Search results for ""author leckie""
HarperCollins Publishers P4/P5 Maths Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School Maths (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers Second Level Wipe-Clean Maths Templates for CfE Primary Maths: Save Time and Money with Primary Maths Templates (Primary Maths for Scotland)
Save time drawing mathematical templates and avoid wasting paper with these write-in booklets.Designed to use multiple times, each write-in template gives 7 to 11 year-old children the correct format in which to write answers to mathematical problems. Each page contains one model or image that can be used for each maths problem. Mirroring the methods taught at school, they include images children see in their maths lessons. They can be used for practice at home at any time and are completely flexible.
HarperCollins Publishers P5/P6 Maths Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School Maths (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers P1/P2 Maths Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School Maths (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers P3/P4 English Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School English (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers P1/P2 English Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School English (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers Grade Booster for CfE SQA Exam Revision – Higher Maths: Maximise Marks and Minimise Mistakes to Achieve Your Best Possible Mark
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: Maths This CfE Higher Maths Grade Booster is the essential guide to exam skills. It includes detailed advice on how to approach and answer the different types of question you will find in the exam and has been written by an experienced teacher and exam expert. Detailed advice on how to approach all the different types of question you will find in the exam will develop your skills and help you to avoid common pitfalls Essential guide to structuring your responses shows you how to formulate and improve your answers Worked examples of weak and strong answers let you see exactly where and how marks are gained and how to get the best result A dedicated chapter on the Assignment ensures that you have a great foundation for your grade before you even enter the exam room
HarperCollins Publishers P5/P6 English Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School English (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers P6/P7 Maths Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School Maths (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers First Level Wipe-Clean Maths Templates for CfE Primary Maths: Save Time and Money with Primary Maths Templates (Primary Maths for Scotland)
Save time drawing mathematical templates and avoid wasting paper with these write-in booklets.Designed to use multiple times, each write-in template gives 5 to 7 year-old children the correct format in which to write answers to mathematical problems. Each page contains one model or image that can be used for each maths problem. Mirroring the methods taught at school, they include images children see in their maths lessons. They can be used for practice at home at any time and are completely flexible.
HarperCollins Publishers P6/P7 English Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School English (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers P4/P5 English Practice Workbook: Extra Practice for CfE Primary School English (Leckie Primary Success)
Illustrated and engaging, these workbooks make learning fun! Each book contains: - Over 100 pages of topic-based practice- Questions split into three levels of increasing difficulty- Progress tests so children can revisit topics and consolidate learning- Progress charts to record results and identify areas for improvement- Clear answers booklet and notes pages Matched to the requirements of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, these are ideal to help close the attainment gap!
HarperCollins Publishers Nolan G Advanced Higher Maths
Exam Board: SQALevel: Advanced HigherSubject: MathsFirst Teaching: 2014, First Exam: 2015 Masses of practice questions for every topic on the curriculum.
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Course Notes – National 5 Business Management: Comprehensive Textbook to Learn CfE Topics
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: Business Management First Teaching: 2017, First Exam: 2018 The National 5 Business Management Course Notes help map your route through the CfE programme and provide comprehensive and authoritative guidance. Progress and attainment for all• Course specifications are fully covered• ‘You should already be able to’ sections identify prior learning and skills• ‘Key questions’ ensure that every student can progress securely Active learning• ‘Make the link’ features encourage broader thinking between and across subjects• ‘Skills for Life, Learning & Work’ features invite students to contextualise learning• ‘Case studies’ provide opportunities to apply knowledge and solve problems Assessment and practice you can rely on• ‘Activities’ provide opportunities to apply knowledge and put practical skills to work• ‘Check your progress’ sections enable students to monitor progress regularly Course Notes give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer an appropriate blend of sound teaching and learning with exam and assessment guidance.
HarperCollins Publishers National 5/Higher English Revision: Poetry by Carol Ann Duffy: Revision Guide for the SQA English Exams (Leckie SNAP Revision)
Exam Board: SQA Level: N5/Higher Subject: English Need extra help with English Poetry by Carol Ann Duffy? Revise National 5 and Higher English in a snap with Leckie SNAP Revision! Revise and review your understanding of themes, structure and poetic techniques with this handy, exam-focused guide. First, different poems are analysed using colour-coded sections that are easy-to-read. Next, common themes and techniques are discussed so you know exactly what to look for on the day of your SQA English exam. Finally, put your knowledge to the test with plenty of exam practice, followed by answers that allow you to check your understanding. With lots of top tips included throughout, this SQA English revision guide has all the tools you need to get a top mark! Revise SQA English in a snap with Leckie SNAP Revision: Poetry by Norman MacCaig (9780008306670) and Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation (9780008306663).
