Search results for ""author jim benton""
Scholastic US It's Me (Catwad #1)
From New York Times best-selling author Jim Benton, meet Catwad! He's blue, he's a bit of a grouch, and his best friend is a dim-witted cat named Blurmp who can see the bright side of anything. From pizza and computers, to love and happiness, this crabby tabby has a funny take on just about everything, and he's not afraid to share it. This collection of short comic stories will make even the grumpiest of grouches crack up, and is not to be missed!
Scholastic Inc. Four Me A Graphic Novel Catwad 4
There''s something FOUR everyone in this laugh-out-loud Catwad graphic novel from New York Times bestselling author Jim Benton!Catwad and Blurmp reach new highs (and lows) with an all-new group of hilarious comic stories and a few bonus back-of-book activities! Join this hilarious duo as they dive into the world of video games, go camping, fight a mighty dragon, and more! Packed with funny adventures, this fun-filled book is a gift that keeps on giving!
Scholastic Inc. Can Adults Become Human 05 Dear Dumb Diary
Jamie wonders if you lose your sense of humour when you become an adult, in the same way you lose your teeth or hair or fashion sense. Sneak a peek inside the diary of Jamie Kelly - you might find some aging tips!
Simon & Schuster Mood Science
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing "#7: The Frandidate (wt): Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist "
Simon & Schuster Franny K Stein Mad Scinetist: Attack of the 50 Ft. Cupid
Simon & Schuster Franny K Stein Mad Scientist: Attack of the 50 Ft. Cupid
Scholastic US Dear Dumb Diary: Dumbness is a Dish Best Served Cold
Simon & Schuster Mood Science
DC Comics Fann Club: Batman Squad
FANN CLUB: THE BATMAN SQUAD is a great send-up of the Batman mythos as well as a series of silly adventures from the mind of satirist Jim Benton. Ernest Fann idolises Batman. It might not even be much of a stretch to say he wants to model his life after him. So, with no particular training or superpowers, young Ernest decides to set up a crime fighting unit consisting entirely of his immediate friends and his dog. Ernest takes on the name of Gerbilwing, his best friend Jack becomes Nightstand, his sitter Harriet is dubbed Nightshadow, and his dog Westy takes on the crime-fighting alias of Night Terrier. Their very important training exercises all designed by Ernest, of course, consist of Scowling, Standing Mysteriously on A Roof, and going on neighborhood patrol. But things get complicated when Ernest and Jack er, we mean Gerbilwing and Nightstand--visit a bank that happens to be in the middle of a robbery. And not just any robbery, but one that s being committed by a werewolf! What s his connection to a number of disasters that have been going on in Ernest s neighborhood? Will The Batman Squad taste defeat on their very first day of crime-fighting?
Penguin Random House Children's UK Dear Dumb Diary: Never Do Anything, Ever
More (nearly) true confessions from the diaries of Jamie Kelly.A hilarious middle-schooler's diary about her stinky beagle, mad best friend, disgustingly lovely rival and unrequited crush on the eighth-best-looking boy in the class. It's Wimpy Kid with a girl central character. Fantastic black and white cartoons throughout.
Amazon Publishing Comet the Unstoppable Reindeer
From a New York Times bestselling author with over fifteen million books in print, the hilarious story of an injury-prone reindeer who saves Christmas. It’s the night before Christmas, and Comet is ready…until he’s injured in an unexpected elf incident and replaced by a rookie named Freddy. Comet can’t believe his bad luck. Then he realizes something even worse—in all the confusion, Santa has left the toys behind and isn’t answering his phone. Injury and all, Comet sets out to deliver the presents, crisscrossing the globe from Japan and Egypt to France and Cleveland. After a run-in with a goose, a near miss with a minivan, and too many chimney crash landings to count, can Comet hobble his way into pulling off a Christmas miracle?
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist (Boxed Set): Lunch Walks Among Us; Attack of the 50-Ft. Cupid; The Invisible Fran; The Fran That Time Forgot; Frantastic Voyage; The Fran with Four Brains; The Frandidate
Simon & Schuster Franny K Stein Mad Scientist: The Invisible Fran
Simon & Schuster Franny K Stein Mad Scientist: The Invisible Fran
Simon & Schuster The Fran That Time Forgot
Scholastic US Dear Dumb Diary: #1 Let's Pretend This Never Happened
Papercutz Attack Of The Stuff
Penguin Random House Children's UK Dear Dumb Diary: Am I the Princess or the Frog?
