Search results for ""author kenneth r. ross""
Edinburgh University Press Mission, Race and Colonialism in Malawi: Alexander Hetherwick of Blantyre
The first intellectual biography of Alexander Hetherwick, a key figure in Scotland-Malawi relations Makes extensive use of rarely consulted primary sources, both in Malawi and in Scotland, with particular attention to Hetherwick's prolific correspondence Includes a fresh account of the dynamics at play in the creation of Malawi as a nation, with special attention to the role played by Scottish missionaries, Hetherwick in particular Presents a critical examination of the way in which Blantyre Mission both absorbed and resisted the prevailing racism and colonialism of the early 20th century Presents an appraisal of Blantyre Mission's distinctive philosophy and policy; and of how, under Hetherwick's leadership, it navigated the social, cultural and political challenges of the early 20th century Mission, race and colonialism were three forces shaping Malawi's history during the early years of the twentieth century. These three found a concentrated meeting point in the life of Scottish missionary Alexander Hetherwick, who led Blantyre Mission from 1898 to 1928. This book presents a fresh assessment of this towering figure in Malawi's history, contesting the scholarly consensus that Hetherwick betrayed the early ideals of Blantyre Mission by compromising too much with the colonial system that was in force during his leadership. The book assesses the pervasive influence of colonialism, from which Hetherwick was not exempt, and traces the ways in which he resisted such influence through his relentless commitment to the interests of the African community and the inspiration he found in the emergence of the African church.
Edinburgh University Press Mission Race and Colonialism in Malawi
A fresh assessment of how mission, race and colonialism intersected in the life of Scottish missionary Alexander Hetherwick, leader of Blantyre Mission in Malawi from 1898 to 1928.
Hendrickson Academic Christianity in Oceania
Edinburgh University Press Christianity in Oceania
Series Editors: Kenneth R. Ross and Todd M. JohnsonThis series of reference volumes comprehensively maps worldwide Christianity, describing it in its entirety. It covers every continent and offers country-specific studies as well as examining regional and continental trends. Through a combination of maps, tables, charts and graphs a full demographic analysis is provided, while original essays explore key topics and trends.'This significant volume is a definitive contribution to Oceanic Christian self-understanding. It is impressive in both its scope and its fine-grained attention to the nuances and diversities of Pacific belief and practice. Sensitively framed critical insider analysis provides a local voice, rendering it an accessible and valuable regional and global resource.'Associate Professor Hugh Morrison, University of Otago, New ZealandCombines empirical data and original analysis in a uniquely detailed account of Christianity in OceaniaThis comprehensive reference volume covers every country in Oceania, offering reliable demographic information and original interpretative essays by Indigenous scholars and practitioners. It maps patterns of growth and decline, assesses major traditions and movements, analyses key themes and examines current trends.
Hendrickson Academic Christianity in East and Southeast Asia