Search results for ""author mike davis""
Verso Books The Monster Enters: COVID-19, Avian Flu, and the Plagues of Capitalism
In his book, The Monster at Our Door, the renowned activist and author Mike Davis warned of a coming global threat of viral catastrophes. Now in this expanded edition of that 2005 book, Davis explains how the problems he warned of remain, and he sets the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of previous disastrous outbreaks, notably the 1918 influenza disaster that killed at least forty million people in three months and the Avian flu of a decade and a half ago. In language both accessible and authoritative, The Monster Enters surveys the scientific and political roots of today's viral apocalypse. In doing so it exposes the key roles of agribusiness and the fast-food industries, abetted by corrupt governments and a capitalist global system careening out of control, in creating the ecological pre-conditions for a plague that has brought much of human existence to a juddering halt.
Ediciones Akal Planeta de ciudades miseria
Mike Davis radiografía minuciosamente las consecuencias que el impacto del neoliberalismo y la acumulación de crisis económicas, políticas y ecológicas han tenido en las aglomeraciones urbanas surgidas en el Sur global, tras treinta años de desregulación de los mercados, desmantelamiento de las estructuras asistenciales públicas y supresión de la intervención de los Estados.
Verso Books Planet of Slums
According to the United Nations, more than one billion people now live in the slums of the cities of the South. In this brilliant and ambitious book, Mike Davis explores the future of a radically unequal and explosively unstable urban world. From the sprawling barricadas of Lima to the garbage hills of Manila, urbanization has been disconnected from industrialization, and even from economic growth. Davis portrays a vast humanity warehoused in shantytowns and exiled from the formal world economy. He argues that the rise of this informal urban proletariat is a wholly unforeseen development, and asks whether the great slums, as a terrified Victorian middle class once imagined, are volcanoes waiting to erupt.
Last Gasp,U.S. A Blind Man's Journey: The Art of Mike Davis
Taylor & Francis Ltd Creating Visual Narratives Through Photography: A Fresh Approach to Making a Living as a Photographer
This book provides photographers with the foundation to craft more compelling photos from concept all the way through to creation and distribution, on the path to making a living. Based on real-life practice and experience, former National Geographic and White House visual editor, Mike Davis, takes readers on a journey starting with addressing the motivation behind an image and how this determines the rest of the creative process. He goes on to articulate best technical practices to create the narrative through photo composition and what to do with your work after the photos are completed. Each section offers exercises for applied learning and a series of appendices cover assignments structures, a compilation of critical words and concepts, a comprehensive resource guide of organizations, competitions, grants, collectives and agencies, book publishers and printers, and more. This is an ideal resource for students and practitioners alike to gain a more informed understanding of photographic expression and learn how to effectively execute these visions.
Llega el monstruo
El reconocido activista y escritor Mike Davis ofrece un pronóstico aterrador de una nueva amenaza global y establece la crisis de la COVID-19 en el contexto de catástrofes virales anteriores, como la gripe de 1918 que mató al menos a cuarenta millones de personas en tres meses o la más reciente gripe aviar, un toque de atención desastrosamente ignorado y cuyas evidentes consecuencias estamos sufriendo en el devastador brote actual. Con un lenguaje accesible y riguroso, Davis reconstruye la historia científica y política de un apocalipsis viral en desarrollo, exponiendo los roles centrales de los agronegocios y las industrias de comida rápida, apoyados por Gobiernos corruptos, en la creación de las condiciones ecológicas para el surgimiento de esta nueva plaga.
