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McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Inspiring Leader: Unlocking the Secrets of How Extraordinary Leaders Motivate
In their bestselling work The ExtraordinaryLeader, performance thought leaders JohnZenger and Joseph Folkman revealed the 16key competencies that separate the top 10percent of leaders from the rest. Since thatbook’s publication, they and coauthor ScottEdinger discovered, through an extensivestudy conducted over four years, that leaderswho possessed the ability to inspire and motivateoutperformed all others.The authors found that the impact of inspiringand motivating others is consistent acrossdifferent kinds of organizations and withindifferent cultures. The Inspiring Leader revealsthe authors’ newest proprietary research onhow top leaders inspire teams to greatness.It discusses the behaviors exhibited by themost successful leaders and includes adviceon how to implement them. Drawing fromstatistically significant data and objective empiricalevidence, the book shows how to: Establish a clear vision and direction Use the power of emotions Create stretch goals for your team Foster innovation and risk taking Encourage teamwork and collaboration Champion change, and much more Zenger, Folkman, and Edinger lay out thestrategies and concepts used by the world’sgreatest leaders to motivate their teams. WithThe Inspiring Leader as your guide, you willlearn how to put those strategies to work inyour own business.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Handbook for Leaders
"The Handbook for Leaders" contains 24 lessons for extraordinary leadership. 'What makes a great leader?' Thousands of workers in both North America and Europe were asked that one simple question. Their top responses are compiled in "The Handbook for Leaders". This precise, no-nonsense rulebook lists the 24 competencies and guidelines identified time and again as essential for becoming an effective and extraordinary leader, including: focus on results; cultivate interpersonal skills; lead organizational change; learn from mistakes; develop your people; be open to new ideas; take initiative; build strengths; fix fatal flaws; take a non-linear approach; and, be accountable.The ability to lead is far more than just a natural gift. Study after study shows that leadership is a concrete and learnable skill, one that can be acquired and honed by studying and applying specific proficiencies, attitudes, and habits. Let "The Handbook for Leaders" introduce you to the requirements for effective leadership, then provide you with a systematic program for attaining, developing, and implementing those skills. John H. (Jack) Zenger, D.B.A., is executive vice president and a director of Provant, Inc. , and the author or coauthor of a number of books on the drivers and principles of leadership, including "The Extraordinary Leader" and "Results-Based Leadership". Joe Folkman, Ph.D., is managing director of Novations Group, Inc., and the author of "Turning Feedback Into Change", "Making Feedback Work", and "Employee Surveys That Make a Difference".
McGraw-Hill Education The New Extraordinary Leader, 3rd Edition: Turning Good Managers into Great Leaders
The classic for managers seeking to hone their leadership skills into a C-Suite position Updated with copious new research conducted over the past ten years, this landmark work provides everything you need to transform yourself from an effective manager to an extraordinary leader. In addition to the time-proven methods and approaches that has made The New Extraordinary Leader one of the most popular leadership books around, this third edition includes•Updated insights on how to demystify leadership•More data on how extraordinary leadership directly benefits employee engagement, customer satisfaction, retention, innovation, and profitability•A brand-new, simplified definition of leadership strengths •Critical research on the importance of developing leadership teams •Three all new chapters that cover: Leadership competencies and how they interplay with each other, The role of cross training in leadership development, and The leader’s role in his or her own development
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Extraordinary Coach: How the Best Leaders Help Others Grow
COACH YOUR BUSINESS TO SUCCESS USINGTHIS “INTERACTIVE” APPROACH FROM TWO OF TODAY’SMOST FORWARD-THINKING LEADERSHIP GURUS“A wonderful and indispensable guide to the practice of coaching. The authors are among the mostseasoned practitioners around . . . and it shows! Whether you are coaching subordinates or clients,you will want to keep this book close at hand—full of detailed guidance.”—Jay A. Conger, Kravis Professor of Leadership Studies,Claremont McKenna College, and author of Building Leaders and Learning to Lead“Stinnett and Zenger provide a comprehensive look at the value of coaching inside the organization,complete with a process, tools, and supports for getting started.This book is a great resource and contribution to the field!”—Pam McLean, Ph.D., CEO, Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara“Finally, and I do mean finally, a book has emerged that is the very best guide to the philosophy,competencies, and discipline required to be a coach who makes a true difference in lives ofothers. This is not a book to read. It is a book to study and live by. Why? Because it is all there: theright questions, the right answers, and the right motives of giving your best to others.”—Larry Wilson, CEO, The Wilson Collaborative, and author of Play to Win!“The Extraordinary Coach offers a compelling view of what it means to be a truly effective leader—one who empowers and grows capability through coaching. It demystifiescoaching into an actionable framework that generates immediate change.”—Christy Consler, Vice President, Leadership Developmentand Sustainability, Safeway, Inc.“Powerful, thought-provoking, and packed with practical tools, concepts, and ideas you can useimmediately. It will change the way you think about coaching, and about yourself.”—Lou Kaucic, retired Chief People Officer of Applebee’s International, founder of CoachesCollective InternationalAbout the Book:Imagine your workplace filled with curious,creative, committed employees. Peoplewho take initiative, who are fearless decisionmakers, who “own” their work. With theright coaching system in place, this dream willsoon become reality.With The Extraordinary Coach, leadershipguru Jack Zenger and coaching expertKathleen Stinnett deliver an entire toolboxfor coaching your organization to success.While other such books simply tell you howto coach, The Extraordinary Coach uses companionvideos (at,worksheets, checklists, sample questions, andthe latest research fi ndings to provide a fullimmersioncourse on becoming the kindof coach who brings dramatic changes toan organization.Applying Zenger and Stinnett’s system,you’ll see immediate results in your businessincluding: Increased productivity High-energy company culture Dynamic supervisor/employeerelationships Creative problem solving Greater risk taking Heightened innovation The authors collected 360-degree feedbackassessments from some of the most effectiveleaders in business today and identified thosewho were excellent coaches. Then they combinedthe research with the latest findingsfrom the worlds of psychology, adult development,and systems theory to map out the realscience behind effective coaching. The resultis a practical, evidence-based coaching systemthat can be applied in any type of business.When you coach individuals to success, youlead your entire organization to success. This“interactive” package is exactly what you needto master one of today’s most critical businessleadership skills.