Search results for ""author rosalind edwards""
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Qualitative Interviewing: Research Methods
First published Open Access under a Creative Commons license as What is Qualitative Interviewing?, this title is now also available as part of the Bloomsbury Research Methods series. This book is a step-by-step guide for new and experienced social science researchers looking to use interviews in their projects. Rosalind Edwards and Janet Holland explain a range of interview types and practices, providing real research examples as informative illustrations of qualitative interviewing in practice, and the use of a range of creative interview tools. This new and expanded edition includes: - recent developments in the radical critique of interviews debate focusing on form and content of interviews; - the strategic shift to online interviewing in response to the Covid-19 pandemic; - discussion of the decolonization of methodology and research, and the growing attention to indigenous methodologies for generating data; - an assessment of the changing landscape for qualitative interviewing. The authors explore the use of new technologies as well as issues around asking and listening, and power dynamics in research. Written in a clear and accessible style, the book concludes with an updated annotated bibliography of key texts and journals in the field.
Bristol University Press Challenging the Politics of Early Intervention: Who's 'Saving' Children and Why
A vital interrogation of the internationally accepted policy and practice consensus that intervention to shape parenting in the early years is the way to prevent disadvantage. Given the divisive assumptions and essentialist ideas behind early years intervention, in whose interests does it really serve? This book critically assesses assertions that the ‘wrong type of parenting’ has biological and cultural effects, stunting babies’ brain development and leading to a life of poverty and under-achievement. It shows how early intervention policies underpinned by interpretations of brain science perpetuate gendered, classed and raced inequalities. The exploration of future directions will be welcomed by those looking for a positive, collectivist vision of the future that addresses the real underlying issues in the creation of disadvantage.
Tufnell Press Teenage Parenthood: What's The Problem?
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Working with Paradata, Marginalia and Fieldnotes: The Centrality of By-Products of Social Research
This book asks the important question; Can the by-products of research activity be treated as data and of research interest in themselves? This groundbreaking interdisciplinary volume considers the analytic value of a range of 'by-products' of social research and reading. These include electronically captured paradata on survey administration, notes written in the margins of research documents and literary texts, and fieldnotes and ephemera produced by social researchers. Revealing the relational nature of paradata, marginalia and fieldnotes, contributions examine how the craft of studying and analyzing these by-products offers insight into the intellectual, social and ethical processes underpinning the activities of research and reading. Unique and engaging, this book is a must read for social researchers and sociologists, narrative analysts, literary scholars and historians. Bridging methodological boundaries, it will also prove of great value to quantitative and qualitative methodologists alike.Contributors include: K. Bell, J. Boddy, R.G. Burgess, G.B. Durrant, R. Edwards, H. Elliott, E. Fahmy, J. Goodwin, H.J. Jackson, D. Kilburn, O. Maslovskaya, H. O'Connor, A. Phoenix, W.H. Sherman
Bristol University Press Challenging the Politics of Early Intervention: Who's 'Saving' Children and Why
A vital interrogation of the internationally accepted policy and practice consensus that intervention to shape parenting in the early years is the way to prevent disadvantage. Given the divisive assumptions and essentialist ideas behind early years intervention, in whose interests does it really serve? This book critically assesses assertions that the ‘wrong type of parenting’ has biological and cultural effects, stunting babies’ brain development and leading to a life of poverty and under-achievement. It shows how early intervention policies underpinned by interpretations of brain science perpetuate gendered, classed and raced inequalities. The exploration of future directions will be welcomed by those looking for a positive, collectivist vision of the future that addresses the real underlying issues in the creation of disadvantage.