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Cuento de Luz SL Silence
Best illustrated book at the 2023 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards and awarded by the Cuatro Gatos Foundation, The Latino Books Awards, and Independent Publisher Book Awards. A silent journey through nature and different landscapes where anything is possible. Open this book to find endless narratives and joyful adventures.Silence visits me at the riverside. Then he hides. What if I can spot him between the waves of cool water? Or does he rest in the high mountains? Maybe inside the trees? What if I could go find him?A quiet river, a special girl’s gaze and the wise natural world invite us to listen soundlessly to what cannot be heard. The illustrations with paper cutouts and candy lighting create a symbolic adventure between dream and reality.An evocative wordless picture book, where playing is guaranteed and endless narrations are possible.Mejor libro ilustrado en los premios Moonbeam 2023, premiado tambien por la Fundación Cuatro Gatos, Independent Publisher's Awards y Latino Books Awards en 2023. Un viaje en silencio por diferentes paisajes del mundo natural donde todo es posible. Abre este libro y déjate inspirar por narraciones interminables y aventuras inspiradoras.El silencio me visita a la orilla del río. Luego se esconde. ¿Y si estuviera en las ondas del agua fresca? ¿O en las altas montañas? ¿O en el interior de los árboles? ¿Y si pudiera ir a buscarlo?Un río, la mirada de una niña y el mundo natural sabio en silencios nos invitan a escuchar lo que no se oye. Las ilustraciones con recortes de papel y luz de caramelo, crean una sugerente aventura entre el sueño y la realidad. Un evocador álbum sin palabras, donde el juego y un sinfín de narraciones son posibles.
Dixi Books (UK) Limited Sleeping in the Forest
Zzzzz! Can you hear it? The forest fills with night sounds. As the little frog enters the forest in search of company and fun, she is more awake than ever. Will she be able to rouse her sleepy forest friends to play with her? Or will the turtle, the mouse, the hare, the bees, and many more, prefer to dream? A book to accompany the magical moment of going to sleep. A text full of rhythm and humour with illustrations that reveal the true beauty of the night as the forest falls asleep.
Cuento de Luz SL Silencio
Best illustrated book at the 2023 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards and awarded by the Cuatro Gatos Foundation, The Latino Books Awards, and Independent Publisher Book Awards. A silent journey through nature and different landscapes where anything is possible. Open this book to find endless narratives and joyful adventures.Silence visits me at the riverside. Then he hides. What if I can spot him between the waves of cool water? Or does he rest in the high mountains? Maybe inside the trees? What if I could go find him?A quiet river, a special girl’s gaze and the wise natural world invite us to listen soundlessly to what cannot be heard. The illustrations with paper cutouts and candy lighting create a symbolic adventure between dream and reality.An evocative wordless picture book, where playing is guaranteed and endless narrations are possible.Mejor libro ilustrado en los premios Moonbeam 2023, premiado tambien por la Fundación Cuatro Gatos, Independent Publisher's Awards y Latino Books Awards en 2023. Un viaje en silencio por diferentes paisajes del mundo natural donde todo es posible. Abre este libro y déjate inspirar por narraciones interminables y aventuras inspiradoras.El silencio me visita a la orilla del río. Luego se esconde. ¿Y si estuviera en las ondas del agua fresca? ¿O en las altas montañas? ¿O en el interior de los árboles? ¿Y si pudiera ir a buscarlo?Un río, la mirada de una niña y el mundo natural sabio en silencios nos invitan a escuchar lo que no se oye. Las ilustraciones con recortes de papel y luz de caramelo, crean una sugerente aventura entre el sueño y la realidad. Un evocador álbum sin palabras, donde el juego y un sinfín de narraciones son posibles.
