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Firefly Press Ltd Thimble Wonga Bonkers
When Mum goes away for the week, Jams, Dad and Thimble the monkey are left with just thirty quid for the groceries. Dad makes a shopping list, but when Thimble gets hold of the supermarket trolley, everything goes bananas. Soon the intrepid trio are so desperate they will do anything for money ... anything! Will Dad end up selling his soul to make ends meet, or can Jams and his monkey pal save the day? Third in the Laugh Out Loud Book Awards shortlisted Thimble Monkey Superstar series from Jon Blake.
Firefly Press Ltd Thimble Monkey Superstar
Life is never boring now that Jams and his family have a monkey to look after. Jams and his mum love Thimble, but Dad is determined to get rid of him - to a zoo, a school, even a demolition site. But when Jams and his dad are in mortal danger, Thimble proves once and for all why he is a Monkey Superstar! Thimble is very clever and very naughty - and just the best friend Jams has been waiting for. Illustrated by Martin Chatterton
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Classics Level 17 More Pack A Macbeth
Macbeth is the story of a noble and courageous man, Macbeth, who is happy to serve King Duncan. A chance meeting plants the seed of ambition in Macbeth''s mind. Gripped with the same ambition, Lady Macbeth pushes her husband to gain power, with terrible consequences. Exciting and powerful classic stories to enrich and extend your children''s reading experiences. TreeTops Classics are carefully adapted versions of must-read stories which introduce your readers to significant authors, powerful plots and characters that have stood the test of time. These abridged versions of classics have been sensitively adapted by top children''s authors to ensure that language and content is appropriate, but remain faithful to the original. These enchanting stories will appeal to all your junior readers and introduce them to a rich literary heritage. Each book includes author biographies and notes to help with historical and social context and any challenging vocabulary, ensuring the books are easily a
Pearson Education Limited Rapid Plus 7.2 Star for a Day
Each Reading Book in the Rapid Plus series is finely levelled and trialled with KS3 students, and includes: all-new content, rigorously levelled and trialled with Key Stage 3 students pre-reading pages which introduce the main characters, plots and key concepts, helping to build understanding and confidence a quiz page after each text providing opportunities for discussion and to check comprehension word and spelling activities to extend language knowledge a non-fiction section that helps to build vocabulary and offers a different reading experience.
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG He Duda
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Reflect: Oxford Level 16: Ethan the Great
Hi! I'm Ethan, and I want to tell you about my greatest adventure so far. It all started with me on my scooter (I've got cerebral palsy, so scooting is quicker than walking) and my best friend Nerys running along beside me. We were off to find some angry swans for her newspaper story. And it ended up with bobbing ducks, a sheep challenge and well, you'll have to wait and see! Reflect is a series of emotionally powerful books with realistic settings, carefully crafted to promote thoughtful discussions and develop higher-level reading comprehension. Written by top childrens authors and developed with Literacy expert and Series Editor Nikki Gamble, these are books you can trust to engage, entertain and support childrens personal development. The books are finely levelled, making it easy to match every child to stories with the right depth and complexity for them, and helping them to progress. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children deepen their understanding and support their reading comprehension. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links to relationships education and support literacy skills.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories: Oxford Level 11: Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle is a kind man with a grumpy wife! One afternoon, he meets a group of old-fashioned men high in the Catskill mountains, and tries an unusual drink which sends him straight to sleep ... When he awakes, Rip has grown a long beard but that isn't the only thing to have changed. What else will he discover when he returns home? Washington Irving's classic story about the man who falls asleep for twenty years will enchant a new generation of readers in this fabulously illustrated retelling. TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the worlds best-loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children's authors and talented illustrators work together to bring to life our literary heritage for a new generation, engaging and delighting children. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children explore the content, supporting their reading development. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links and activities to support guided reading, writing, speaking and listening.