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Cengage Learning Paralegal Today The Legal Team at Work
Cengage Learning, Inc Business Law: Text & Cases - Commercial Law for Accountants
Comprehensive, authoritative, and reader-friendly, market-leader BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES - Commercial Law for Accountants delivers an ideal blend of classic "black letter law" and cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. Today, BUSINESS LAW - Commercial Law for Accountants, 14E continues to set the standard for excellence. The text offers a strong student orientation that makes the law accessible, interesting, and relevant. The cases, content, and features are thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. Cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions. Ethical, global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes are integrated throughout this edition with new features, such as new Digital Updates that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law. Specific text features that students will find particularly helpful include: NUMBERED EXAMPLES and CASE IN POINTS, SAMPLE ANSWERS, NEW STUDENT-FRIENDLY CONCEPT SUMMARY DESIGN, and EXHIBITS.
Cengage Learning, Inc Cengage Advantage Books: Business Law Today, The Essentials: Text and Summarized Cases
Interesting, clear, and applied, BUSINESS LAW TODAY, THE ESSENTIALS: TEXT AND SUMMARIZED CASES, 11E is your concise guide to the law and what it means in the business world ���- from contracts and secured transactions to warranties and government regulations. Easy to understand with an engaging writing style that is matched by vibrant visuals, BUSINESS LAW TODAY: THE ESSENTIALS includes coverage of contemporary topics that impact not only the business world, but also your own life. Examine the financial crisis and its impact on business law or identity theft, immigration law or diversity issues. Fascinating features and intriguing cases highlight the practicality of the concepts you are learning. Numerous learning support resources provide tools that address various learning styles.
Cengage Learning, Inc Business Law: Text & Exercises
Focus on the basics of business law principles and how these concepts apply in business today with Miller's BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND EXERCISES, 10E. Each chapter concentrates on one important topic with straightforward descriptions, everyday examples and updates that reflect the latest legal developments. You explore specific points of law and their underlying concepts as you examine the law at work in actual life and business situations. Concise chapters are punctuated with updated and new illustrative examples, real law applications and real case summaries. You learn how to resolve legal conflicts, make ethical decisions and even consider the legal aspects of your career choices. Each chapter���s learning tools clarify contemporary legal principles in a practical presentation that ensures a solid understanding of business law. MindTap and Infuse digital tools are also available to help organize your learning and further your success.
Cengage Learning, Inc Business Law Today - Standard Edition: Text & Summarized Cases
Gain a clear understanding of business law and how it impacts today's business world ��� whether you're pursuing a corporate career or entrepreneurial opportunities. Miller's best-selling BUSINESS LAW TODAY: STANDARD, 13E keeps the study of business law engaging and relevant while ensuring you understand important legal, ethical and corporate issues. This edition immerses you in legal action with classic, spotlighted and updated cases as recent as 2020 and more than one hundred new examples and case examples from well-known companies, such as Nike, Apple, Google and Gucci. More than 40 new or updated learning features highlight high-interest legal topics -- from cybersecurity and the law online to managerial strategies and ethical dilemmas. Visually compelling pages illustrate the latest legal developments across the globe, in the U.S. Supreme court and even at state level. MindTap digital resources are available to help you further explore how the law is applied to various real business situations.
Cengage Learning, Inc Business Law: Text & Cases - The First Course
Comprehensive, authoritative, and reader-friendly, market-leader BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES -- The First Course, 14E delivers an ideal blend of classic "black letter law" and cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. Today, BUSINESS LAW - The First Course continues to set the standard for excellence. The text offers a strong student orientation that makes the law accessible, interesting, and relevant. The cases, content, and features are thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. Cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions. Ethical, global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes are integrated throughout this edition with new features, such as new Digital Updates that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law. Specific text features that students will find particularly helpful include: NUMBERED EXAMPLES and CASE IN POINTS, SAMPLE ANSWERS, NEW STUDENT-FRIENDLY CONCEPT SUMMARY DESIGN, and EXHIBITS.
Pearson Education (US) Economics of Public Issues, The
For principles of economics, public policy, and social issues courses. Brief, relevant readings that spark independent thinking and classroom discussions The Economics of Public Issues is a collection of brief, relevant readings that spark independent thinking and discussion in principles of economics and social issues. The 20th Edition encourages readers to apply theoretical discussions to today’s important issues to gain a deeper understanding of current microeconomic policy concerns. Spark independent thinking and classroom discussion Readings are concise, allowing for easy integration into any principles of economics or issues-based classroom. A correlation guide in the preface illustrates how to integrate topics into different courses. Conversational and informative non-technical writing is geared toward principles-level students and does not require advanced math. Using the latest debates in social policy, the authors encourage readers to question their own assumptions and the analysis offered by the media and politicians on key issues. End-of-chapter questions offer students the opportunity to test their knowledge and review chapter concepts.