Cuento de Luz SL Un tractor muy, muy ruidoso (A Very, Very Noisy Tractor)
A woman drives a tractor through town and, thanks to the tractor's noisy engine, can't hear all the things people say about her as she drives by. They comment on her clothes and her hair, but mostly they seem confused as to why a woman is driving a tractor in the first place. A fun, original tale about turning a deaf ear to negativity and prejudice, this story will inspire children to embrace who they are and to believe they can grow up to be anything they want to be. Una mujer conduce un tractor por el pueblo y, gracias a lo ruidoso que es el motor del tractor, no logra escuchar lo que dice la gente sobre ella. Hacen comentarios sobre su ropa y su pelo, pero mas que nada parecen estar confundidos por el hecho de que una mujer este conduciendo un tractor. Un divertido y original cuento sobre hacer oidos sordos hacia la negatividad y los prejuicios, esta historia inspirara a los ninos a aceptarse como son y a creer que pueden ser lo que deseen cuando crezcan. Lexile Level 760L
Cuento de Luz SL Yoga en la selva (Yoga in the Jungle)
Yoga en la selva is a wonderful tale of friendship that unfolds in the vibrant jungle of India, introducing young readers to the practice of yoga. While mimicking the body language of the exotic animals in the story, the beautifully illustrated yoga poses will help children to improve their poise and concentration, nurturing a learning process that will fill them with peace, happiness and a sense of being connected to nature. Are you ready for an adventure in the jungle? Its wisdom and secrets await you in this book. Lexile Level 590L
Cuento de Luz SL Snowbound Secrets
Sometimes life calls on us to embark on an adventure before we're really ready for it; it requires us to surpass ourselves and to learn the value of trust and loyalty. This is what happens to Pem, who's itching to head off through the snow with her father, brother and the yaks towards the grazing lands. But when the big day comes, she still can't imagine the adventure that awaits her. The youngest member of the family will have her first experience all on her own: does the Yeti really exist? Countless secrets lie in the snow, waiting to be discovered by those who are inquisitive enough to seek them out! Snowbound Secrets is a wonderful tale set in the country of Bhutan, full of mystery and adventure; it is a hymn to nature and the highest mountains of our blue planet. Through the innocent eyes of a little girl, we will learn what it means to respect traditions and legends and to cast off our fears, discovering how bravery can often help to unveil mysteries that captivate our hearts. Lexile Level 810L Guided Reading Level P
Cuento de Luz SL Mariama - diferente pero igual (Mariama - Different But Just the Same)
Winner at the 2015 International Latino Book Awards. Mariama embarks on a journey towards a new life and a new realization—her roots will always remain in her and that differences can bring people closer.Everything’s new for Mariama after a long journey by car, train, boat, and plane from Africa. She’s going to discover a world where the streets, her school, and the food are all different. But what about the people? She will have to work hard to learn the language that moon-white children speak, but with the help of her new friends Hugo and Paula, Mariama will discover that, despite all the different customs and traditions that exist between them, there is something that brings them closer beyond all the differences: the pleasure of playing and laughing.A beautiful tale about identity, the process of integration, and solidarity. Are you ready to meet Mariama and play with her.Ganador en los International Latino Book Awards de 2015. Mariama emprende un viaje hacia una nueva vida, pero descubrirá que sus raíces siempre permanecerán en ella y que las diferencias pueden unirnos.Para Mariama, después de un largo viaje en automóvil, tren, barco y avión desde África, todo es nuevo. Va a descubrir un mundo donde las calles, la escuela y la comida son diferentes, pero ¿y las personas? Deberá esforzarse para aprender el idioma que hablan los niños blancos como la luna, pero con la ayuda de sus nuevos amigos Héctor y Pilar, Mariama descubrirá que, pese a todas las costumbres diferentes que existen entre ellos, hay algo que los une más allá de todas las diferencias: el placer de jugar y reír.Una bella historia sobre la identidad, el proceso de integración y la solidaridad. ¿Preparados para conocer a Mariama y jugar con ella?
Cuento de Luz SL Mariama - diferente pero igual (Mariama - Different But Just the Same): Diferente pero igual
Everything's new for Mariama after a long journey by car, train, boat, and plane from Africa. She's going to discover a world where the streets, her school, and the food are all different. But what about the people? A beautiful tale about identity, the process of integration, and solidarity. Are you ready to meet Mariama and play with her? Lexile Level 840L
Cuento de Luz SL Águila que camina - el niño comanche (Walking Eagle - The Little Comanche Boy): El niño comanche
The boy with the feather headdress told stories without saying a word. The boy whose legs formed the shape of a heart communicated with that special language that comes from within. With his hands, his face, his smile and his eyes, he could communicate everything his listeners needed to hear. His tales awoke deep emotions, conveyed a sense of solidarity, and created bonds between hands and hearts of different tribes that lasted forever. Aguila que Camina: El nino comanche is a magical tale about nature and harmony between the different peoples of the world, reminding us of the power of stories to bring out our very best from within the deepest part of the human soul. Lexile Level 870L
Cuento de Luz SL ¡Bonita es la vida! (Life Is Beautiful!)