HarperCollins Publishers National 5/Higher English Revision: Poetry by Norman MacCaig: Revision Guide for the SQA English Exams (Leckie SNAP Revision)
Exam Board: SQA Level: N5/Higher Subject: English Need extra help with English Poetry by Norman MacCaig? Revise National 5 and Higher English in a snap with Leckie SNAP Revision! Revise and review your understanding of themes, structure and poetic techniques with this handy, exam-focused guide. First, different poems are analysed using colour-coded sections that are easy-to-read. Next, common themes and techniques are discussed so you know exactly what to look for on the day of your SQA English exam. Finally, put your knowledge to the test with plenty of exam practice, followed by answers that allow you to check your understanding. With lots of top tips included throughout, this SQA English revision guide has all the tools you need to get a top mark! Revise SQA English in a snap with Leckie SNAP Revision: Poetry by Carol Ann Duffy (9780008306687) and Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation (9780008306663).
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – National 5 Physics: Practise and Learn SQA Exam Topics
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: Physics First Teaching: 2017, First Exam: 2018 Because practice is proven to help you pass your SQA exams, we’ve loaded this N5 Physics Question Book with all the practice you could possibly need! Each and every topic is covered in this National 5 Physics book, with plenty of SQA exam-style practice questions. To make sure you’re extra prepared, we’ve included extra questions for each topic, with more of the tricky ones to boost your confidence ahead of the SQA National 5 Physics exam. Top tips throughout give advice on the best way to approach different kinds of questions and ace your exam. Example answers are worked out to help explain difficult concepts and can be downloaded for free from This SQA Practice Question Book can be used alongside the N5 Physics Student Book (9780008282097) or as a versatile standalone resource for homework, independent study or exam revision. For more SQA exam practice, check out Leckie’s National 5 Physics Success Guide (9780008281663) and Practice Papers (9780008281694).
HarperCollins Publishers Grade Booster for CfE SQA Exam Revision – Higher Modern Studies Grade Booster for SQA Exam Revision: Maximise Marks and Minimise Mistakes to Achieve Your Best Possible Mark
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: Modern StudiesFirst Teaching: 2014, First Exam: 2015 This book is the essential guide to exam skills. It includes detailed advice on how to approach and answer the different types of question you will find in the exam and has been written by an experienced teacher and exam expert. Detailed advice on how to approach all the different types of question you will find in the exam will develop your skills and help you to avoid common pitfalls Essential guide to structuring your responses shows you how to formulate and improve your answers Worked examples of weak and strong answers let you see exactly where and how marks are gained and how to get the best result A dedicated chapter on the Assignment ensures that you have a great foundation for your grade before you even enter the exam room
HarperCollins Publishers Grade Booster for CfE SQA Exam Revision – Higher Chemistry: Maximise Marks and Minimise Mistakes to Achieve Your Best Possible Mark
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: Chemistry This CfE Higher Chemistry Grade Booster is the essential guide to exam skills. It includes detailed advice on how to approach and answer the different types of question you will find in the exam and has been written by an experienced teacher and exam expert. Detailed advice on how to approach all the different types of question you will find in the exam will develop your skills and help you to avoid common pitfalls Essential guide to structuring your responses shows you how to formulate and improve your answers Worked examples of weak and strong answers let you see exactly where and how marks are gained and how to get the best result A dedicated chapter on the Assignment ensures that you have a great foundation for your grade before you even enter the exam room
HarperCollins Publishers National 5 & Higher Psychology: Comprehensive textbook for the CfE (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 & Higher Subject: Psychology First Teaching: 2017 (N5) 2018 (Higher) This N5 & Higher Psychology Student Book helps teachers and students map their route through the CfE programme, providing comprehensive and authoritative guidance for the course. A complete core resource for National 5 and CfE Higher Psychology with the following topics covered in detail: Approaches to Psychology, Sleep, Psychopathology, Memory, Stress, Intelligence, Research methods, Conformity, Prejudice, Non-verbal communication and Relationships. Progress and attainment for all• Includes all the core content alongside seven additional topics, allowing students to use the book for both their N5 and Higher courses• ‘Syllabus notes’ are included throughout to highlight what students at each level need to know and do, supporting dual-level teaching• ‘Key studies‘ detail the most important research that has taken place in each area Active learning• Interactive activities help to ensure understanding and retention of knowledge• ‘Top tips’ give helpful hints to support learning and highlight important information• ‘Discussion points’ get pupils thinking more deeply about the issues and link psychology concepts to real world situations Assessment and practice you can rely on• Questions and specimen exam questions provide opportunities to check knowledge and put skills to work• Detailed chapters on exam skills, the Assignment and research methods cover all the skills students will need to succeed in the assessments Student Books give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer a blend of sound teaching and learning with assessment guidance.
