Search results for ""author paulo coelho""
HarperCollins Publishers Veronika Decides to Die
A novel from internationally acclaimed author Paulo Coelho – a dramatic story of love, life and death that shows us all why every second of our existence is a choice we all make between living and dying. Veronika has everything she could wish for. She is young and pretty, has plenty of boyfriends, a steady job, a loving family. Yet she is not happy; something is lacking in her life, and one morning she decides to die. She takes an overdose of sleeping pills, only to wake up some time later in the local hospital. There she is told that her heart is damaged and she has only a few days to live. The story follows Veronika through these intense days as to her surprise she finds herself experiencing feelings she has never really felt before. Against all odds she finds herself falling in love and even wanting to live again…
Proa Aleph
"El que fa en el present canviarà el futur".La nova obra de Paulo Coelho ens convida a passar a l'acció. Perquè arriba un moment que sentim la necessitat de plantejar-nos com vivim la nostra vida, si som on volem ser i si fem el que volem fer.Cada final ens dóna l'oportunitat de tornar a néixer. Decidir. Canviar. Descobrir. Creure. Despertar-se. Connectar de nou amb el món. Tots podem tornar a començar.Aleph és un viatge que transforma la vida. Veure vídeo promocional
Por el autor del bestseller internacional El Alquimista.En Brida, mi tercera novela, que escribí justo después de El Alquimista, cuento la historia de una joven que se sumerge en el mundo de la hechicería y en sus experiencias con diferentes tradiciones mágicas. Exploro muchos temas que me son queridos, como la Gran Madre, las religiones paganas y las percepciones del amor.Esta es la fascinante historia de Brida, una joven irlandesa de veintiún años, que está interesada en la magia y quiere profundizar en sus poderes ocultos. En su viaje de descubrimiento, conocerá a un sabio que le ayudará a superar sus miedos y a una mujer que le enseñará algunos rituales ancestrales.Escoger un camino significa abandonar otros. Si pretendes recorrer todos los caminos posibles acabarás no recorriendo ninguno.
Linda está casada con un hombre rico, tienen dos hijos y la familia vive en una hermosa casa en Ginebra, Suiza. Trabaja en el periódico más importante del país, es guapa, viste bien y tiene todo lo que se pueda desear. A ojos de todos, su vida es perfecta. Sin embargo, no es feliz; una gran insatisfacción la corroe y se siente culpable por no ser capaz de disfrutar de lo que tiene. Por eso no habla con nadie de lo que sucede. Ama a su marido pero la relación con él se ha vuelto rutinaria, apática.Un día, el periódico la envía a entrevistar a Jacob König, un antiguo novio del instituto que ahora es un político de cierta relevancia. Este encuentro es suficiente para que ella se sienta capaz de hacer algo con lo que soñaba desde muchacha, y empieza a dar rienda suelta a sus fantasías. Vuelve a sentir pasión por la vida. Ahora hará todo lo que sea para conquistar ese amor imposible y descenderá hasta el fondo del pozo de las emociones humanas para, por fin, encontrar su redención.
El manuscrito encontrado en Accra
14 de julio de 1099. Mientras Jerusalén se prepara para la invasión de los cruzados, un griego conocido como el Copto convoca al pueblo, jóvenes y viejos, hombres y mujeres, a reunirse junto a él. Mientras esperan el ataque enemigo, las gentes le preguntan acerca de la derrota y la soledad, la lucha y el cambio, sobre el amor y la lealtad, el destino, el sexo y la elegancia, la sabiduría y, también, lo que aguarda en el futuroLas respuestas que obtuvieron siguen siendo válidas mil años después. Paulo Coelho recoge en El manuscrito encontrado en Accra las reflexiones que se dieron en esa noche mágica en la que la derrota era inminente y el Copto habló.
