Search results for ""author roger e. axtell""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Essential Do's and Taboos: The Complete Guide to International Business and Leisure Travel
"Roger Axtell is an internationalist Emily Post." --The New Yorker International business and leisure travel etiquette expert Roger Axtell's bestselling Do's and Taboos books have helped hundreds of thousands of business travelers and tourists avoid the missteps and misunderstandings the world traveler can encounter. In Essential Do's and Taboos, Axtell shares the wisdom he has compiled over a lifetime of international experience. Whether you need to know the best time of year to set up a business meeting in Germany or why the O.K. sign is not O.K. in Brazil, you'll find practical, fascinating, culture-savvy, up-to-date advice to help you steer clear of faux pas and face the world with confidence. Essential Do's and Taboos features: * Information on customs, protocol, etiquette, hand gestures, and body language * Fresh advice regarding Internet business and communication options * Country-specific chapters on eleven popular locations--from old favorites like England, France, Japan, and Germany to hot tourist destinations and emerging economies like India, China, Russia, and Mexico * Guidance on hosting international visitors * Important tips on using English around the world * Special do's and taboos for women traveling abroad
John Wiley & Sons Inc Do's and Taboos of Humor Around the World: Stories and Tips from Business and Life
The Do's and Taboos series: over 600,000 satisfied readers-and counting! "Roger Axtell is an international Emily Post."-The New Yorker Roger Axtell's latest eye-opening guide to the pitfalls awaiting the business and leisure traveler is his funniest and most useful yet. Building on two invaluable ideas-"laughter has no accent" and "no matter where you travel in our world, there is one form of communication that is understood-the smile"-Axtell expertly combines fascinating business and leisure lore, more than 300 hilarious anecdotes, and loads of entertaining, invaluable advice on proper etiquette in dozens of countries. From embarrassing dining debacles to unintentionally lewd gestures, this delightful guide shows how to avoid cultural faux pas as you sidestep potential misunderstandings. If all else fails, always be ready to laugh at yourself! Includes 26 whimsical illustrations by the award-winning cartoonist Mel Casson * Discusses the often comical gaffes arising from differences between American English and the English spoken in Great Britain, Australia, and Canada * Features dozens of cunning cognates, misinterpreted signs, unknowingly funny gestures, and business blunders to watch out for * Helps travelers recognize the where, when, and how of using humor abroad
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gestures: The Do's and Taboos of Body Language Around the World
As featured in the New York Times and Reader's Digest "An eye-opener into the pitfalls awaiting the unaware traveler." -Washington Post "Can save the innocent abroad from great gobs of serious trouble." -Chicago Tribune Before you raise your hand to signal the waiter, extend your thumb to hitchhike, or flash the "O.K." sign with thumb and forefinger, Stop! Think of where you are and exactly what you are trying to say-otherwise you could create an international incident. Remember when President Bush thought he was flashing the "V" for Victory sign to cheering Australians? (See inside.) Exploring the ins and outs of body language from head to toe, this newly revised and expanded edition of Roger Axtell's indispensable guide takes you all around the world of gestures-what they mean, how to use them, and when to avoid them. This latest edition includes: * Updates about the 200 most popular gestures and signals-and dozens of new examples * New sections covering special gestures-from American Sign Language and tai chi to flirting and kissing * Information to guide you through gestures country by country-from Switzerland to Japan, Nigeria to the Netherlands * Amusing anecdotes and helpful hypothetical scenarios
John Wiley & Sons Inc Do's and Taboos of Public Speaking: How to Get Those Butterflies Flying in Formation
Develop your powers of public persuasion with the ultimate guide togreat speeches and business presentations. Do you get tongue-tiedat the mere thought of speaking in public? Would you rather swimwith sharks or undergo a tax audit than face an audience? Well,you're not alone. According to the Book of Lists' list of humans'greatest fears, the fear of death is our fourth greatest fear,while fear of public speaking commands a solid first place. Nowfrom Roger E. Axtell, one of America's most accomplished publicspeakers, here's a book guaranteed to turn even the most stage-shymumbler into a great communicator. Geared primarily, but notexclusively, for business people, this amusing and informativeguide can show you how to possess the powers of public persuasionyou've always dreamed of having. Whether it's making a pitch to theboard of directors, or prepping the sales force, stating your caseto the town council, or being interviewed on live TV, Do's andTaboos of Public Speaking can help you to be an intelligent,articulate, confident, and likable presence in front of anyaudience you'll ever face. * Surefire techniques for controlling fear, preparing for andorganizing a business presentation or speech, using body languageand humor, getting the most out of audio and audio/visualequipment, speaking in front of the camera, and much, muchmore * Helpful hints from successful business speakers and such greatsas Winston Churchill, Lee Iacocca, Red Barber, Roger Ailes, andCharles Osgood * Special chapters on humor and roasts, speaking internationally,and even how to become a professional speaker
John Wiley & Sons Inc Do's and Taboos Around The World
The ultimate guide to international completely updated and expanded! Do's and Taboos Around the World 3rd Edition "Roger Axtell is an international Emily Post." --The New Yorker "Can help you make friends [and] avoid travel trouble." --BusinessWeek " to read." --Steve Birnbaum The first two editions of Do's and Taboos Around the World helped thousands of high-powered executives and tourists avoid the missteps and misunderstandings that plague the world traveler. This updated and expanded Third Edition provides even more facts, tips, and cautionary tales--gleaned from the experiences of more than five hundred international business travelers--as well as: * Information on protocol, customs, and etiquette; hand gestures and body language; tipping; American jargon; and the international communications crisis * Up-to-date advice on dealing with the monumental changes in Russia, Germany, Eastern Europe, the People's Republic of China, and other locales * A new chapter on business gift-giving and gift-receiving customs, with country-by-country gift suggestions and precautions * A special quick reference guide to customs and mores in 96 countries, including revisions and updates from foreign embassies and consulates