More of the (nearly) true and absolutely hilarious confessions of Jamie Kelly . . . Jamie's best friend is planning to display a picture of Jamie next to her disgustingly stinky beagle, as part of a project to show how pets look like their people. Gee, thanks.And her mum, in a twisted plot created by the school dinner ladies, has been asked to cook meatloaf for the whole school. Mum's cooking - known for its ability to poison anyone who touches it. Mum's meatloaf - the food that even Stinker turns his nose up at.Can Jamie survive the shame?
Simon & Schuster The Frandidate: Volume 7
Simon & Schuster Franny K Stein Mad Scientist: The Fran That Time Forgot
Scholastic US Dear Dumb Diary: #2 My Pants Are Haunted
Sneek a peak inside Jamie's diary...The second hilarious installment of Jamie Kelly's "Dear Dumb Diary" attempts to answer one burning question: can an ordinary pair of jeans have the power to ward off a toothy beagle, vanquish Therettiest Girl in the World and make the wearer irresistible to the eighth cutest guy in Jamie's class? Or are the haunted pants just, well, haunted? This title is previously published as "When Bad Clothes Happen to Good People".
Scholastic Inc. Me Three A Graphic Novel Catwad 3
Scholastic Inc. Youre Making Me Six A Graphic Novel Catwad 6
It''s Sixth time''s the charm!Catwad and Blurmp venture out of the living room and into the world in this hilarious graphic novel! Attending a comic convention, taking a swim deep inside a toilet bowl, gazing into the future with Blurmp's crystal ball, shredding on guitar, and horseback riding are just a few adventures in this laugh-out-loud collection. It's the zaniest Catwad yet!
Simon & Schuster Recipe for Disaster
Simon & Schuster Bad Hair Day
Simon & Schuster Franny K Stein Mad Scientist: Frantastic Voyage
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Frantastic Voyage
Simon & Schuster Lunch Walks Among Us
Simon & Schuster Australia Franny K Stein Mad Scientist: Lunch Walks Among Us
Simon & Schuster Recipe for Disaster
Simon & Schuster Franny K Stein Mad Scientist The Fran With Four Brains
Scholastic Inc. Its Me Two Catwad 2
Penguin Random House Children's UK Dear Dumb Diary: Let's Pretend This Never Happened
The (nearly) true confessions of Jamie Kelly.Dear whoever is reading My Dumb DiaryAre you sure you're supposed to be reading someone else's diary? Maybe I told you that you could, so that's OK. But if you are Angeline, I did NOT give you permission, so stop it.Dear Dumb Diary,School was OK today. Angeline got her hair tangled up in one of the jillion things she has dangling from her backpack, and the school nurse - who is now one of my main heroes - snipped half a metre of silky blonde hair from the left side of her head, so now Angeline only looks like The Prettiest Girl in the World if you're standing on her right.
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Bad Hair Day
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Franny K Stein Mad Scientist: The Fran With Four Brains
NBM Publishing Company Dog Butts And Love. And Stuff Like That. And Cats.: Cartoons by Jim Benton
Papercutz Attack Of The Stuff
Scholastic Inc. High Five A Graphic Novel Catwad 5
Catwad, Blurmp, Pigmichael, and more of Jim Benton''s hilarious comic creations return in this roaringly funny fifth graphic novel!In this poignant and emotionally wrenching tale, famous curmudgeon Catwad faces loss, fear, and struggles with his own mortality when his best friend Blurmp receives news of... wait, who are we kidding? This isn''t a melodrama -- it''s another laugh-out-loud Catwad from Jim Benton!Catwad and Blurmp are back with more ridiculous fun that will have readers high-fiving each other with joy. This volume sees the big blue grump and his slow but lovable friend get a pet, try new hobbies, explore the newest videogame technology, and more! If you love laughing (and who doesn''t??), this book is for you!