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MP-BRP Brookes Publishing Co Ages Stages Questionnaires174 ASQ1743 Starter A ParentCompleted Child Monitoring System
MP-BRP Brookes Publishing Co Ages Stages Questionnaires174 ASQ1743 Question A ParentCompleted Child Monitoring System
John Wiley & Sons Ages Stages Questionnaires174 ASQ3174 Material A ParentCompleted Child Monitoring System
John Wiley & Sons Ages Stages Questionnaires174 SocialEmotional A ParentCompleted Child Monitoring System for SocialEmotional Behaviors
John Wiley & Sons Ages Stages Questionnaires SocialEmotional ASQSE2 Questionnaires Spanish
MP-BRP Brookes Publishing Co Ages Stages Questionnaires174 SocialEmotional A ParentCompleted Child Monitoring System for SocialEmotional Behaviors
Brookes Publishing Co An Activity-based Approach to Developing Young Children's Social Emotional Competence
This book describes how to implement social-emotional interventions with young children (birth to age 5) in their daily environments. The target audience is professionals who are working with families who are not providing ideal environments for their children, such as those families living in extreme poverty and those who are experiencing mental health problems or substance abuse. Another target audience is early interventionists who are working with children who have an identified disability or who have experienced some biological risk (i.e., low birth weight, in utero exposure to drugs or alcohol). As well as learning about screening and assessment, readers of this book will learn to pick up on cues that show that the children in their care might have social-emotional difficulties. The interventions described can be put to use during daily routines such as meal time and bath time. The activities target ten key mental health concepts: healthy social interactions, expression of a range of emotions, regulation of responses, empathy, attention and engagement, independence, self-image, regulation of attention and activity level, compliance with simple requests, and adaptive skills.
Brookes Publishing Co Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®-3): User's Guide (English): A Parent-Completed Child Monitoring System
Now enhanced and updated based on extensive user feedback and a new, unparalleled research sample of more than 12,000 children, ASQ-3 is the most accurate, cost-effective, and parent-friendly way to identify children from birth to 5 years with developmental delays. Absolutely essential to using ASQ-3, this revised and redesigned guide provides step-by-step guidance on administering and scoring the questionnaires, setting up a screening system, working with families effectively, and using ASQ-3 across a wide range of settings.Proven accurate by new research: ASQ-3 is highly reliable and valid with excellent sensitivity (.86) and specificity (.85). It allows for fast and easy scoring, as 2-3 minutes is all it takes to score the questionnaires. The ‘anytime’ scoring permits accurate child-screening from 1-66 months of age. The ASQ-3 also educates families, and parents will love how ASQ-3 helps them learn about their child’s development and skills. A one-time purchase, a single site can photocopy or print questionnaires as needed.
Brookes Publishing Co Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional (ASQ®:SE-2): User's Guide (English): A Parent-Completed Child Monitoring System for Social-Emotional Behaviors
The essential guide to the NEW edition of the trusted social-emotional screener, the updated ASQ:SE-2™trade User's Guide gives your program all the information and guidance you need to use the screener accurately and effectively. You'll get thorough, step-by-step instructions on screening with ASQ:SE-2, including planning and managing your screening program, administering and scoring the questionnaires, and evaluating your program's effectiveness a complete technical report with psychometric data, including validity, sensitivity, and specificity guidance on using ASQ:SE-2 in a wide variety of settings sample letters and forms that increase family engagement, including a welcome letter, parent feedback survey, and parent conference sheet handouts and activities families can use to help promote children's social-emotional development between screenings, plus a list of resources to support professionals With this clear, comprehensive guide, professionals will be sure they're making the most of this highly reliable, accurate, and parent-friendly screener so they can catch social-emotional issues early and help improve child outcomes.The ASQ:SE-2 User's Guide is part of the ASQ:SE-2 screening system. ASQ:SE-2 is the NEW edition of the bestselling screener trusted to pinpoint social-emotional issues as early as possible during the crucial first 6 years of life. The 9 age-appropriate ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires effectively screen 7 key developmental areas: self-regulation, compliance, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, social-communication, and interaction with people. The second edition of ASQ:SE-2 has been revised and updated with invaluable new features, including a NEW 2 month questionnaire, an expanded age range, updated cutoff scores, new behavior and communication items, and more updates to help you better support families and promote social-emotional development.
Brookes Publishing Co Developmental Screening in Your Community: An Integrated Approach for Connecting Children with Services
As a professional who works with young children, you know how early detection of delays and disabilities can change the course of a child's whole life. But in today's communities, many programmes and providers still struggle to coordinate their screening efforts so children who need services don't slip through the cracks. Integrated, community-wide screening and early detection/child find systems are the answer—and this is the first book with the systematic, big-picture guidance and specific information you need to develop your own system or strengthen and refine your existing system. Developed by early childhood, medical, and social service experts in screening and assessment, this groundbreaking book helps your community establish an effective early detection system that's comprehensive and low-cost; encourages close collaboration among health, social service, and educational agencies; and meets each child's whole continuum of needs, from universal screening to community services. You'll get detailed guidance on 6 key components of successful community-wide early detection: Programme goals Community public awareness Centralised contact and referral Developmental-behavioural screening system Follow-up Ongoing programme evaluation You'll also discover the critical foundations and procedures for:connecting everyone who screens children across settings into a single unified system ensuring that all parts of the system align and work seamlessly together selecting and using the best developmental and behavioural screening measures monitoring your system so that all parts keep functioning smoothly and children get the services they need improving screening and referrals across diverse settings: early childhood education, social service, and medical home settingsWith this adaptable, integrated plan for early detection/child find, your community will ensure that delays are caught quickly and all young children and their families get the services and supports they need to thrive.