Search results for ""author louise cummings""
Edinburgh University Press Pragmatics: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
The first truly multidisciplinary text of its kind, this book offers an original analysis of the current state of linguistic pragmatics. Louise Cummings argues that no study of pragmatics can reasonably neglect the historical and contemporary influences on this discipline of neighbouring fields of enquiry, particularly, philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence and language pathology. By the same token these fields can begin to address their own questions more productively by examining the insights of pragmatics. The book's range of topics and depth of analysis will be of interest to students and specialised readers in linguistics, communication studies, speech and language therapy and cognitive science. Topics include: *Coverage of pragmatic concepts and theories *Criticisms of Sperber and Wilson's relevance theory, Habermas's theory of communicative competence and Kasher's views on the modularity of pragmatics *Pragmatic deficits in a range of child and adult language disorders *A pragmatic analysis of argumentation in topical issues such as AIDS and BSE *Theories of meaning, inferences, pragmatics and AI
Edinburgh University Press Clinical Linguistics
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists estimates that 2.5 million people in the UK have a communication disorder. Of this number, some 800,000 people have a disorder that is so severe that it is hard for anyone outside their immediate families to understand them. In Clinical Linguistics, Louise Cummings provides a comprehensive introduction to speech and language therapy which will give SLT students an excellent starting point for a wide range of communication impairments. In chapters that are dedicated to the discussion of individual communication disorders, Cummings argues that no treatment of this area can reasonably neglect an examination of the prevalence and causes of communication disorders. The assessment and treatment of these disorders by speech and language therapists are discussed at length. This book contains up-to-date research into communication disorders and describes the various technological innovations that are integral to the work of speech and language therapists. Clinical Linguistics is appropriate reading for students, practitioners and researchers in speech-language pathology and related clinical and academic disciplines. It contains the following chapters: The Scope of Clinical Linguistics; Disorders of the Pre- and Perinatal Period; Disorders of Cognitive Development; Disorders of Speech and Language Development; Acquired Communication and Swallowing Disorders; Disorders of Fluency; Disorders of Voice.
Cambridge University Press Working with English Grammar: An Introduction
This clear and concise introduction offers students of linguistics and English language a comprehensive overview of English grammar, including word structure, major and minor word classes, phrases, clauses and sentences. Based on twenty years' teaching practice, Louise Cummings adopts a unique approach of using three real-world contexts - first language acquisition, language disorders and non-standard dialects - as a pedagogical tool to make grammatical concepts meaningful to students and to improve engagement and understanding. In seven accessible chapters, students are encouraged to develop the analytical skills they require to give a comprehensive description of the grammar of the English language. A range of supportive learning aids is used, including: • Learning objectives and section 'key points' summaries • Varied examples from world Englishes and print media • Homework assignments, exercises and revision questions • Targeted further reading suggestions and 'special topics' boxes • A glossary of 300 entries • An extensive range of online resources for instructors and students, including a test bank of 140 multiple-choice questions, useful links and an answer key.
Edinburgh University Press Clinical Linguistics
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists estimates that 2.5 million people in the UK have a communication disorder. Of this number, some 800,000 people have a disorder that is so severe that it is hard for anyone outside their immediate families to understand them. In Clinical Linguistics, Louise Cummings provides a comprehensive introduction to speech and language therapy which will give SLT students an excellent starting point for a wide range of communication impairments. In chapters that are dedicated to the discussion of individual communication disorders, Cummings argues that no treatment of this area can reasonably neglect an examination of the prevalence and causes of communication disorders. The assessment and treatment of these disorders by speech and language therapists are discussed at length. This book contains up-to-date research into communication disorders and describes the various technological innovations that are integral to the work of speech and language therapists. Clinical Linguistics is appropriate reading for students, practitioners and researchers in speech-language pathology and related clinical and academic disciplines. It contains the following chapters: The Scope of Clinical Linguistics; Disorders of the Pre- and Perinatal Period; Disorders of Cognitive Development; Disorders of Speech and Language Development; Acquired Communication and Swallowing Disorders; Disorders of Fluency; Disorders of Voice.