Search results for ""author juan villoro""
No fue penal una jugada en dos tiempos
Dentro de la cancha, un segundo puede separar la gloria del fracaso, los sueños de la tragedia. En el mejor momento de su carrera, Valeriano Fuentes chocó contra la pierna de su mejor amigo, el Tanque. La fractura les costó a ambos un cambio drástico en el curso de su carrera como futbolistas profesionales, volcando su amistad en una rivalidad ante los ojos de la afición. Pero el tiempo es caprichoso y el destino los une de nuevo. Convertido en director técnico, el Tanque intenta mantener a flote a su equipo, mientras desde la cabina del VAR Valeriano Fuentes, con su investidura de árbitro, es el juez que tiene la última palabra para definir el marcador del partido.Juan Villoro ha dedicado una parte importante de su obra al futbol. Como aficionado e incluso como corresponsal en Copas del Mundo, ha escrito crónicas y ensayos que diseccionan los misterios y pasiones de este deporte. En un giro de tuerca, Villoro elige ahora el género narrativo para seguir reflexionando sobre el futbo
Almadia Aljosan S.R.L.U. Materia dispuesta
PRH Grupo Editorial La razón disruptiva Antología Disruptive Reason Anthology
Penguin Young Readers El vértigo horizontal / Horizontal Vertigo
Dos amores perdidos
Dice el autor en el prólogo que ha reunido en este libro dos historias sobre la forma en que el afecto y la memoria recuperan amores que ya no pueden suceder en el mundo de los hechos y encuentran una supervivencia en las palabras. En efecto, uno de los protagonistas del primer relato, Juan Jesús, intenta retomar la relación con su exmujer, Nuria, pero finalmente se da cuenta de que su tiempo ya había pasado. En el segundo, un bibliotecario pierde sus anotaciones antes de impartir una conferencia sobre la relación entre la poesía amorosa y la lluvia y al tener que improvisar comienza a hablar de sí mismo y de sus amores fracasados.
Simon And Schuster Group USA The Wild Book
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La tierra de la gran promesa / The Land of Great Promise
Planeta Publishing Espejo Retrovisor
HopeRoad Publishing Ltd THE WILD BOOK
Thirteen-year-old Juan's summer is off to a terrible start. First, his parents separate. Then, almost as bad, Juan is sent away to his strange Uncle Tito's house for the entire holiday! Who wants to live with an oddball recluse who has zigzag eyebrows, drinks fifteen cups of smoky tea a day, and lives inside a huge, mysterious library? As Juan adjusts to his new life among teetering, dusty shelves, he notices something odd: the books move on their own! He rushes to tell Uncle Tito, who lets his nephew in on a secret: Juan is a Princeps Reader, which means books respond magically to him, and he's the only one who can find the elusive, never-before-read Wild Book. An unforgettable adventure story about books, libraries, and the power of reading.
George Braziller Inc The Guilty: Stories
Random House USA Inc Horizontal Vertigo: A City Called Mexico
Alfaguara La casa pierde
Un boxeador que manda a la lona a sus adversarios a fuerza de resistencia, un hombre enamorado de la duplicada magia de unas gemelas, un apostador de hipódromo que finge fabulosas ganancias para financiar una amistad y un escritor cuya obra surgió de una pluma ajena... Protagonizadas por perdedores gloriosos y solitarios, que entienden el mundo a partir de códigos y éticas estrictamente personales, este libro ofrece insólitas visiones de la vida.La casa pierde es una reunión de diez historias que exponen, sin concesiones aunque con delicado sentido del humor, la condición de estos hombres que súbitamente han dejado de ser jóvenes y se encuentran frente a frente con el progresivo fracaso y el amplio coto de su soledad.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La figura del mundo / The Figure of The World
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Horizontal Vertigo
At once intimate and wide-ranging, and as enthralling, surprising, and vivid as the place itself, this is a uniquely eye-opening tour of one of the great metropolises of the world, and its largest Spanish-speaking city. Horizontal Vertigo: The title refers to the fear of ever-impending earthquakes that led Mexicans to build their capital city outward rather than upward. With the perspicacity of a keenly observant flaneur, Juan Villoro wanders through Mexico City seemingly without a plan, describing people, places, and things while brilliantly drawing connections among them. In so doing he reveals, in all its multitudinous glory, the vicissitudes and triumphs of the city ’s cultural, political, and social history: from indigenous antiquity to the Aztec period, from the Spanish conquest to Mexico City today—one of the world’s leading cultural and financial centers. In this deeply iconoclastic book, Villoro organizes his text around a
Restless Books The Wild Book
Restless Books God Is Round
RM Verlag SL Gasparini: Field of Images
Quercus Publishing The Sorrows of Mexico
With contributions from seven of Mexico's finest journalists, this is reportage at its bravest and most necessary - it has the power to change the world's view of their country, and by the force of its truth, to start to heal the country's many sorrows.Supported the Arts Council Grant's for the Arts Programme and by PEN PromotesVeering between carnival and apocalypse, Mexico has in the last ten years become the epicentre of the international drug trade. The so-called "war on drugs" has been a brutal and chaotic failure (more than 160,000 lives have been lost). The drug cartels and the forces of law and order are often in collusion, corruption is everywhere. Life is cheap and inconvenient people - the poor, the unlucky, the honest or the inquisitive - can be "disappeared" leaving not a trace behind (in September 2015, more than 26,798 were officially registered as "not located"). Yet people in all walks of life have refused to give up. Diego Enrique Osorno and Juan Villoro tell stories of teenage prostitution and Mexico's street children. Anabel Hernández and Emiliano Ruiz Parra give chilling accounts of the "disappearance" of forty-three students and the murder of a self-educated land lawyer. Sergio González Rodríguez and Marcela Turati dissect the impact of the violence on the victims and those left behind, while Lydia Cacho contributes a journal of what it is like to live every day of your life under threat of death. Reading these accounts we begin to understand the true nature of the meltdown of democracy, obscured by lurid headlines, and the sheer physical and intellectual courage needed to oppose it.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Gabriel Orozco: Oroxxo