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Ovid Technologies Kaplan y Sadock. Manual de psiquiatría clínica
Kaplan y Sadock. Manual de psiquiatría clínica ofrece, de forma asequible y concisa, la información indispensable para el diagnóstico y tratamiento basados en la evidencia de las personas que viven con trastornos mentales. Esta obra parte de una de las referencias más importantes y autorizadas en la materia: Kaplan & Sadock. Sinopsis de Psiquiatría, y resume sus capítulos de mayor relevancia, como evaluación psiquiátrica y médica del paciente, análisis de pruebas de laboratorio y de signos y síntomas, y diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos mentales de mayor incidencia y prevalencia en niños, adolescentes y adultos mayores. La obra, ya en su 5.ª edición, está diseñada para satisfacer las necesidades de lectores que requieren una cobertura compacta, pero completa, de la psiquiatría clínica. Asimismo, este título busca fomentar la competencia profesional y garantizar la atención de la más alta calidad a personas que viven con trastornos mentales.
Wolters Kluwer Health Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry
Accurate, reliable, objective, and comprehensive, Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry has long been the leading clinical psychiatric resource for clinicians, residents, students, and other health care professionals both in the US and worldwide. Now led by a new editorial team of Drs. Robert Boland and Marcia L. Verduin, it continues to offer a trusted overview of the entire field of psychiatry while bringing you up to date with current information on key topics and developments in this complex specialty.The twelfth edition has been completely reorganized to make it more useful and easier to navigate in today’s busy clinical settings.FEATURES A revised table of contents moves the most clinically relevant material to the beginning of the book, including sections on diagnosis, psychopathology and psychiatric conditions, treatment across the lifespan, and therapy and other interventions. Reformats clinical chapters to include clearer section headings and easy-to-digest summaries of important information, all with the goal of helping you find information quickly and easily locate answers to specific problems. Includes numerous case studies to enhance the learning experience. Presents the most current treatment methods including descriptions of all modern psychotherapeutic techniques. Includes descriptive tables for all relevant DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnoses and an up-to-date psychopharmacology section organized according to mechanisms of action. Carries on the tradition of excellence established by Drs. Benjamin J. Sadock and Virginia A. Sadock, with Dr. Pedro Ruiz returning as Consulting Editor.
Wolters Kluwer Health Kaplan & Sadock's Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry
Succinct, authoritative, and affordable, Kaplan & Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th Edition, provides must-know information in clinical psychiatry from the names you trust. From cover to cover, it contains the most relevant clinical material from the bestselling Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry, 12th Edition, including the foundational chapters on assessment, the disorder specific chapters, and all of the treatment-specific chapters among other essential topics such as emergency psychiatry, ethics, and palliative/end-of-life care. New editors Robert Boland and Marcia L. Verduin, along with consulting editor Pedro Ruiz, have updated all content with a focus on reformatting and summarizing for faster access to key information. Provides concise but thorough coverage of the entire field of clinical psychiatry, including biologic, psychologic, and sociologic factors in health and disease. Offers step-by-step guidance on the clinical examination, the psychiatric report, medical assessment of the psychiatric patient, laboratory tests, and signs and symptoms, as well as all psychiatric and substance-related disorders, with special chapters on children, adolescents, and the elderly. Presents the most current treatment methods including descriptions of all modern psychotherapeutic techniques. Contains real-world case histories throughout and features a unique glossary of psychiatric signs and symptoms. Includes thorough updates and revisions throughout, all consistent with the DSM-5. Presents a comprehensive overview of the clinical aspects of psychiatry for clinicians, residents, students, and all others who provide mental health care. , Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. ,
Ovid Technologies Kaplan & Sadock. Sinopsis de psiquiatría
Kaplan & Sadock. Sinopsis de psiquiatría llega a su 12.ª edición con el mismo objetivo de fomentar la excelencia en la práctica de la especialidad y en la asistencia de calidad a los pacientes con enfermedades mentales. Todos los factores biológicos, psicológicos y sociológicos que concurren en las personas afectadas por una enfermedad mental se abordan y se presentan en el texto con igual ambición de exhaustividad, característica que ha contribuido a mantener la reputación de objetividad, independencia y exactitud durante los más de 45 años de vida de esta referencia definitiva en el campo de psiquiatría y las ciencias del comportamiento.Esta 12.ª edición, precisa, fiable, objetiva y completa de Kaplan & Sadock. Sinopsis de psiquiatría se ha reorganizado completamente para hacerla más útil y fácil de navegar en los ajetreados entornos clínicos de hoy en día, con el objetivo de continuar siendo el principal recurso clínico psiquiátrico para clínicos, residentes, estudiantes y otros profesionales de la salud en todo el mundo.Bajo la nueva dirección de un equipo editorial formado por los doctores Robert Boland y Marcia L. Verduin, la obra sigue ofreciendo una visión general de confianza de todo el campo de la psiquiatría, a la vez que le pone al día con información actual sobre temas y desarrollos clave en esta compleja especialidad. Continúa la tradición de excelencia establecida por los doctores Benjamin J. Sadock y Virginia A. Sadock, con el regreso del Dr. Pedro Ruiz como editor consultor.
Wolters Kluwer Health Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Accurate, reliable, objective, and comprehensive, Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry has long been the leading clinical psychiatric resource for clinicians, residents, students, and other health care professionals both in the US and worldwide. Now led by a new editorial team of Drs. Robert Boland and Marcia L. Verduin, it continues to offer a trusted overview of the entire field of psychiatry while bringing you up to date with current information on key topics and developments in this complex specialty. The twelfth edition has been completely reorganized to make it more useful and easier to navigate in today’s busy clinical settings. A revised table of contents moves the most clinically relevant material to the beginning of the book, including sections on diagnosis, psychopathology and psychiatric conditions, treatment across the lifespan, and therapy and other interventions. Reformats clinical chapters to include clearer section headings and easy-to-digest summaries of important information, all with the goal of helping you find information quickly and easily locate answers to specific problems. Includes numerous case studies to enhance the learning experience. Presents the most current treatment methods including descriptions of all modern psychotherapeutic techniques. Includes descriptive tables for all relevant DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnoses and an up-to-date psychopharmacology section organized according to mechanisms of action. Carries on the tradition of excellence established by Drs. Benjamin J. Sadock and Virginia A. Sadock, with Dr. Pedro Ruiz returning as Consulting Editor. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Wolters Kluwer Health Kaplan & Sadock’s Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry
Perfect for stand-alone review or as preparation for the USMLE, PRITE in-service, ABPN Part I, and recertification examinations,Kaplan and Sadock’s Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry, 10th Edition, is a comprehensive, authoritative review of the entire field. Written by Drs. Eric R. Williams and Lindsay Moskowitz, this essential review tool contains more than 600 multiple-choice questions and answers, with explanatory discussions of correct and incorrect responses. Also new to this edition are twenty videos and additional corresponding questions through the complementary digital copy. Features more than 600 questions and answers—all of which are new, written for this edition—in single-answer, multiple choice format Reflects the types of questions you’ll encounter on ABPN board exams, the USMLE, and the PRITE in-service exam Includes current terms and definitions consistent with DSM5-TR and ICD-11 Parallels the essential corresponding chapters in Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry, a staple of psychiatry education around the globe Includes access to twenty videos and additional corresponding questions Included e-book features the ability to randomly generate interactive practice tests that draw questions from throughout the book Ideal for psychiatrists and other physicians, as well as psychiatric residents, medical students, clinical psychologists, psychiatric nurses, and other professionals who provide care for the mentally ill Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.