HarperCollins Publishers Lab Skills for SQA Assessment – National 5 Chemistry Lab Skills for the revised exams of 2018 and beyond: Learn the Skills of Scientific Inquiry
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: Chemistry First Teaching: 2017, First Exam: 2018 Covers all required techniques and apparatus Provides practice in all skills of scientific inquiry Supports Assignment work National 5 Chemistry Lab Skills is designed to support you when undertaking the practical work required for your SQA exam and assignment.It includes eleven experiments covering the required skills of scientific inquiry and will:· guide you through the experiments with clear aims, methods, apparatus lists and safety tips· connect each experiment to your course with underlying chemistry and learning outcomes· provide one place to record your results with write-in spaces· help you revise for your exams with check your understanding and exam-style questions.· include precautions to help you ensure your results are accurate, valid and reliable.· provide assignment advice with each experiment to help you develop your own research· allow you to check your answers at the back of the book
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Maths
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: MathsFirst Teaching: 2019, First Exam: 2020Nail your Higher Maths by working through practice questions on every topic of the curriculum, then test your understanding with mixed exam question practice.Master even the trickiest of topics by practising tons of questionsCheck your understanding by reviewing the example answers which contain workings-outBuild your confidence with the Mixed Exam Question Practice section, to prepare for the type and level of questions you can expect in the SQA Higher Maths examUnderstand how your exam will be marked with detailed answers to all of the questionsLearn how to approach different types of question with hints and tipsAll answers can be found online at be used at school or at home for revision, homework, independent study or exam practice.For more resources to help you do your very best, why not try Leckie's Higher Maths Complete Revision & Prac
Leckie & Leckie Fourth Level Maths: Comprehensive Textbook to Learn CfE Topics (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: SQALevel: Fourth LevelSubject: MathsFirst Teaching: 2015, First Exam: 2016 The CfE Maths series covers all the Experiences and Outcomes within the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence for Maths at Second, Third and Fourth Levels. Separate pupil books at each level offer a flexible pathway through the curriculum. packed with activities aligned to the Outcomes and Experiences within the CfE a wide range of differentiated practice questions and problem-solving activities improves the transfer of knowledge and skills from the classroom to real-life contexts a strong focus on improving numeracy skills highlights potential cross-curricular links.
HarperCollins Publishers 4th Level Writing: Revision Guide for 4th Level English (Leckie SNAP Revision)
Exam Board: SQA Level: 4th Level Subject: English Need help with writing and folio? Boost your 4th Level English writing skills in a snap with Leckie SNAP Revision! Understand different writing genres, think about readership, narrative structure, language, writing persuasively and discursively and more. Packed full of examples from rich texts, and with plenty of practice opportunities, you’ll develop the writing skills needed for 4th Level English.
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Physics: Practise and Learn SQA Exam Topics (Leckie Practice Workbook)
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Physics First Teaching: 2019, First Exam: 2020 Nail your Higher Physics by working through practice questions on every topic of the curriculum, then test your understanding with mixed exam question practice. Master even the trickiest of topics by practising tons of questions Check your understanding by reviewing the example answers which contain workings-out Build your confidence with the Mixed Exam Question Practice section, to prepare for the type and level of questions you can expect in the SQA Higher Physics exam Understand how your exam will be marked with detailed answers to all of the questions Learn how to approach different types of question with hints and tips All answers can be found online at Can be used at school or at home – for revision, homework, independent study or exam practice. For more resources to help you do your very best, why not try Leckie’s Higher Physics Complete Revision & Practice (9780008365271).
