Search results for ""author klaus-dieter john""
SPCK Publishing God Has Seen Us: Diospi Suyana - A Story Shared Around the World
"You are out of your minds!" That was the reaction of many when they heard. Klaus and Martina John were planning to build a modern hospital for the Peruvian Indios - without any capital, income, or loans. But the resulting story of Diospi Suyana has become a thriller full of miracles and examples of divine providence. Since its inauguration in 2007, the adventure has continued as Diospi Suyana has regularly faced danger, corruption, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. And yet it continues to grow. The Hospital of Hope has been the subject of 500+ media reports around the world. The unexpected twists and turns in its history has fascinated millions.
Brunnen-Verlag GmbH Ich habe Gott gesehen Diospi Suyana Hospital der Hoffnung
Brunnen-Verlag GmbH Auf dem Wasser laufen Diospi Suyana Der Glaube im Hrtetest
SPCK Publishing I Have Seen God: The miraculous story of the Diospi Suyana Hospital in Peru
Klaus-Dieter and Martina John had a vision; to build a top quality health facility for the Indians of the Peruvian Andes. Neglected and marginalised, these people suffer appallingly from the diseases of poverty. Klaus and Martina were highly qualified in surgery and paediatrics, but they had never taken on such a project. Now they set about raising the millions of dollars needed. They watched in astonishment as God opened hearts and pricked consciences to create not just a health centre, but a fully-equipped hospital. If faith can move mountains, it can also shake wallets and transform hearts. This faith has overcome the mire of bureaucracy, deep rooted scepticism, and even blunt rejection. It has cleared blocked roads, blown away arguments, and united Catholics and Protestants in one love for God and their fellow people. Klaus-Dieter and Martina John had a vision; to build a top quality health facility for the Indians of the Peruvian Andes. Neglected and marginalised, these people suffer appallingly from the diseases of poverty. Klaus and Martina were highly qualified in surgery and paediatrics, but they had never taken on such a project. Now they set about raising the millions of dollars needed. They watched in astonishment as God opened hearts and pricked consciences to create not just a health centre, but a fully-equipped hospital. If faith can move mountains, it can also shake wallets and transform hearts. This faith has overcome the mire of bureaucracy, deep rooted scepticism, and even blunt rejection. It has cleared blocked roads, blown away arguments, and united Catholics and Protestants in one love for God and their fellow people.