Violet is a little Kenyan girl who is visited by a winged giraffe during one particularly hunger-filled night. Wanting to cheer up a hungry and dejected Violet, the giraffe takes the little girl on a flight around her country of Kenya, as well as around the entire African continent. During their journey, Violet is able to see the beauty of her land from a new perspective, but still worries for herself and for her people. She is soon reassured by the giraffe, however, who tells her that help will come if she and her people appeal to the compassion of others from around the world, as well as if they are able to spread laughter among each other. Violeta es una nina keniana quien es visitada por una jirafa alada durante una noche llena de hambre. Queriendo alentar a una Violeta hambrienta y desanimada, la jirafa se lleva a la nina en una gira por todo su pais y por el continente entero de Africa. Durante el viaje, Violeta logra apreciar la belleza de su tierra desde una nueva perspectiva, pero sigue preocupada por si misma y por su gente. Pronto es reasegurada por la jirafa, sin embargo, cuando esta le dice que recibiran ayuda si ella y su pueblo apelan a la compasion de otras personas alrededor del mundo, ademas de si son capaces de propagar la risa entre ellos mismos.
Cuento de Luz SL Un baño de bosque (Bathing in the Forest)
Winner at the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards. A heartening story about connecting to nature and its healing properties.The little girl of the forest embraces you, takes you by the hand, and invites you to immerse yourself in her magical world. The trees surround you. You walk in peace. The light filters through the leaves, in myriad green and ochre tones. It feels as if your feet are putting down roots, connecting you with the vibrant world around you. You are surrounded by birdsong, and the sound of the wind in the treetops… You are bathing in the forest.Walking through the forest has multiple benefits. It helps regulate our blood pressure, slow down the heart rate, reduce stress, improves our mood and tones our immune system. You will sleep better and your good mood will increase.If you ever feel gray, sad, agitated, open the pages of Bathing in the Forest and feel the warm embrace of the girl who lives there…Ganador de los premios Independent Publisher Book Awards 2020. Una historia alentadora sobre la conexión con la naturaleza y sus propiedades curativas.La niña del bosque te abraza, te tiende la mano y te sumerge en la naturaleza. Los árboles te rodean. Caminas con tranquilidad. La luz se filtra entre las hojas y observas la infinidad de matices verdes y ocres. Percibes ese olor inconfundible de la tierra y sientes que formas parte de la vida. Escuchas el trinar de los pájaros y el sonido del viento meciendo las copas de los árboles. Estás disfrutando de un baño de bosque.Pasear por un bosque tiene múltiples beneficios. Ayuda a regular nuestra presión arterial, ralentizar el ritmo cardiaco, reducir el estrés, mejora nuestro estado anímico y tonifica nuestro sistema inmunitario. Dormirás mejor y aumentará tu buen humor.Si alguna vez te sientes gris, triste, agitado... abre las páginas de Un baño de bosque y siente el cálido abrazo de la nińa que allí habita…
Cuento de Luz SL Lopez Lomong - Todos estamos destinados a utilizar nuestro talento para cambiar la vida de las personas (Lopez Lomong - We Are All Destined to Use Our Talent to Change People’s Lives): Todos estamos destinados a utilizar nuestro talento par
La increíble e inspiradora historia de un niño que desde el corazón de África supo vencer todos los obstáculos y logró convertirse en atleta olímpico. Un canto a la esperanza y a la paz que nos muestra que hasta en la oscuridad, siempre brilla una luz que nos guía. This is the incredible, inspiring tale of a little boy from the heart of Africa, who was able to overcome all of the obstacles in his life, and become an Olympic athlete. A story of hope and peace, which shows us how there is always a light that shines to guide us, even in the darkest moments. Lexile Level: 910L
Cuento de Luz SL Bathing in the Forest