Booket Valquirias
Chronicle Prism Journey: Follow Your Dreams and Live Your Destiny
Vintage Espanol Adulterio / Adultery
Vintage Espanol La Espía. Una novela sobre Mata Hari / The Spy
HarperCollins Publishers Inc El Alquimista / the Alchemist
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Winner Stands Alone: A Novel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Devil And Miss Prym: A Novel Of Temptation
Schiler & Mücke GbR Hajj Compostela
Can Yayinlari Simyac
Diogenes Verlag AG Untreue
Diogenes Verlag AG,Switzerland Auf Dem Jakobsweg Tagebuch einer Pilgerreise nach Santiago de Compostela
Diogenes Verlag AG Der Alchimist
Vintage Espanol Aleph (Spanish Edition)
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Fifth Mountain: A Novel
Harper Torch Zahir Intl
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Zahir: A Novel Of Obsession
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Eleven Minutes: A Novel
HarperCollins India Fifth Mountain
HarperCollins Maktub
A NATIONAL BESTSELLERAn essential companion to the inspirational classic The Alchemist, filled with timeless stories of reflection and rediscovery.From one of the greatest writers of our age comes a collection of stories and parables unlocking the mysteries of the human condition. Gathered from Paulo Coelho’s daily column of the same name, Maktub, meaning “it is written,” invites seekers on a journey of faith, self-reflection, and transformation. As Paulo Coelho explains, “Maktub is not a book of advice—but an exchange of experiences.”Each story offers an illuminated path to see life and the lives of our fellow people around the world in new ways, allowing us to tap into universal truths about our collective and individual humanity. As Coelho writes, “a man who seeks only the light, while shirking his responsibilities, will never find illumination. And one who
HarperCollins Warrior of the Light
Rise to Your DestinyWarrior of the Light is a timeless and inspirational companion to The Alchemist—an international bestseller that has beguiled millions of readers around the world. Every short passage invites us to live out our dreams, to embrace the uncertainty of life, and to rise to our own unique destiny. In his inimitable style, Paulo Coelho helps bring out the Warrior of the Light within each of us. He shows readers how to embark upon the way of the Warrior: the one who appreciates the miracle of being alive, the one who accepts failure, and the one whose quest leads to fulfillment and joy.
HarperCollins Publishers Like the Flowing River
A breathtaking collection of reflections from one of the world's best loved storytellers, Paulo Coelho. In this riveting collection of thoughts and stories, Paulo Coelho, the author of ‘The Alchemist’, offers his personal reflections on a wide range of subjects from archery and music to elegance, traveling and the nature of good and evil. An old woman explains to her grandson how a mere pencil can show him the path to happiness…instructions on how to climb a mountain reveal the secret to making your dreams a reality…the story of Ghengis Khan and the Falcon that teaches about the folly of anger – and the art of friendship…a pianist who performs an example in fulfilling your destiny…the author learns three important lessons when he goes to the rescue of a man in the street – Paulo shows us how life has lessons for us in the greatest, smallest and most unusual of experiences. ‘Like the Flowing River’ includes jewel-like fables, packed with meaning and retold in Coelho's inimitable style. Sharing his thoughts on spirituality, life and ethics, Paulo touches you with his philosophy and invites you to go on an exciting journey of your own.
Cornerstone Hippie
A journey to the past. A map for the future. After hitchhiking from Brazil to nearly halfway around the world, Paulo stumbles across Karla, a young Dutch woman and like-minded soul, in Amsterdam’s famous Dam Square. Together they decide to take the fabled hippie trail across Europe to Nepal, aboard the Magic Bus, in search of self-discovery. So begins a life-defining love story that will set the course for the rest of their lives. Drawing on the rich experience of his own life, Paulo Coelho relives the dreams of a generation that longed for peace and challenged the established social order.
Cornerstone The Spy
'Beautifully written and gripping'. Sunday MirrorWhen Mata Hari arrived in Paris she was penniless. Soon she was feted as the most elegant woman in the city. A dancer who shocked and delighted audiences, as a confidante and courtesan she bewitched the era’s richest and most powerful men. But as paranoia consumed a country at war, Mata Hari’s lifestyle brought her under suspicion. In 1917 she was arrested in her hotel room on the Champs Elysees and accused of espionage. Told in Mata Hari's voice through her final letter, The Spy is the unforgettable story of a woman who dared to break the conventions of her time, and paid the price.