Verso Books Old Gods, New Enigmas: Marx's Lost Theory
Old Gods, New Enigmas is the highly-anticipated book by the best-selling author of City of Quartz and Planet of Slums. Mike Davis spent years working factory jobs and sitting behind the wheel of an eighteen wheeler before his profile as one of the world's leading urbanists emerged with the publication of his sober, if dystopian survey of Los Angeles. Since then, he's developed a reputation not only for his caustic analysis of ecological catastrophe and colonial history, but as a stylist without peer.Old Gods, New Enigmas is Davis's book-length engagement with Karl Marx, marking the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth and exploring Davis's thinking on history, labor, capitalism, and revolution - themes ever present the early work from this leading radical thinker. This will be his first book on Marxism itself.In a time of ubiquitous disgust with political and economic elites, explores the question of revolutionary agency-what social forces and conditions do we need to transform the current order?-and the situation of the world's working classes from the US to Europe to China. Even the most preliminary tasks are daunting. A new theory of revolution needs to return to the big issues in classical socialist thought, such as clarifying "proletarian agency", before turning to the urgent questions of our time: global warming, the social and economic gutting of the rustbelt, and the city's demographic eclipse of the countryside. What does revolution look like after the end of history?
Verso Books Old Gods, New Enigmas: Marx's Lost Theory
Old Gods, New Enigmas is the highly-anticipated book by the best-selling author of City of Quartz and Planet of Slums. Mike Davis spent years working factory jobs and sitting behind the wheel of an eighteen wheeler before his profile as one of the world's leading urbanists emerged with the publication of his sober, if dystopian survey of Los Angeles. Since then, he's developed a reputation not only for his caustic analysis of ecological catastrophe and colonial history, but as a stylist without peer.Old Gods, New Enigmas is Davis's book-length engagement with Karl Marx, marking the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth and exploring Davis's thinking on history, labor, capitalism, and revolution - themes ever present the early work from this leading radical thinker. This will be his first book on Marxism itself.In a time of ubiquitous disgust with political and economic elites, explores the question of revolutionary agency-what social forces and conditions do we need to transform the current order?-and the situation of the world's working classes from the US to Europe to China. Even the most preliminary tasks are daunting. A new theory of revolution needs to return to the big issues in classical socialist thought, such as clarifying "proletarian agency", before turning to the urgent questions of our time: global warming, the social and economic gutting of the rustbelt, and the city's demographic eclipse of the countryside. What does revolution look like after the end of history?
Verso Books Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster
Counterpointing Los Angeles's central role in America's fantasy life - the city has been destroyed no less than 138 times in novels and films since 1909 - with its wanton denial of its own real history, Mike Davis creates a revelatory kaleidoscope of American fact, imagery, and sensibility. Drawing upon a vast array of sources, Ecology of Fear meticulously captures the nation's violent malaise and desperate social unease in an era of climate change and social change. With savagely entertaining wit and compassionate rage, this book conducts a devastating reconnaissance of our all-too-likely urban future.With a new 2021 afterword taking stock of LA's 21st century.
Assoziation A City of Quartz
Verso Books Prisoners of the American Dream: Politics and Economy in the History of the US Working Class
Prisoners of the American Dream is Mike Davis's brilliant exegesis of a persistent and major analytical problem for Marxist historians and political economists: Why has the world's most industrially advanced nation never spawned a mass party of the working class? This series of essays surveys the history of the American bourgeois democratic revolution from its Jacksonian beginnings to the rise of the New Right and the reelection of Ronald Reagan, concluding with some bracing thoughts on the prospects for progressive politics in the United States.
