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Wolters Kluwer Health The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022and 2023! For more than 30 years, health care providers have turned to The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need for Dr. Malcolm S. Thaler’s clear and concise guidance on EKG use in everyday practice. Ideal for readers at all levels of experience, the tenth edition of this straightforward, highly visual resource presents must-know information on using an EKG to diagnose cardiac and non-cardiac conditions, with numerous EKG strips, clear illustrations, clinical examples, and case studies throughout. From cover to cover, Dr. Thaler’s commitment to “keeping simple things simple and making complicated things easy to understand” helps you learn and understand how to best use an EKG in actual clinical settings. Provides more than 200 EKG strips, including many new to this edition Includes updated clinical scenarios and case studies, step-by-step instructions, newly clarified concepts, and high-quality illustrations throughout Uses a lighthearted, lively writing style designed to be compelling and minimize confusion of principles discussed Outlines processes for identifying and interpreting arrhythmias, myocardial infarctions, hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, and other disorders Advises on the dangers of over-reliance on computer interpretations and includes many other practical considerations that other books leave out Enrich Your eBook Reading ExperienceRead directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Wolters Kluwer Health The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need
For more than 30 years, health care providers have turned to The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need for Dr. Malcolm S. Thaler’s clear and concise guidance on EKG use in everyday practice. Ideal for readers at all levels of experience, the tenth edition of this straightforward, highly visual resource presents must-know information on using an EKG to diagnose cardiac and non-cardiac conditions, with numerous EKG strips, clear illustrations, clinical examples, and case studies throughout. From cover to cover, Dr. Thaler’s commitment to “keeping simple things simple and making complicated things easy to understand” helps you learn and understand how to best use an EKG in actual clinical settings. Provides more than 200 EKG strips, including many new to this edition Includes updated clinical scenarios and case studies, step-by-step instructions, newly clarified concepts, and high-quality illustrations throughout Uses a lighthearted, lively writing style designed to be compelling and minimize confusion of principles discussed Outlines processes for identifying and interpreting arrhythmias, myocardial infarctions, hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, and other disorders Advises on the dangers of over-reliance on computer interpretations and includes many other practical considerations that other books leave out Enrich Your eBook Reading ExperienceRead directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins El libro del ECG
Durante más de 30 años, El libro del ECG se ha mantenido como la guía y referencia fundamental para estudiantes y profesionales de la salud, para obtener el conocimiento y la orientación clara y concisa del Dr. Thaler sobre el uso del electrocardiograma (ECG) en la práctica diaria. Al igual que otras ediciones, esta 10.ª edición es ideal para lectores de todos los niveles de experiencia, ya que es un recurso sencillo y completamente visual que presenta información imprescindible sobre el uso de esta invaluable herramienta diagnóstica para identificar alteraciones en el sistema de conducción eléctrica del corazón. La obra incluye una gran cantidad de ejemplos clínicos, ilustraciones claras y estudios de casos. De principio a fin, cumple con el compromiso del Dr. Thaler de “mantener las cosas simples y hacer lo complicado fácil de entender” ya que ayuda a aprender y comprender cómo utilizar mejor un ECG en entornos clínicos reales.
Wolters Kluwer Health The Only Neurology Book You'll Ever Need
Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! Clear and concise, The Only Neurology Book You'll Ever Need provides a straightforward and comprehensive overview of neurology. It covers all of the important neurologic diagnosis and management issues, along with clinically relevant anatomy and physiology. Written by Drs. Alison I. Thaler and Malcolm S. Thaler, this new title is packed with full-color illustrations, real-world clinical scenarios, and up-to-date guidelines and recommendations —giving you all the practical advice you need to master the challenging world of neurology. Features a lighthearted, lively writing style that is compelling and gets right to the heart of what you need to know. Discusses the elements of the neurologic exam and what symptoms do and don’t suggest a neurologic disorder. Covers key topics such as stroke, headache, concussion, dizziness, seizures, dementia, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, and much more. Abundant illustrations, charts, and tables, help you easily understand and retain complex material. Ideal for medical students, medicine and neurology residents, nurses, and PAs, as well as any and all practitioners who need a concise, easy-to-read review of clinically- relevant neurology. This book covers everything you need for the medical student shelf exam in neurology. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), including computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins El único libro de Neurología que vas a necesitar
La neurología tiene la reputación —bien merecida, aunque un tanto exagerada— de ser difícil. Fascinante, sí. Intelectualmente estimulante, por supuesto. ¿Merece la pena la inversión en tiempo y en neuronas sobrecargadas? Sin duda, aunque resulte difícil. Por eso hemos creado El único libro de Neurología que vas a necesitar. No para hacer de la neurología algo fácil, sino para hacerla más comprensible, ayudarte a entenderla mejor, tomar toda la anatomía y fisiología, y los síndromes, clasificaciones y protocolos de tratamiento, y envolverlos en paquetes más manejables que sean claros, concisos y prácticos. Esta edición parte de la premisa de ser el único libro que necesitarás para tener una visión general directa y completa de la neurología. Cubre los temas más importantes sobre diagnóstico y tratamiento neurológico, al igual que la anatomía y la fisiología de mayor relevancia clínica. Creado por los doctores Alison I. Thaler y Malcolm S. Thaler, esta obra está repleta de ilustraciones a todo color, escenarios clínicos del mundo real, y de directrices y recomendaciones actualizadas, lo que proporciona todos los consejos prácticos que necesitarás para dominar el desafiante mundo de la neurología.
Wolters Kluwer Health The Only Neurology Book You'll Ever Need
Clear and concise, The Only Neurology Book You'll Ever Need provides a straightforward and comprehensive overview of neurology. It covers all of the important neurologic diagnosis and management issues, along with clinically relevant anatomy and physiology. Written by Drs. Alison I. Thaler and Malcolm S. Thaler, this new title is packed with full-color illustrations, real-world clinical scenarios, and up-to-date guidelines and recommendations —giving you all the practical advice you need to master the challenging world of neurology. Features a lighthearted, lively writing style that is compelling and gets right to the heart of what you need to know. Discusses the elements of the neurologic exam and what symptoms do and don’t suggest a neurologic disorder. Covers key topics such as stroke, headache, concussion, dizziness, seizures, dementia, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, and much more. Abundant illustrations, charts, and tables, help you easily understand and retain complex material. Ideal for medical students, medicine and neurology residents, nurses, and PAs, as well as any and all practitioners who need a concise, easy-to-read review of clinically- relevant neurology. This book covers everything you need for the medical student shelf exam in neurology. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), including computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.