HarperCollins Publishers National 5 Maths: Preparation and Support for SQA Exams (Leckie Complete Revision & Practice)
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: Maths Two books in one! Combining a revision guide and a full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the exam. The revision guide• Covers all of the topics in the CfE National 5 Maths curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• Clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• Contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice test papers• Are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the National 5 Maths exam• Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress
HarperCollins Publishers Third Level Maths: CfE Benchmark Edition (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: Scottish curriculum, CfE, SQA Level: Third level, BGE Subject: Maths The CfE Maths Third Level Student Book covers ALL of the maths Experiences and Outcomes at Third Level, and has been updated to include the Benchmarks introduced by Education Scotland that will ensure every learner is reaching the required attainment targets in S1 and S2. Graded questions to enable students to work at their own pace Key questions to assess whether students have a secure grasp of each learning outcome Self-assessment checklists at the end of each chapter Allows a flexible, personalised approach to lesson planning Supports the development of problem-solving abilities Builds confidence in applying maths to everyday life Now fully addresses the Benchmarks to ensure students are reaching the required standard for Third Level
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Course Notes – Higher Business Management (second edition): Comprehensive Textbook to Learn CfE Topics
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Business Management First Teaching: 2018, First Exam: 2019 The CfE Higher Business Management Course Notes helps teachers and students map their route through the CfE programme, providing comprehensive and authoritative guidance for the course. Progress and attainment for all• Course and Unit specifications are fully covered• ‘You should already be able to’ sections and ‘Revision activities’ refresh prior learning and skills• ‘Key questions’ ensure that every student can progress securely Active learning• ‘Make the link’ features encourage broader thinking between and across subjects• ‘Questions’ and ‘Activities’ allow students to apply knowledge and put skills to work• ‘Case studies’ provide opportunities to apply knowledge and solve problems Assessment and practice you can rely on• ‘End of unit material’ offers guidance on Unit Assessments and how to succeed in the exam• ‘Check your progress’ sections enable students to monitor progress regularly Course Notes give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer a blend of sound teaching and learning with assessment guidance.
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – Higher Chemistry: Practise and Learn SQA Exam Topics
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: ChemistryFirst Teaching: 2018, First Exam: 2019 Fully up-to-date for the 2019 exam, this book contains masses of practice questions for every topic on the curriculum. Essential extra questions for every topic on the curriculum, to reinforce learning and build exam confidence. It can be used either alongside the N5 Chemistry Student Book or as a flexible standalone resource – for homework, independent study or exam practice. Included in this book: Questions for every topic on the curriculum, with more of the tricky ones Example answers with workings-out help explain difficult concepts Hints and tips throughout give practical advice about the different kinds of question Answers can be downloaded from
HarperCollins Publishers National 5 Physics: Practise and Learn SQA Exam Topics (Leckie Practice Workbook)
Work through practice questions on every topic of the National 5 Physics curriculum, then test your understanding with mixed exam question practice. Master even the trickiest of topics by practising tons of questions Check your understanding by reviewing the example answers which contain workings-out Build your confidence with the Mixed Exam Question Practice section, to prepare for the type and level of questions you can expect in the SQA Higher Maths exam Understand how your exam will be marked with detailed answers to all of the questions Learn how to approach different types of question with hints and tips All answers can be found online at Can be used at school or at home – for revision, homework, independent study or exam practice. For more resources to help you do your very best, why not try Leckie’s National 5 Physics Complete Revision & Practice (9780008435363).
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – National 5 Chemistry: Practise and Learn SQA Exam Topics
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: Chemistry First Teaching: 2017, First Exam: 2018 Because practice is proven to help you pass your SQA exams, we’ve loaded this N5 Chemistry Question Book with all the practice you could possibly need! Each and every topic is covered in this National 5 Chemistry book, with plenty of SQA exam-style practice questions. To make sure you’re extra prepared, we’ve included extra questions for each topic, with more of the tricky ones to boost your confidence ahead of the SQA National 5 Chemistry exam. Top tips throughout give advice on the best way to approach different kinds of questions and ace your exam. Example answers are worked out to help explain difficult concepts and can be downloaded for free from This SQA Practice Question Book can be used alongside the N5 Chemistry Student Book (9780008282080) or as a versatile standalone resource for homework, independent study or exam revision. For more SQA exam practice, check out Leckie’s National 5 Chemistry Success Guide (9780008281656) and Practice Papers (9780008281687).
