Search results for ""author jean grondin""
Herder Editorial Del sentido de la vida un ensayo filosófico
"Qué hacemos aquí? Por qué y para qué, o para quién, estamos aquí-? Qué debemos y qué podemos hacer? Qué no es permitido esperar? No hace falta invocar el testimonio de ilustres filósofos, estas son las preguntas fundamentales de la filosofía, las únicas que importan. (...) Toda filosofía, toda vida, se funde en la espera (esperanza). La espera (esperanza) de este libro es la de articular esta filosofía."Jean Grondin es profesor de filosofí-a en la universidad de Montreal y reputado estudioso de la obra filosóficade Martin Heidegger y de Hans-Georg Gadamer. Desde 1982, ha publicado una docena de libros en francés, inglés y alemán; también ha traducido al francés los libros más importantes de Gadamer.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hans-Georg Gadamer - Eine Biographie
Aus Rezensionen zur 1. Auflage: "Die gründliche Gadamer-Biographie von Jean Grondin ist [...] frei von hagiographischen Zügen. Um so überzeugender entwirft sie das Porträt eines zunächst zögernden und unsicheren, eines unpolitischen und anpassungsfähigen, aber stets liberalen und selbstkritischen, vom gutbürgerlichen Elternhaus mit Klugheit, Sensibilität und sicherem Blick ausgestatteten, humanistisch gebildeten und unabhängig urteilenden Geistes." Jürgen Habermas in Neue Zürcher Zeitung vom 12./13.2.2000, S. 49 "Jean Grondin […] hat es übernommen, das Jahrhundertleben Hans-Georg Gadamers zu beschreiben, und es ist ihm gelungen, ein hundertjähriges Leben […] mit Detailtreue und eindrücklicher Sprache in einer Weise erlebbar zu machen, die das Lesen dieser Biographie zu einem Erlebnis werden lässt." KVS-Mitteilungen, Nr. 2 (2000), S. 22 "Meisterhaft geschrieben, mit subtilem Einfühlungsvermögen und Feingefühl […]. Grondins feinsinniger Witz, rhetorischer Charme und sprachlicher Schliff machen die Lektüre auch zu einem literarischen Genuß." Annemarie C. Mayer in Theologische Revue, 97. Jahrgang, 6 (2001), S. 508-510
Columbia University Press Introduction to Metaphysics: From Parmenides to Levinas
Jean Grondin completes the first history of metaphysics and respects both the analytical and the Continental schools while transcending the theoretical limitations of each. He reviews seminal texts by Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, and Augustine. He follows the theological turn in the metaphysical thought of Avicenna, Anselm, Aquinas, and Duns Scotus, and he revisits Descartes and the cogito; Spinoza and Leibniz's rationalist approaches; Kant's reclaiming of the metaphysical tradition; and post-Kantian practice up to Hegel. He engages with twentieth century innovations that upended the discipline, particularly Heidegger's revival of the question of Being and the rediscovery of the metaphysics of existence by Sartre and the Existentialists, language by Gadamer and Derrida, and transcendence by Levinas. Metaphysics is often dismissed as a form or epoch of philosophy that must be overcome, yet by promoting a full understanding of its platform and processes, Grondin reveals its cogent approach to reality and foundational influence on modern philosophy and science. By restoring the value of metaphysics for contemporary audiences, Grondin showcases the rich currents and countercurrents of metaphysical thought and its future possibilities.
Yale University Press Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics
In this wide-ranging historical introduction to philosophical hermeneutics, Jean Grondin discusses the major figures from Philo to Habermas, analyzes conflicts between various interpretive schools, and provides a persuasive critique of Gadamer's view of hermeneutic history, though in other ways Gadamer's Truth and Method serves as a model for Grondin's approach.Grondin begins with brief overviews of the pre-nineteenth-century thinkers Philo, Origen, Augustine, Luther, Flacius, Dannhauer, Chladenius, Meier, Rambach, Ast, and Schlegel. Next he provides more extensive treatments of such major nineteenth-century figures as Schleiermacher, Böckh, Droysen, and Dilthey. There are full chapters devoted to Heidegger and Gadamer as well as shorter discussions of Betti, Habermas, and Derrida. Because he is the first to pay close attention to pre-Romantic figures, Grondin is able to show that the history of hermeneutics cannot be viewed as a gradual, steady progression in the direction of complete universalization. His book makes it clear that even in the early period, hermeneutic thinkers acknowledged a universal aspect in interpretation—that long before Schleiermacher, hermeneutics was philosophical and not merely practical. In revising and correcting the standard account, Grondin's book is not merely introductory but revisionary, suitable for beginners as well as advanced students in the field.
Columbia University Press Introduction to Metaphysics: From Parmenides to Levinas
Jean Grondin completes the first history of metaphysics and respects both the analytical and the Continental schools while transcending the theoretical limitations of each. He reviews seminal texts by Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, and Augustine. He follows the theological turn in the metaphysical thought of Avicenna, Anselm, Aquinas, and Duns Scotus, and he revisits Descartes and the cogito; Spinoza and Leibniz's rationalist approaches; Kant's reclaiming of the metaphysical tradition; and post-Kantian practice up to Hegel. He engages with twentieth century innovations that upended the discipline, particularly Heidegger's revival of the question of Being and the rediscovery of the metaphysics of existence by Sartre and the Existentialists, language by Gadamer and Derrida, and transcendence by Levinas. Metaphysics is often dismissed as a form or epoch of philosophy that must be overcome, yet by promoting a full understanding of its platform and processes, Grondin reveals its cogent approach to reality and foundational influence on modern philosophy and science. By restoring the value of metaphysics for contemporary audiences, Grondin showcases the rich currents and countercurrents of metaphysical thought and its future possibilities.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hermeneutische Wege: Hans-Georg Gadamer zum Hundertsten
"Die Beiträge dieses Buches sind Wirkungen von Gadamers Denken am Ende dieses und an der Schwelle des neuen Jahrhunderts. In diesem Sinne war es beabsichtigt, daß die Autoren vorwiegend einer Generation angehören, die, an Gadamers Lebensalter gemessen, die der Enkel und nicht die der Söhne ist; es sollte um Antworten auf Gadamers Denken gehen, die noch nicht Philosophiegeschichte geworden sind. Das breite internationale Spektrum hingegen hat sich von selbst ergeben. Mit ihm zeigt sich wieder einmal, daß die philosophische Hermeneutik schon längst keine bloße affaire allemande mehr ist. ...Alle, die Hans-Georg Gadamer kennen, wissen, daß er seine Philosophie nicht nur vertritt, sondern lebt. Die Autoren des Bandes haben das in mehr oder weniger großer Intensität erfahren dürfen und sind dankbar dafür. Mit dieser Gabe zu Gadamers hundertstem Geburtstag wollen sie im eigenen Nachdenken versuchen, seiner philosophischen Lebendigkeit zu entsprechen." Die Herausgeber im Vorwort
Rowman & Littlefield Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays
Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays provides a variety of recent studies of Heidegger's most important work. Twelve prominent scholars, representing diverse nationalities, generations, and interpretive approaches deal with general methodological and ontological questions, particular issues in Heidegger's text, and the relation between Being and Time and Heidegger's later thought. All of the essays presented in this volume were never before available in an English-language anthology. Two of the essays have never before been published in any language (Dreyfus and Guignon); three of the essays have never been published in English before (Grondin, Kisiel, and Thomä), and two of the essays provide previews of works in progress by major scholars (Dreyfus and Kisiel).