Search results for ""author nel noddings""
John Wiley & Sons Educating for Intelligent Belief or Unbelief
An enduring issue in American education concerns the place of individual beliefs and moral standards in the classroom. Noddings argues that public schools should address the questions that teenagers raise about the nature, value and meaning of life, and should do so across the curriculum.
Teachers' College Press The Challenge to Care in Schools: An Alternative Approach to Education
In this second edition of her educational text, Noddings suggests that if we make the responsiveness characteristic of caring more basic than accountability, we can accommodate both traditional and progressive preferences in one school system to the benefit of all... especially the children.
Teachers' College Press Educating Moral People: A Caring Alternative to Character Education
In this collection of essential essays, Nel Noddings examines alternatives to prevailing models of character education - a sympathetic approach based on an ethic of care. Covering both stories in the classroom and controversial issues in education, Noddings describes the similarities and differences between character education and care ethics...examines how moral education might be infused throughout the curriculum...and calls for greater cooperation across fields and more attention to the practical problems of everyday teaching.
University of California Press Caring: A Relational Approach to Ethics and Moral Education
With numerous examples to supplement her rich theoretical discussion, Nel Noddings builds a compelling philosophical argument for an ethics based on natural caring, as in the care of a mother for her child. In Caring - now updated with a new preface and afterword reflecting on the ongoing relevance of the subject matter - the author provides a wide-ranging consideration of whether organizations, which operate at a remove from the caring relationship, can truly be called ethical. She discusses the extent to which we may truly care for plants, animals, or ideas. Finally, she proposes a realignment of education to encourage and reward not just rationality and trained intelligence, but also enhanced sensitivity in moral matters.
John Wiley & Sons Teaching Controversial Issues The Case for Critical Thinking and Moral Commitment in the Classroom
The authors offer strategies for addressing a variety of issues related to authority, religion, gender, race, media, sports, entertainment, class and poverty, capitalism and socialism, and equality and justice. The emphasis is on the use of critical thinking to understand and collaborate, not simply to win arguments.
University of Pennsylvania Press Caregiving
Looks not only at the financial, emotional, and physical demands of giving and receiving care but also at the strengths and rewards inherent in the world of caregiving.