Winner at the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards. A heartening story about connecting to nature and its healing properties.The little girl of the forest embraces you, takes you by the hand, and invites you to immerse yourself in her magical world. The trees surround you. You walk in peace. The light filters through the leaves, in myriad green and ochre tones. It feels as if your feet are putting down roots, connecting you with the vibrant world around you. You are surrounded by birdsong, and the sound of the wind in the treetops… You are bathing in the forest.Walking through the forest has multiple benefits. It helps regulate our blood pressure, slow down the heart rate, reduce stress, improves our mood and tones our immune system. You will sleep better and your good mood will increase.If you ever feel gray, sad, agitated, open the pages of Bathing in the Forest and feel the warm embrace of the girl who lives there…
Cuento de Luz SL A Very, Very Noisy Tractor
Winner of: Best Illustrator Silver (tie)-- Nivola Uya, 2013 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards A woman drives a tractor through town and, thanks to the tractor's noisy engine, can't hear all the things people say about her as she drives by. They comment on her clothes and her hair, but mostly they seem confused as to why a woman is driving a tractor in the first place. A fun, original tale about turning a deaf ear to negativity and prejudice, this story will inspire children to embrace who they are and to believe they can grow up to be anything they want to be. Guided Reading Level L Lexile Level 1040L
Cuento de Luz SL A Treasure in the Peaks (Learning to Meditate): Learning to Meditate
After Yoga in the Jungle, our two friends from different cultures continue to learn as they travel through India. In the world's highest peaks, they will discover that the most valuable treasure of all for a happy, peaceful life is found within each and every one of us. A Treasure in the Peaks includes suggestions for simple exercises to improve concentration and attention, introducing young readers to the benefits of meditation: focusing on the sound of bird song, feeling each step we take with our feet, or noticing how our heart fills with joy. Are you ready to climb the highest peaks and learn to meditate? Lexile Level 830L Guided Reading Level P
Cuento de Luz SL Yoga in the Jungle
Yoga in the Jungle is a wonderful tale of friendship that unfolds in the vibrant jungle of India, introducing young readers to the practice of yoga. While mimicking the body language of the exotic animals in the story, the beautifully illustrated yoga poses will help children to improve their poise and concentration, nurturing a learning process that will fill them with peace, happiness and a sense of being connected to nature. Are you ready for an adventure in the jungle? Its wisdom and secrets await you in this book. Lexile Level 640L Guided Reading Level P
Cuento de Luz SL Secretos en la nieve (Snowbound Secrets)
Sometimes life calls on us to embark on an adventure before we're really ready for it; it requires us to surpass ourselves and to learn the value of trust and loyalty. This is what happens to Pem, who's itching to head off through the snow with her father, brother and the yaks towards the grazing lands. But when the big day comes, she still can't imagine the adventure that awaits her. The youngest member of the family will have her first experience all on her own: does the Yeti really exist? Countless secrets lie in the snow, waiting to be discovered by those who are inquisitive enough to seek them out! Secretos en la nieve is a wonderful tale set in the country of Bhutan, full of mystery and adventure; it is a hymn to nature and the highest mountains of our blue planet. Through the innocent eyes of a little girl, we will learn what it means to respect traditions and legends and to cast off our fears, discovering how bravery can often help to unveil mysteries that captivate our hearts. Lexile Level 870L
Cuento de Luz SL Mariama - Different But Just the Same: Different But Just the Same
Winner at the 2015 International Latino Book Awards. Mariama embarks on a journey towards a new life and a new realization—her roots will always remain in her and that differences can bring people closer.Everything’s new for Mariama after a long journey by car, train, boat, and plane from Africa. She’s going to discover a world where the streets, her school, and the food are all different. But what about the people? She will have to work hard to learn the language that moon-white children speak, but with the help of her new friends Hugo and Paula, Mariama will discover that, despite all the different customs and traditions that exist between them, there is something that brings them closer beyond all the differences: the pleasure of playing and laughing.A beautiful tale about identity, the process of integration, and solidarity. Are you ready to meet Mariama and play with her.