Search results for ""author nathalie leger""
El vestido blanco
La trágica historia de una artista que recorría Europa en autostop reivindicando la pazEn marzo de 2008, la artista italiana Pippa Bacca emprende una performance tan atrevida como llena de buenas intenciones: viajar en autostop de Milán a Jerusalén vestida de novia, en una suerte de peregrinación antibelicista por países en los que aún es palpable el rastro de la guerra, como una forma de reivindicación de la paz y el amor universal, representados por el vestido blanco. Una década más tarde, la autora francesa Nathalie Léger, sobrecogida ante la historia de Bacca y su fatal desenlace, decide indagar en los motivos que llevaron a la joven a emprender un viaje tan peligroso.Mientras avanza en su investigación, Léger visita unos días a su propia madre y descubre el anhelo urgente que esta siente de revelarle el trato humillante e injusto que hubo de padecer durante el proceso de divorcio de su padre en los a.os setenta, y le pide que dé voz a esta verdad.Apoyándose en el simb
Dorothy a Publishing Project The White Dress
Les Fugitives The White Dress
On 8 March 2008 the Italian performance artist Pippa Bacca set out to hitchhike from Milan to Jerusalem in a wedding dress, documented with a video camera. On 31 March her body was found in woods on the outskirts of Istanbul. In telling the young woman's story, which overwhelms her and inexorably draws her in, Leger recounts the different stages of her research and the writing of the book. She strikes upon something fundamental within Bacca's performance: the desire to remedy the unfathomable nature of violence and war. Ultimately, she must face up to the failure of the young woman's endeavour. As she surveys the terrain of performance art and continues her examination of portrayals of the female condition, as in her earlier books, Leger explores the existential mystery and harsh truths expressed in Bacca's work, and that of other performance artists. The White Dress closes what is now regarded as a trilogy that begins with Exposition and is followed by Suite for Barbara Loden.
Dorothy a Publishing Project Exposition
Les Fugitives Exposition
Everything can be exhibited: trinkets from the Second French Empire, a collection of photographs, a boudoir from beyond the grave, a heroine famous for her beauty, her extravagance and her pitiful end. Everything can be exposed: a woman for another woman... , the fear of one's own body, a way of entering a scene, the thrill of seduction, abandonment, the reassurance of objects, a ruin. Over the course of four decades, the Countess Virginia Oldoini returned to the same Paris studio to be photographed, posing in different tableaux to mark the moments of her life, real and imagined. A fascination with 'La Castiglione' led Nathalie Leger to weave together this imaginative proto-biography. Mysterious yet over-exposed, adored and despised for her beauty in equal measure, Castiglione was a flamboyant aristocrat, mistress of Napoleon III and a rumoured spy. Examining the myths around icons past and present, Leger meditates on the half-truths of portrait photography, reframing her own family history in the process.
Dorothy a Publishing Project Suite for Barbara Loden