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Physics: Comprehensive textbook for the CfE (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Physics First Teaching: 2018, First Exam: 2019 The Higher Physics Student Book helps teachers and students map their route through the CfE programme, providing comprehensive and authoritative guidance for the course. Full coverage of the new Higher course specifications with list of learning intentions Attractive layout with clear text features Key questions highlight crucial concepts and techniques that need to be grasped by students in order to progress to the next learning intention What the examiner/assessor is looking for to help teachers & students feel secure End of unit material – unit assessment, exam-style questions with worked answers and examiners commentary, self-assessment Student Books give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer a blend of sound teaching and learning with assessment guidance.
HarperCollins Publishers National 5 Business Management Revision Guide: Revise for SQA Exams (Leckie N5 Revision)
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: Business Management First Teaching: 2017, First Exam: 2018 National 5 Business Management Revision Guide provides easy-to-use and value-for-money revision for all abilities and learning styles, including guidance on the National 5 course and assessments structure. Colourful double-page spreads aid both comprehensive and revision planning Topics are broken down into small, easily managed sections, complemented with lots of diagrams and illustrations to aid retention Quick Tests and Top Tips help keep students focused on the exam’s precise demands Revision checklists help students to manage and track their progress in the lead up to the exam A glossary presents all of the key terms and definitions essential for the exam Formerly known as Leckie Success Guides – the number one revision brand in Scotland.
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Course Notes – Higher Graphic Communication (second edition): Comprehensive Textbook to Learn CfE Topics
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Graphic Communication First Teaching: 2018, First Exam: 2019 The Higher Graphic Communication Course Notes helps teachers and students map their route through the CfE programme, providing comprehensive and authoritative guidance for the course. Full coverage of the new Higher course specifications with list of learning intentions Attractive layout with clear text features Key questions highlight crucial concepts and techniques that need to be grasped by students in order to progress to the next learning intention What the examiner/assessor is looking for to help teachers & students feel secure End of unit material – unit assessment, exam-style questions with worked answers and examiners commentary, self-assessment Course Notes give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer a blend of sound teaching and learning with assessment guidance
Leckie & Leckie Second Level Maths: Curriculum for Excellence Maths for Scotland (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: SQALevel: Second LevelSubject: MathsFirst Teaching: 2015, First Exam: 2016 The CfE Maths Second Level Student Book is packed with questions and activities to improve performance across all of the Outcomes and Experiences at Second Level. Graded questions enable and encourage students to work at their own pace. Our Curriculum for Excellence Maths Student Books – the very first to specifically address the new Curriculum – are designed to support pupils of all abilities at Second, Third and Fourth Levels. Key features Plenty of carefully graded questions showing progression between the levels All the Outcomes and Experiences covered, clearly flagged for reference and underpinned by the CfE principles A single Student Book per level, providing a simple solution for mixed ability classrooms Differentiated questions and extension work means pupils can progress between levels and track their own development Built-in flexibility: each book can be easily integrated into your schemes of work without the need for further bridging materials Problem-solving spreads at the end of each unit help students apply maths to their everyday lives
HarperCollins Publishers BGE English Language: Revision Guide for S1 to S3 English (Leckie SNAP Revision)
Exam Board: SQA Level: BGE Subject: English Get to grips with BGE S1-S3 English Language in a snap with Leckie SNAP Revision! Build skills and confidence in using nouns, apostrophes, pronouns, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, verbs and grammar. This handy guide breaks down exactly what each is and how it is used, followed by tasks for plenty of practice. Be fully prepared with the English language skills needed for 4th Level, National 5 and beyond.
HarperCollins Publishers Practise and Pass SQA Exams – Practise and Pass Higher Psychology Revision Guide for New 2019 Exams: Revise Curriculum for Excellence SQA Exams
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Psychology First Teaching: 2018, First Exam: 2019 Three books in one! Combining a revision guide, practice question book and full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the new 2019 exam. The revision guide:• covers all of the topics in the new CfE Higher Psychology curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice question book:• contains masses of practice questions grouped by topic so students can go straight to tricky areas• has lots of hints and tips to explain how to approach different types of question The practice test papers:• are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the new 2019 Higher Psychology exam Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress.
