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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Sociology of International Law
This innovative Research Handbook explores recent developments at the intersection of international law, sociology and social theory. In doing so, it highlights anew the potential contribution of sociological methods and theories to the study of international law, and illustrates their use in the examination of contemporary problems of practical interest to international lawyers.The diverse body of expert contributors discuss a wide range of methodologies and approaches - including those inspired by the giants of twentieth century social thought, as well as emergent strands such as computational linguistics, performance theory and economic sociology. With chapters exploring topical areas including the globalization of law, economic globalization, property rights, global governance, international legal counsel, social networks, and anthropology, the Research Handbook presents a number of paths for future research in international legal scholarship.Full of original insight, this interdisciplinary Research Handbook will be essential reading for academics and scholars in international law and sociology, as well as postgraduate students. Lawyers practicing in international law will also find this a stimulating read.Contributors include: W. Alschner, F.M. Bohnenberger, R. Buchanan, K. Byers, S. Cho, D. Desai, S. Dothan, J.L. Dunoff, S. Frerichs, B.G. Garth, M. Hirsch, R. James, C. Joerges, N. Lamp, A. Lang, M.R. Madsen, K. Mansveld, G. Messenger, M.A. Pollack, S. Puig, G.A. Sarfaty, D. Schneiderman, W.G. Werner
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Sociology of International Law
This innovative Research Handbook explores recent developments at the intersection of international law, sociology and social theory. In doing so, it highlights anew the potential contribution of sociological methods and theories to the study of international law, and illustrates their use in the examination of contemporary problems of practical interest to international lawyers.The diverse body of expert contributors discuss a wide range of methodologies and approaches - including those inspired by the giants of twentieth century social thought, as well as emergent strands such as computational linguistics, performance theory and economic sociology. With chapters exploring topical areas including the globalization of law, economic globalization, property rights, global governance, international legal counsel, social networks, and anthropology, the Research Handbook presents a number of paths for future research in international legal scholarship.Full of original insight, this interdisciplinary Research Handbook will be essential reading for academics and scholars in international law and sociology, as well as postgraduate students. Lawyers practicing in international law will also find this a stimulating read.Contributors include: W. Alschner, F.M. Bohnenberger, R. Buchanan, K. Byers, S. Cho, D. Desai, S. Dothan, J.L. Dunoff, S. Frerichs, B.G. Garth, M. Hirsch, R. James, C. Joerges, N. Lamp, A. Lang, M.R. Madsen, K. Mansveld, G. Messenger, M.A. Pollack, S. Puig, G.A. Sarfaty, D. Schneiderman, W.G. Werner
University of British Columbia Press A Human Rights Based Approach to Development in India
Over the last twenty years, India has enacted legislation to turn crucial goals such as food security, primary education, and employment into legal rights for its citizens. But enacting laws is one thing and implementing them through an imperfect institutional structure is another. A Human Rights Based Approach to Development in India examines a diverse range of human development issues over a period of rapid economic growth in India. Demonstrating why institutional and economic development are synonymous, the essays in this volume detail the many obstacles that may hinder development. In addition, they show how the domestic policies required to implement laws may undermine India’s treaty obligations at the World Trade Organization or under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. The contributors ultimately ask whether development can be achieved by making it a legal right and whether India’s right to develop is truly at odds with its international commitments.