Pearson Education (US) Economics Today: The Micro View
For courses in Microeconomics. Economics brought to life through real-world application Readers learn best when they see concepts applied to examples from their everyday lives, so Economics Today: The Micro View addresses real, cutting-¿edge issues while facilitating individual learning. The text shows readers how economics is front and center in their daily routines, while providing them with many ways to evaluate their understanding of key concepts covered in each chapter. The 19th Edition also includes a new emphasis on behavioral economics, along with all-new problems, vignettes, and features that engage readers and help them focus on the central ideas in economics today. Also available with MyLab EconomicsMyLab™ Economics is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Economics does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Economics, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Economics, search for: 0134641744 / 9780134641744 Economics Today: The Micro View Plus MyLab Economics with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134479254 / 9780134479255 Economics Today: The Micro View 0134480333 / 9780134480336 MyLab Economics with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Economics Today: The Micro View
Cengage Learning, Inc The Legal Environment Today
Discover how law applies to your everyday life and your profession, as well as contemporary business activities, with Miller/Cross' best-selling THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TODAY, 10E. This edition focuses on building skills you will need tomorrow. Engaging, relevant discussions move the study of business law well beyond the printed page as you gain an understanding of important legal, ethical and corporate issues. Classic, spotlighted and updated cases as recent as 2020 immerse you in legal action, while new case examples highlight well-known companies, such as Nike, Apple, Google and Gucci. New and updated learning features focus on legal topics of interest, from cybersecurity and the law online to managerial strategies and ethical dilemmas. Visually compelling pages illustrate the latest legal developments across the globe, in the U.S. Supreme Court and even at state level. In addition, MindTap digital resources help you further explore how to apply the law to business and life.
Cengage Learning, Inc Business Law: Text and Cases
Comprehensive and authoritative, yet reader-friendly, Clarkson/Miller/Cross' BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES, 15E blends classic "black letter law" with cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. This market-leading book offers a strong reader focus designed to make the law accessible, interesting, and relevant. Updated content and features highlight today's latest developments in business law, while cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to some of today's most important recent decisions. The authors prioritize ethics with a unique ethical decision-making framework. This edition also integrates global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes with insightful features, such as Digital Updates that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law. Numerous examples, Case in Points, Concept Summaries and MindTap digital learning solutions help you further apply the law to today's real issues.
Cengage Learning, Inc Criminal Justice in Action: The Core
With gripping photos, an engaging magazine-like format, and riveting examples straight from today's headlines, CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION: THE CORE, 9th Edition puts you right in the center of the action. Providing just the right depth of coverage, this succinct text uses vivid cases and current events to demonstrate the core principles of the American justice system at work. It reflects the latest trends, practices, and developments in the field. Integrated learning objectives guide your study efforts, self-assessment tools allow you to check your understanding, and practical coverage of careers illustrates the many opportunities available to you in today's criminal justice workplace environment.
MC Press, LLC DB2 10 for z/OS: Cost Savings . . . Right Out of the Box
Providing expert knowledge about the features in the new release of DB2 for z/OS, this extensive guide details the innovations of DB2 10’s SQL and pureXML enhancements—which increase productivity, enhance performance, and simplify application ports. DB2 for z/OS continues to be the undisputed leader in total system availability, scalability, security, and reliability at the lowest cost per transaction. This resource focuses on the features and functions of DB2 10 for IT, including improving operational efficiencies and reducing costs, as well as covering innovations in resiliency for business-critical information, rapid application and warehouse deployment for business growth, and enhanced business analytics and mathematical functions with QMF.
Cengage Learning, Inc Criminal Justice in Action
As a student today, you do not want to simply learn about the world; you want to change it. Gaines/Miller's CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION, 11E provides a template for that change. This magazine-style text focuses on big questions that you've probably already been asking yourself about police tactics, incarceration policies and other major issues in criminal justice. You learn to think critically, ethically and practically about criminal justice issues as captivating content, lifted from the latest headlines, and numerous smaller investigations help you better understand how the U.S. criminal justice system impacts everyone. You gain skills beneficial for a career in criminal justice or any other field, as you actively explore the counterbalancing interests, concepts and theories that characterize today's criminal justice system. MindTap digital resources help you further master concepts and techniques with on-the-go audiocast episodes, career decision-making scenarios and riveting mission-critical stories.