HarperCollins Publishers National 5/Higher English Revision: Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation: Revision Guide for the SQA English Exams (Leckie SNAP Revision)
Exam Board: SQA Level: N5/Higher Subject: English Need extra help with English Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation? Revise National 5 and Higher English in a snap with Leckie SNAP Revision! Revise and review your understanding of sentence structure, word choice, close reading and language skills with this handy RUAE guide. First, different SQA-type questions are broken down so that you know exactly what to expect on the day of your exam. Next, exam topics and techniques such as understanding, language, written answers and grammar are detailed clearly and concisely, with colourful sections that are easy-to-read. Finally, put your knowledge to the test with plenty of exam practice, followed by model answers that allow you to check your understanding. With lots of top tips included throughout, this SQA English revision guide has all the tools you need to get a top mark! Revise SQA Poetry in a snap with Leckie SNAP Revision: Poetry by Norman MacCaig (9780008306670) and Carol Ann Duffy (9780008306687).
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Course Notes – National 4/5 Geography: Comprehensive Textbook to Learn CfE Topics
Exam Board: SQALevel: N4/5Subject: Geography The National 4 & 5 Geography Course Notes provide comprehensive guidance through the entire CfE course. Course Notes give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer an appropriate blend of sound teaching and learning with exam and assessment guidance. Progress and attainment for all• A complete core resource covering all the Physical and Human Environments topics, and the three most popular Global Issues: Impact of Human Activity on the Natural Environment, Environmental Hazards and Tourism• Course specifications are fully covered• Extensive ‘Geographical Skills’ chapter covers all the mapping, data and research skills you will use throughout the course• Separate ‘Questions’ for N4 and N5 ensure that every student can progress securely Active learning• ‘Make the link’ features encourage broader thinking between and across subjects• ‘Hint’ features give helpful tips and highlight important information• ‘Activities’ provide opportunities to apply knowledge and put geographical skills to work Assessment and practice you can rely on• ‘Exam-style questions’ at the end of each chapter ensure that you will be fully prepared for the assessment• ‘Summary’ sections and ‘Learning checklists help you to monitor progress regularly
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – Higher Physics: Practise and Learn SQA Exam Topics
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: PhysicsFirst Teaching: 2014, First Exam: 2015 Masses of practice questions for every topic on the curriculum. Essential extra questions for every topic on the curriculum, to reinforce learning and build exam confidence. It can be used either alongside the N5 Physics Student Book or as a flexible standalone resource – for homework, independent study or exam practice. Included in this book: Questions for every topic on the curriculum, with more of the tricky ones Example answers with workings-out help explain difficult concepts Hints and tips throughout give practical advice about the different kinds of question Answers can be downloaded from
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Course Notes – National 4/5 Design and Manufacture: Comprehensive Textbook to Learn CfE Topics
Exam Board: SQA Level: N4/5 Subject: Design & Manufacture The National 4 & 5 Design & Manufacture Course Notes provide comprehensive guidance for the entire CfE programme. Course Notes give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer a blend of sound teaching and learning with assessment guidance. Full coverage of National 4 and 5 course with list of learning intentions Attractive layout with clear text features National 5 content clearly marked for differentiation Key questions highlight crucial concepts and techniques that need to be grasped by students in order to progress to the next learning intention What the examiner/assessor is looking for to help teachers & students feel secure Exam-style questions with worked answers and examiners commentary, self-assessment Keep your learning on track/Stretch yourself to encourage self evaluation and provide challenge for higher ability students Active learning ideas: ‘You Should Already Know’, lists for student to check they are confident with before proceeding AND ‘Make the link’ highlights links between the topic and other areas of the course and/or across different subjects Assessment questions, exemplar work, model answers, suggested topic work Teacher Notes Answers online. PDF format.