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Big Farms Make Big Flu: Dispatches on Influenza, Agribusiness, and the Nature of Science
Thanks to breakthroughs in production and food science, agribusiness has been able to devise new ways to grow more food and get it more places more quickly. There is no shortage of news items on hundreds of thousands of hybrid poultry - each animal genetically identical to the next - packed together in megabarns, grown out in a matter of months, then slaughtered, processed and shipped to the other side of the globe. Less well known are the deadly pathogens mutating in, and emerging out of, these specialized agro-environments. In fact, many of the most dangerous new diseases in humans can be traced back to such food systems, among them Campylobacter, Nipah virus, Q fever, hepatitis E, and a variety of novel influenza variants.Agribusiness has known for decades that packing thousands of birds or livestock together results in a monoculture that selects for such disease. But market economics doesn't punish the companies for growing Big Flu - it punishes animals, the environment, consumers, and contract farmers. Alongside growing profits, diseases are permitted to emerge, evolve, and spread with little check. "That is," writes evolutionary biologist Rob Wallace, "it pays to produce a pathogen that could kill a billion people."In Big Farms Make Big Flu, a collection of dispatches by turns harrowing and thought-provoking, Wallace tracks the ways influenza and other pathogens emerge from an agriculture controlled by multinational corporations. Wallace details, with a precise and radical wit, the latest in the science of agricultural epidemiology, while at the same time juxtaposing ghastly phenomena such as attempts at producing featherless chickens, microbial time travel, and neoliberal Ebola. Wallace also offers sensible alternatives to lethal agribusiness. Some, such as farming cooperatives, integrated pathogen management, and mixed crop-livestock systems, are already in practice off the agribusiness grid.While many books cover facets of food or outbreaks, Wallace's collection appears the first to explore infectious disease, agriculture, economics and the nature of science together. Big Farms Make Big Flu integrates the political economies of disease and science to derive a new understanding of the evolution of infections. Highly capitalized agriculture may be farming pathogens as much as chickens or corn.
The New Press MONSTER AT OUR DOOR THE The Global Threat of Avian Flu
Verso Books Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World
Examining a series of El Niño-induced droughts and the famines that they spawned around the globe in the last third of the 19th century, Mike Davis discloses the intimate, baleful relationship between imperial arrogance and natural incident that combined to produce some of the worst tragedies in human history. Late Victorian Holocausts focuses on three zones of drought and subsequent famine: India, Northern China; and Northeastern Brazil. All were affected by the same global climatic factors that caused massive crop failures, and all experienced brutal famines that decimated local populations. But the effects of drought were magnified in each case because of singularly destructive policies promulgated by different ruling elites. Davis argues that the seeds of underdevelopment in what later became known as the Third World were sown in this era of High Imperialism, as the price for capitalist modernization was paid in the currency of millions of peasants' lives.
Verso Books City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles
No metropolis has been more loved or more hated. To its official boosters, "Los Angeles brings it all together." To detractors, LA is a sunlit mortuary where "you can rot without feeling it." To Mike Davis, the author of this fiercely elegant and wide-ranging work of social history, Los Angeles is both utopia and dystopia, a place where the last Joshua trees are being plowed under to make room for model communities in the desert, where the rich have hired their own police to fend off street gangs, as well as armed Beirut militias.In City of Quartz, Davis reconstructs LA's shadow history and dissects its ethereal economy. He tells us who has the power and how they hold on to it. He gives us a city of Dickensian extremes, Pynchonesque conspiracies, and a desperation straight out of Nathaniel West - a city in which we may glimpse our own future mirrored with terrifying clarity.
The New Press Evil Paradises Dreamworlds of Neoliberalism
An extraordianry group of thinkers, brought together by the bestselling author of A Monster at Our Door, explores future worlds being created by unfettered capitalism.
Verso Books Magical Urbanism
Winner of the 2001 Carey McWilliams AwardA CONTEMPORARY CLASSIC, Magical Urbanism focuses on how Latinos are attempting to translate their urban demographic ascendancy into effective social power. Mike Davis chronicles the Dickensian underworld of day labor in New York, tracks the development of new ecologies and levels of development along the border, and examines the shifting realities of life and work for Latinos in US cities. The cosmopolitan result of the Latinization of America’s cities is a rich, constantly evolving culture that has the potential, argues Davis, to become a radical new American counterculture.
Rowman & Littlefield Roadside Mountain Bike Maintenance Manual
Provides mountain bike enthusiasts with step-by-step guidance to maintaining and repairing their bikes, combining an easy-to-use format and design with high quality photographs of the latest equipment, tools and techniques.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Teach Continuing Medical Education
This new volume in the concise "How To" series explores the foundations and principles of continuing education of professionals and then relates these to the practice of teaching the various modalities used in CME. The areas covered include experiential learning, group dynamics, situated learning and reflective practice - and make these understandable for all health professionals tasked with teaching continuing medical education. An ideal introduction to teaching for clinical instructors.
