Search results for ""author linda zagzebski""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction
An accessible and engaging introduction to the philosophy of religion. Written with verve and clarity by a leading philosopher and contributor to the field Places key issues and debates in the philosophy of religion in their historical contexts, highlighting the conditions that led to the development of the field Addresses the core topics, among them the the existence of God, the problem of evil, death and the afterlife, and the problem of religious diversity Rich with argument, yet never obtrusive Forms part of the Fundamentals of Philosophy series, in which renowned scholars explore the fundamental issues and core problems in the major sub-disciplines of philosophy
MP-MQU Marquette University Omnisubjectivity
Reflects on how the modern discovery of subjectivity should influence the way we think about God's attributes. Linda Zagzebski’s examination of recent conceptions of omnipresence and omniscience reveals that if God truly has all possible cognitive perfections, then a new attribute should rightly be applied to God which the 'traditional attributes' do not address: omnisubjectivity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction
An accessible and engaging introduction to the philosophy of religion. Written with verve and clarity by a leading philosopher and contributor to the field Places key issues and debates in the philosophy of religion in their historical contexts, highlighting the conditions that led to the development of the field Addresses the core topics, among them the the existence of God, the problem of evil, death and the afterlife, and the problem of religious diversity Rich with argument, yet never obtrusive Forms part of the Fundamentals of Philosophy series, in which renowned scholars explore the fundamental issues and core problems in the major sub-disciplines of philosophy
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Readings in Philosophy of Religion: Ancient to Contemporary and Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction
Offers a comprehensive historical introduction to the central questions of philosophy of religion Comprised of readings from ancient to modern times, this well-crafted anthology represents the central issues in philosophy of religion. Each section is preceded by extensive commentary written by the editors, followed by readings that are arranged chronologically. Approximately two-thirds of the selections are from ancient, medieval, and modern sources, helping students to understand and engage the rich traditions of reflection on these timeless questions. The remaining contemporary readings introduce students to the more recent developments in the field. Each of the thematically arranged sections begins with an editor's introduction to clarify the central issues and positions presented in the readings that follow.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Readings in Philosophy of Religion: Ancient to Contemporary
This anthology offers a comprehensive historical introduction to the central questions of philosophy of religion. Approximately two-thirds of the selections are from ancient, medieval, and modern sources, helping students to understand and engage the rich traditions of reflection on these timeless questions. The remaining contemporary readings introduce students to the more recent developments in the field. Each of the thematically arranged sections begins with an editor's introduction to clarify the central issues and positions presented in the readings that follow. Topics include: traditional theistic arguments religious experience and revelation fideism naturalistic approaches to religious belief the divine attributes fate, freedom, and foreknowledge the connection between religion and morality the problem of evil death and immortality religious diversity faith, reason, and the ethics of belief science and religion. The text can be used alone or in conjunction with a secondary text in philosophy of religion such as Zagzebski's Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction (Blackwell, 2007).