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – S1 to National 4 Chemistry: Practise and Learn CfE Topics
Syllabus: CfE and SQALevel: S1-N4Subject: ChemistryFirst Teaching: 2014, First Exam: 2015 Masses of practice questions for every topic on the CfE and SQA curricula. Essential extra questions for every topic on the curriculum, to reinforce learning and build confidence. It can be used either alongside the S1-N4 Chemistry Student Book or as a flexible standalone resource – for homework, independent study or exam practice. Questions for every topic on the curriculum, with more of the tricky ones Example answers with workings-out help explain difficult concepts Hints and tips throughout give practical advice about the different kinds of question A dedicated skills section to help develop the scientific inquiry, investigation and analytical thinking Answers can be downloaded from
HarperCollins Publishers Lab Skills for SQA Assessment – National 5 Physics Lab Skills for the revised exams of 2018 and beyond: Learn the Skills of Scientific Inquiry
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: Physics First Teaching: 2017, First Exam: 2018 Covers all required techniques and apparatus Provides practice in all skills of scientific inquiry Supports Assignment work National 5 Physics Lab Skills is designed to support you when undertaking the practical work required for your SQA exam and assignment.It includes eight experiments covering the required skills of scientific inquiry and will:· guide you through the experiments with clear aims, methods, apparatus lists and safety tips· connect each experiment to your course with underlying physics and learning outcomes· provide one place to record your results with write-in spaces· help you revise for your exams with check your understanding and exam-style questions.· include precautions to help you ensure your results are accurate, valid and reliable.· provide assignment advice with each experiment to help you develop your own research· allow you to check your answers at the back of the book
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Maths: Preparation and Support for SQA Exams (Leckie Complete Revision & Practice)
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Maths Two books in one! Combining a revision guide and a full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the exam. The revision guide• Covers all of the topics in the CfE Higher Maths curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• Clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• Contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice test papers• Are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the Higher Maths exam Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress.
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – Higher Maths: Practise and Learn SQA Exam Topics
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: MathsFirst Teaching: 2014, First Exam: 2015 Masses of practice questions for every topic on the curriculum. Essential extra questions for every topic on the curriculum, to reinforce learning and build exam confidence. It can be used either alongside the N5 Maths Student Book or as a flexible standalone resource – for homework, independent study or exam practice. Included in this book: Questions for every topic on the curriculum, with more of the tricky ones Example answers with workings-out help explain difficult concepts Hints and tips throughout give practical advice about the different kinds of question Answers can be downloaded from
HarperCollins Publishers CfE Maths for Scotland – National 4 to 5 Maths Bridging Skills Book: Bridge the Transition from National 4 to National 5 Maths
Exam Board: SQA Level: N4-N5 Subject: Maths First Teaching: 2017, First Exam: 2018 This book provides essential preparation and skills practice for all students working towards National 5 Maths, whether or not they have taken National 4. Main learning points are summarised clearly in each chapter Practice questions and examples with worked solutions help with difficult concepts Key questions assess students’ grasp of each topic Hints and comments give advice and guide students through problems Review exercises at the end of each chapter cover the key points The book can be used either alongside the Leckie N5 Maths Student Book or as a flexible standalone resource to build confidence ready for the N5 exam experience.
HarperCollins Publishers S1 to National 4 Biology: Comprehensive textbook for the CfE (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: SQA Level: S1-N4 Subject: Biology Bring biology to life with this exciting new resource for S1-S3 classrooms! Provides in-depth coverage of Third Level and Fourth Level as well as National 3 and National 4 Keep mixed level teaching simple with a single Student Book per subject Different levels clearly labelled for ease of use, especially helpful when working with mixed level groups One textbook per science will cover your teaching needs for three years Interesting and rich classroom activity and homework ideas tied to CfE that will give pupils a sense of progress and excitement Plentiful assessment exercises referenced to the relevant qualification
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Biology: Practise and Learn SQA Exam Topics (Leckie Practice Workbook)
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Biology First Teaching: 2019, First Exam: 2020 Nail your Higher Biology by working through practice questions on every topic of the curriculum, then test your understanding with mixed exam question practice. Master even the trickiest of topics by practising tons of questions Check your understanding by reviewing the example answers which contain workings-out Build your confidence with the Mixed Exam Question Practice section, to prepare for the type and level of questions you can expect in the SQA Higher Biology exam Understand how your exam will be marked with detailed answers to all of the questions Learn how to approach different types of question with hints and tips All answers can be found online at Can be used at school or at home – for revision, homework, independent study or exam practice. For more resources to help you do your very best, why not try Leckie’s Higher Biology Complete Revision & Practice (9780008365288).