide. Such progress is no accident: it's the gift of a coherent and inspiring value system that many of us embrace without even realizing it. These are the values of the Enlightenment: of reason, science, humanism and progress.The challenges we face today are formidable, including inequality, climate change, Artificial Intelligence and nuclear weapons. But the way to deal with them is not to sink into despair or try to lurch back to a mythical idyllic past; it's to treat them as problems we can solve, as we have solved other problems in the past. In making the case for an Enlightenment newly recharged for the 21st century, Pinker shows how we can use our faculties of reason and sympathy to solve the problems that inevitably come with being products of evolution in an indifferent universe. We will never have a perfect world, but - defying the chorus of fatalism and reaction - we can continue to make it a better one.
Phaidon Press Ltd Now is Better
As seen in Design Matters with Debbie Millman, PRINT Magazine, The Slowdown, and Design Boom Stefan Sagmeister’s newest project encourages long-term thinking and reminds us that many things in the world are improving Initially conceived in 2020 as the world entered pandemic lockdown, Stefan Sagmeister has created a book that looks at the state of the world today, illuminating, through collected data, how far we’ve come, and encouraging us to think about where we can go from here. Statistics are vividly brought to life, as numbers are transformed into graphs, inlaid into nineteenth-century paintings, embroidered canvases, lenticular prints, and hand-painted water glasses. The book includes a foreword from psychologist and leading authority on language and the mind, Steven Pinker; a featured essay by graphic designer and historian Steven Heller; and a conversation between Sagmeister and Hans Ulrich Obrist, curator and artistic director of Serpentine Galleries in London and will appeal to all visually minded readers, providing a positive reaction to the tumultuous news cycle of recent years. Published in softcover with flaps Now is Better is contained within a die-cut slipcase and accompanied by a lenticular print designed by Sagmeister. Now is Better is an intriguing and thoughtful visual meditation on our daily lives.