Penguin Books Ltd Inspirations: Selections from Classic Literature
'Anthology' comes from the Greek word that stands for garlands - a bouquet of flowers. An anthology then, should be a small token of something much larger. In the case of flowers, they bring to mind the colour & fragrance of the fields, of a season. Coelho's anthology, therefore, is not only a collection of texts or poems, but a gift, something arranged according to his sensitivities, to give to others. The selection of books presented in this volume have been chosen as if from a vast field of flowers, stretching infinitely into time's horizon. Coelho's selection is ordered in to the four elements, symbolizing both our world on all its directions, and the way we dwell in it, the way we say it. In 'Earth' we find writers as diverse as Oscar Wilde and D H Lawrence; in 'Air' Nelson Mandela and Gabriel Garcia Marques; in 'Fire' Rumi and Mary Shelley; in 'Water' Hans Christian Anderson and Machiavelli.
labutxaca Maktub
A Maktub, Paulo Coelho ens convida a un viatge de recerca personal. Explorador incansable de l'espiritualitat humana, l'escriptor brasiler comparteix amb el lector un camí de superació i de realització personals. Maktub no és un llibre de consells, sinó un intercanvi d'experiències on es troben i barregen les lliçons del mestre, els relats dels amics, els llibres llegits i les històries que formen part de l'herència espiritual de la humanitat.
Booket Once minutos
Diogenes Verlag AG Brida
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd Love: Selected Quotations
An inspirational selection of quotations on love from the works of one of the world's most celebrated authors. A beautiful and thought-provoking collection of quotes on the eternal subject of love, selected from the works of one of the world's most widely read and respected authors. With beautiful full-colour artwork throughout, Love contains inspirational quotes from such beloved Coelho titles as Eleven Minutes, The Valkyries, The Zahir and, of course, the international bestseller The Alchemist. Known as an alchemist of words, Paulo Coelho has an extraordinary and insightful perspective on life, and his words have inspired and won over millions of readers worldwide. Visually stunning and enlightening, this is a must-have book for Coelho fans to treasure.
Alfred A. Knopf The Spy: A novel
Vintage Espanol La Espía. Una novela sobre Mata Hari / The Spy
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Zahir (Spanish Edition): Una Novela de Obsesión
Diogenes Verlag AG Verbindungen BuchKalender 2025
Diogenes Verlag AG Elf Minuten
Diogenes Verlag AG Elf Minuten
Diogenes Verlag AG Der Fünfte Berg
Diogenes Verlag AG Hippie Eine inspirierende Reise nach Kathmandu
Diogenes Verlag AG Die Spionin
HarperCollins Brida
New York Times Bestseller“In Brida, my third novel, which I wrote just after The Alchemist, I tell the story of a young woman who dives into sorcery and her experiences with different magical traditions. I explore many themes that are dear to me, such as the Great Mother, pagan religions, and the perceptions of love.”-- Paulo CoelhoThis is the spellbinding tale of Brida, a beautiful young Irish woman, and her quest for knowledge. On her journey, she meets a wise man who teaches her about overcoming her fears, and a woman who teaches her ancient rituals. They see in her a gift, but must let Brida make her own voyage of discovery.
Random House, India Adultery
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Alchemist, 25th Anniversary: A Fable About Following Your Dream
HarperCollins Publishers Brida
The spellbinding novel from one of the world's best-loved authors, Paulo Coelho, recounting the story of Brida, and her pursuit of wisdom. This is the story of Brida, a young Irish girl, and her quest for knowledge. She has long been interested in various aspects of magic, and has taken courses in astrology, tarot, and numerology, but is searching for something more. Her search leads her to people of great wisdom, who begin to teach her about the world. Her teachers sense that Brida has a gift, but cannot tell what that is. Meanwhile, Brida pursues her course ever deeper into the mysteries of life, seeking to answer questions about who she is. She meets a wise man who dwells in a forest and teaches her about overcoming her fears and trusting in the goodness of the world and a woman who teaches her how to dance to the music of the world and how to pray to the moon. She seeks her destiny, as she struggles to find a balance between her relationships and her desire to become a witch. This enthralling novel incorporates themes fans of Paulo will love. It is a tale of love, passion, mystery and spirituality.