Search results for ""author martin clayton""
Royal Collection Trust Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing
Manchester University Press Music, Words and Voice: A Reader
Music, Words and Voice: A Reader is a new and exciting interdisciplinary resource which integrates the worlds of music and literature. It is the first primary and secondary source collection of its kind to focus on the relationships between words and music, and between musical and verbal forms. Featured alongside key writings on music, speech and their relationship are previously unpublished articles and interview transcripts, and a new translation of an extract from Wagner’s theoretical works. Designed for undergraduate students, the book uniquely:- examines a historically and geographically diverse selection of genres from a variety of academic perspectives - explores issues of language, musical form, performance, song, narrative, sound and action, and identity- enables readers to connect with different histories, cultures and technologies via the linkages between musical and literary texts. This anthology is an important contribution to the growing field of music and literature studies, and an engaging read for anyone interested in a culturally rich musical and literary inheritance.
Royal Academy of Arts Bill Viola / Michelangelo: Life Death Rebirth
At first glance, there may appear to be more to separate Michelangelo (1475-1564) and Bill Viola (b. 1951) than to unite them: one, the great master of the Italian Renaissance; the other, the creator of state-of-the-art immersive sound and video installations. And yet, when Martin Clayton showed Viola Her Majesty The Queen's unsurpassed collection of Michelangelo drawings at Windsor in 2006, parallels began to emerge. This book presents a new perspective on both artists' works. Stills and sequences from ten key video pieces by Viola are reproduced alongside fourteen of Michelangelo's presentation drawings, as well as the Taddei Tondo, the only Michelangelo marble sculpture in the UK and a treasure of the Royal Academy's collection. Texts by Martin Clayton examine how existential concerns - the preoccupation of many Renaissance artists, not least Michelangelo - are explored in Viola's often profoundly moving video installations, while Kira Perov provides insight into Viola's working processes.
Yale University Press Amazing Rare Things: The Art of Natural History in the Age of Discovery
A gorgeously illustrated volume devoted to the natural history drawings and watercolors of Leonardo da Vinci and other outstanding artists of the Age of Discovery From the fifteenth century onwards, as European explorers sailed forth on grand voyages of discovery, their encounters with exotic plants and animals fanned intense scientific interest. Scholars began to examine nature with fresh eyes, and pioneering artists transformed the way nature was seen and understood. In Amazing Rare Things, renowned naturalist and documentary-maker David Attenborough joins with expert colleagues to explore how artists portrayed the natural world during this era of burgeoning scientific interest. The book focuses on an exquisite selection of natural history drawings and watercolors by Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander Marshal, Maria Sibylla Merian, and Mark Catesby, and from the collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo—works all held in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. Attenborough and his coauthors offer lucid commentary on topics ranging from the 30,000-year history of human drawings of the natural world, to Leonardo’s fascination with natural processes, to Catesby’s groundbreaking studies that introduced Europeans to the plants and animals of North America. With 160 full color illustrations, this beautiful book will appeal to readers with interests that extend from art and science to history and nature.
Rizzoli International Publications Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing
On the heels of Walter Isaacson's beloved new biography (Fall 2017), and increased media attention (as 2019 marks the 500th anniversary of the artist's death), this book's appeal will extend beyond the devoted and numerous members of Leonardo's audience to reach a popular one.The most comprehensive collection of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings provides an intimate look at the mind and hand of the genius.
National Gallery Company Ltd The Ugly Duchess: Beauty and Satire in the Renaissance
Quinten Massys’ An Old Woman (‘The Ugly Duchess’) is one of the Renaissance’s most famous faces. In a fresh review of the iconic image, this book unveils the painting’s original context: its status as a pioneering work of satirical art, its debt to Leonardo da Vinci’s grotesque drawings, and what it tells us about the period’s complex attitudes towards women, age and normative beauty. The painting and its partner, An Old Man, are parodic portraits that mock the supposed lust and vanity of older women. Yet a closer look also reveals a figure defiantly flouting conventions and a painter subverting artistic expectations. The publication traces the eventful afterlife and enduring power of this seminal image: how she gained her nickname ‘The Ugly Duchess’ and inspired John Tenniel’s much-loved illustrations of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), capturing the imagination of generations of readers. Published by National Gallery Global/Distributed by Yale University Press Exhibition Schedule:National Gallery, London, 16 March–11 June 2023