Search results for ""author sasenarine persaud""
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Demerary Telepathy
Demerary Telepathy was Sasenarine Persaud's first collection of poems. He writes very consciously as an Indo-Guyanese and the collection, published in 1989, reflects a deep Indo-Guyanese ambivalence to the then experience of living in Guyana: an intense attachment to the land and a sharply alienated consciousness of political and cultural oppression. His evocations of landscapes, particularly riverscapes, are immersed in a Hindu way of seeing which seeks out correspondences between man and nature, whilst those poems which deal sharply and often wittily with affairs of state reflect a fear of unbelonging. The poems in the last part of the collection deal perceptively with love and attachment.Sasenarine Persaud was born in Guyana. He has published two novels, a collection of stories and four collections of poetry. He currently lives and works in the USA.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd The Ghost of Bellow's Man
When Raj, a reluctant schoolteacher with a weakness for schoolgirls, Hindu activist and would-be published novelist, protests against a breach of tradition at his temple, he is confronted by a trail of corrupted power which leads to the heart of the post-colonial Guyanese state. By turns acutely perceptive and self-deceiving, a quirky individualist and a stickler for convention, self-aggrandising and self-mocking, Raj is a dangling man, desperate to create something of value in a shabby and corrupt despotism. Forced to look inwards, he discovers that the truth-telling must begin with himself.Persaud portrays the Indo-Guyanese community in the early 1980s as a community under intense stress. When sections of the leadership of Hindu organisations have come to an uneasy accommodation with the authoritarian corruption of Fox Burton's African-dominated ruling party, the breach of convention of taking chairs into their temple takes on a huge symbolic significance for the temple's young activists. For them, promoting Hinduism amongst an increasingly secularised Indo-Guyanese community has become an act of ethnic survival."Poetic in tone, surrealistic in thrust... a good addition to Caribbean literature." The Caribbean WriterSasenarine Persaud was born in Guyana. He has published two novels, a collection of stories and four collections of poetry. He currently lives and works in the USA.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd The Wintering Kundalini
Persaud enriches Caribbean poetry by bringing to it new dimensions of imagery and philosophical tradition from his Indian ancestry. The imagery of cobra and Kundalini from Tantric Yoga mesh with a political and personal engagement with both Guyana and more recently Canada. He draws on the vast repertory of stories and characters from the Puranas, the Ramayana and the Mahabarata as pertinently as other Caribbean poets have drawn on archetypes drawn from ancient Greek or Biblical sources. His passage from Guyana to Canada and contact with the wider South Asian diaspora both draws him towards a broader sense of 'Indianness' and leads him to reflect on the unique Indo-Guyaneseness of his formative years. This is a meeting of a thoroughly modern sensibility with the riches of an ancient tradition. Persaud is a poet who, in the words of Howard Fergus in The Caribbean Writer, has to be taken seriously as an 'architect of the subconscious'.Sasenarine Persaud was born in Guyana. He has published two novels, a collection of stories and four collections of poetry. He currently lives and works in the USA.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Dear Death
What is the crisis which drives Dalip to question the sources of the person he has become? He senses that it lies in his response to the deaths of some of those closest to him. Growing up in Guyana, he must confront the tensions between the Hindu culture of his family and the Western focus of his education. Should he follow Krishna's counsel not to grieve over what is inevitable or is he denying the full emotional life which his reading of D.H. Lawrence suggests is his human province? To begin the process of realising himself, Dalip embarks on a trawl of memory, returning to his earliest days. In the process, the reader is plunged into the heart of Dalip's bafflement, his surprise, his moments of realisation."Love and death seem to be so delicately blended in this novel... a respectable addition to contemporary Caribbean literature which can with justification be selected as a text for formal study."Howard Fergus, The Caribbean Writer"A notable addition to the growing number of portraits of Indo-Guanese life..."Frank BirbalsinghSasenarine Persaud was born in Guyana. He has published two novels, a collection of stories and four collections of poetry. He currently lives and works in the USA.