Search results for ""author john r. kohlenberger iii""
Oxford University Press Old Schofield Study Bible KJV
Zondervan The NIV Exhaustive Bible Concordance, Third Edition: A Better Strong's Bible Concordance
The only fully updated and exhaustive index to every word in the NIV Bible. Whether you're doing word or topical studies for seminary papers, sermon prep, or just for fun; this Bible concordance is essential for helping you find the Scripture passage or verse you're looking for.Features include: Complete alphabetical listing of every word in the NIV Bible, with book/chapter/verse Bible references, a line of content for each of a particular word's appearances, and the G/K number for the word translated by the NIV. Dictionary-indexes that define every Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek word in the Bible, including the possible meaning of every proper name. Frequency counts given for each biblical word, both in the original languages and in English. Special index of articles, conjunctions, particles, prepositions, and pronouns. Unique numbering system developed by Goodrick and Kohlenberger (G/K) that eliminates the inherent gaps, flaws, and inaccuracies of the old Strong's numbering system and refers the user to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words that are translated by the NIV. The NIV Exhaustive Bible Concordance is the only complete concordance with every appearance of every word in the New International Version. More accurate and comprehensive than online searches and Strong's concordances, and it offers complete access to the original-language Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words, this award-winning resource promises to make your Bible study the very best.
Zondervan Academic The Interlinear NIV HebrewEnglish Old Testament
These four volumes in one binding include the standard Hebrew text Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, the NIV (North American version) as the English parallel text, a word for word translation for renderings of specific Hebrew words, and an introduction on how to use the Interlinear text.
Zondervan NIV Greek and English New Testament
The NIV Greek and English New Testament is a parallel Bible, with the Greek New Testament on the left-hand page (using the text that underlies the NIV 2011) and the NIV 2011 on the right-hand page. The Greek text includes footnotes that relate to other Greek New Testaments, and the NIV has the footnotes readers have come to expect and rely on. Section headings are identical in both editions for easy reference.Additional features of the NIV Greek and English New Testament include: Side-by-side format (Greek text on one page with NIV on the facing page) Greek text formatted to match the NIV text Single column format Words of Christ in black Presentation page Ribbon marker (leather edition only) Maps
Zondervan The Expositor's Bible Commentary - Abridged Edition: New Testament
All the verse-by-verse insights of the 5-volume Expositor's Bible Commentary New Testament set--in one convenient volume.When you want to dig more deeply into the meaning of God's Word, a good expository Bible commentary is ideal. You want more than simple commentary that just scratches the surface. But you don't want a time-consuming multi-volume set laden with fine points you can't use. The Expositor's Bible Commentary Abridged Edition: New Testament is tailor-made for you. Based on the critically acclaimed Expositor's Bible Commentary used by pastors, students, and scholars across the world, this single abridged edition offers you the full, penetrating, verse-by-verse commentary of the full series while leaving out needless technical details. Marshalling the knowledge of twenty-one top biblical scholars, it brings tremendous insight to your Bible studies. This commentary features: Verse-by-verse exposition of the entire Bible Over 100 in-text charts, maps, tables, and pictures Goodrick/Kohlenberger numbers for cross-referencing the Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance and other G/K-numbered resources
Zondervan The Expositor's Bible Commentary - Abridged Edition: Old Testament
All the verse-by-verse insights of the 6-volume Expositor's Bible Commentary Old Testament set--in one convenient volume.When you want to dig more deeply into the meaning of God's Word, a good expository Bible commentary is ideal. You want more than simple commentary that just scratches the surface. But you don’t want a time-consuming multi-volume set laden with fine points you can't use. The Expositor's Bible Commentary Abridged Edition: Old Testament is tailor-made for you. Based on the critically acclaimed Expositor's Bible Commentary used by pastors, students, and scholars across the world, this single volume abridged edition offers you the full, penetrating, verse-by-verse commentary of the full series while leaving out needless technical details. Marshalling the knowledge of thirty top Old Testament scholars, it brings tremendous insight to your Bible studies. This commentary features: Verse-by-verse exposition of the entire Old Testament Over 100 in-text charts, maps, tables, and pictures Goodrick/Kohlenberger numbers for cross-referencing the Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance and other G/K-numbered resources