Search results for ""author roberta tedeschi""
Arcturus Editions Oakleaf Academy: A Mystery at Fairy School
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Oakleaf Academy: A Secret at Fairy School
Sweet Cherry Publishing A Discovery Disappears
Book 1 in the Christie and Agatha's Detective Agency series! “Whoever gave you that sandwich did it deliberately. They wanted to sabotage Fleming’s research.” When Agatha accidentally eats a major scientific discovery (hidden in a sandwich!), it's a race against time for twins Agatha and Christie to find out who’s trying to ruin physician Sir Alexander Fleming’s reputation. About the Christie and Agatha's Detective Agency series: It’s not easy growing up in the 1920s. While Christie can usually be found up a tree or trying a spot of amateur engineering, her shy twin Agatha buries her nose in books and dreams of being a writer. The pair couldn’t be more different. But when a scientific discovery goes missing, they find that together they make a winning combination and Christie and Agatha’s Detective Agency is born. Join the twin detectives as they solve thrilling mysteries all over the world!
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Oakleaf Academy: An Adventure at Fairy School
Arcturus Editions Oakleaf Academy: First Day at Fairy School
Arcturus Editions Oakleaf Academy: An Adventure at Fairy School
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Oakleaf Academy: A Mystery at Fairy School
Sweet Cherry Publishing Christie and Agatha's Detective Agency: Tombful of Trouble
Sweet Cherry Publishing Tombful of Trouble
Book 3 in the Christie and Agatha's Detective Agency series! ‘The truth of the matter is that a number of valuable artefacts have been stolen. There is a thief at the dig!’ During the excavation of an Egyptian pharaoh's tomb, Christie and Agatha find themselves at the heart of a mystery. Lord and Lady Carnarvon’s dig is in jeopardy unless the thief at the site can be found. But time is quickly running out for the twins to wrap up the case and recover Tutankhamun's treasures. About the Christie and Agatha's Detective Agency series: It’s not easy growing up in the 1920s. While Christie can usually be found up a tree or trying a spot of amateur engineering, her shy twin Agatha buries her nose in books and dreams of being a writer. The pair couldn’t be more different. But when a scientific discovery goes missing, they find that together they make a winning combination and Christie and Agatha’s Detective Agency is born. Join the twin detectives as they solve thrilling mysteries all over the world!
Sweet Cherry Publishing Of Mountains and Motors
Book 2 in the Christie and Agatha's Detective Agency series! “His intent is more than clear: he’d rather see me and my car lost, than for us to reach the summit.” Many are unhappy about Mr Alexander Jr’s daring drive to the summit of Ben Nevis, but who is trying to sabotage the record-setting expedition? Willing passengers Christie and Agatha are keen to embark on a rip-roaring adventure, but soon they're embroiled in a thicker plot than they bargained for. About the Christie and Agatha's Detective Agency series: It’s not easy growing up in the 1920s. While Christie can usually be found up a tree or trying a spot of amateur engineering, her shy twin Agatha buries her nose in books and dreams of being a writer. The pair couldn’t be more different. But when a scientific discovery goes missing, they find that together they make a winning combination and Christie and Agatha’s Detective Agency is born. Join the twin detectives as they solve thrilling mysteries all over the world!