Verso Books Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties
Histories of the US sixties invariably focus on New York City, but Los Angeles was an epicenter of that decade's political and social earthquake. L.A. was a launchpad for Black Power-where Malcolm X and Angela Davis first came to prominence and the Watts uprising shook the nation-and home to the Chicano walkouts and Moratorium, as well as birthplace of 'Asian America' as a political identity, base of the antiwar movement, and of course, centre of California counterculture.Mike Davis and Jon Wiener provide the first comprehensive movement history of L.A. in the sixties, drawing on extensive archival research, scores of interviews with principal figures of the 1960s movements, and personal histories (both Davis and Wiener are native Los Angelenos). Following on from Davis's award-winning L.A. history, City of Quartz, Set the Night on Fire is a fascinating historical corrective, delivered in scintillating and fiercely elegant prose.
Verso Books Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties
Histories of the US sixties invariably focus on New York City, but Los Angeles was an epicenter of that decade's political and social earthquake. L.A. was a launchpad for Black Power-where Malcolm X and Angela Davis first came to prominence and the Watts uprising shook the nation-and home to the Chicano walkouts and Moratorium, as well as birthplace of 'Asian America' as a political identity, base of the antiwar movement, and of course, centre of California counterculture.Mike Davis and Jon Wiener provide the first comprehensive movement history of L.A. in the sixties, drawing on extensive archival research, scores of interviews with principal figures of the 1960s movements, and personal histories (both Davis and Wiener are native Los Angelenos). Following on from Davis's award-winning L.A. history, City of Quartz, Set the Night on Fire is a fascinating historical corrective, delivered in scintillating and fiercely elegant prose.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors
The Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors, 3rd edition, provides a concise introduction to teaching. Written by experienced medical educators from the Advanced Life Support Group and Resuscitation Council (UK), this best-selling guide gives comprehensive and practical advice on the most effective teaching methods. Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors covers basic principles and practical aspects of teaching in a variety of modalities. This edition includes material which reflects current developments within instructor courses and includes new material on feedback, an awareness of non-technical skills, the teaching of teams and supporting learners. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in teaching doctors and healthcare professionals in any context. It is aimed at the relative newcomer to the teaching role in all its variety and provides essential, practical advice as to how to get the best out of learners.
Chartist Publications Beyond Blair: Prospects for a New Socialist Left
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Assess Doctors and Health Professionals
This important book offers an introduction to the theory and the varying types of assessment for health care professionals. The book includes information on such topics as Where have work based assessments come from?; Why do we have different parts to the same exam like MCQs and OSCEs?; How do colleges decide who has passed or not?; Why can people pick their own assessors for their MSF?; The role of formative assessment Portfolios and their value. The book avoids jargon, is clear and succinct, and gives the pros and cons of the different assessment processes.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd How to Teach Using Simulation in Healthcare
How to Teach Using Simulation in Healthcare provides an ideal introduction and easy-to-use guide to simulation in medical education. Written by a team of experienced medical educators, this practical text – packed full of case examples and tips – is underpinned by the theory of simulation in education, and explores how to integrate simulation into teaching. Key topics include: Use of low, medium and high fidelity equipment Issues of simulation mapping and scenario design Role of human factors Formative and summative assessment New social media and technologies Detailed explorations of some examples of simulation. How to Teach Using Simulation in Healthcare is invaluable reading for all healthcare professionals interested and involved in the origins, theoretical underpinnings, and design implications of the use of simulation in medical education.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Human Factors in the Health Care Setting: A Pocket Guide for Clinical Instructors
Human factors relates to the interaction of humans and technical systems. Human factors engineering analyzes tasks, considering the components in relation to a number of factors focusing particularly on human interactions and the interface between people working within systems. This book will help instructors teach the topic of human factors.