Search results for ""author j. verheyden""
Peeters Publishers The Unity of Luke - Acts
This volume contains the papers presented at the 47th Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (Leuven, 1998). The general theme of the meeting was the unity of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Main papers on this topic were read by R.L. Brawley, J. Delobel, A. Denaux, J.A. Fitzmeyer, F.W. Horn, J. Kremer, A. Lindemann, O. Mainville, D. Marguerat, F. Neirynck, W. Radl, M. Rese, J. Taylor, C.M. Tuckett, and J. Verheyden. While a large majority of scholars agree that Luke intended his work to cover both the past and the continuing history of Jesus (Gospel and Acts), the essays also illustrate the complexities of this view on the unity of Luke-Acts when it comes to interpret the various aspects of Lukan theology, christology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology, the expansion of the Church in light of its Jewish origins, the genre of Luke-Acts, and the literary and stylistic means Luke used to make his work a unity. In total the volume includes some 40 papers, of which 24 are offered papers: L. Alexander, H. Baarlink, M. Bachmann, D. Bechard, T.L. Brodie, G.P. Carras, A. del Agua, C. Focant, G. Geiger, B.J. Koet, V. Koperski, D.P. Moessner, G. Oegema, J. Pichler, E. Plumacher, A. Puig i Tarrech, U. Schmid, B. Schwank, N. Taylor, P.J. Tomson, S. Van den Eynde, S. Walton, G. Wasserberg, F. Wilk. This collection is an invaluable contribution to current discussions in Lukan study and to a nuanced understanding of the relationship between Luke's two volumes.
Peeters Publishers An Early Reader of Mark and Q
The present volume contains the proceedings of the Second International Colloquium of the Leuven Centre for the Study of the Gospels which dealt with the major source- and redaction-critical issues that are at stake in explaining the composition and theology of the Gospel of Mark. Though a "classical" question, the issue seems to have lost some of its momentum in recent years, but the papers and the discussion they brought about demonstrate that it remains a crucial aspect and foundation for any type of research on the gospels. Contributors were asked to study the ways Mark has composed his gospel on the basis of various sources and traditions, which at times he used quite freely, putting his own mark on part of this source material, and even combined with such sections he probably created himself. The overall picture is that of an author who is constantly in dialogue with the Christian tradition he had received, while also actively contributing to its further development for some of the central topics of Christian theology. Contributions by H.T. Fleddermann, P. Foster, J.S. Kloppenborg, J. Marcus, M.J.J. Menken, U. Poplutz, C.M. Tuckett, A. Wucherpfennig, R. Zimmermann.
Peeters Publishers Studien Zu Einleitungsfragen Und Zur Theologie Und Exegese Des Neuen Testaments: Gesammelte Aufsatze Von Peter Dschulnigg
Peter Dschulnigg ' Ordinarius fur Neues Testament an der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum vom SoSe 1991 bis zum SoSe 2008 ' interpretiert das Neue Testament weitgehend als judenchristliche Schrift, die nur vor dem Hintergrund der breiten alttestamentlich-fruhjudischen Uberlieferung angemessen zu verstehen ist. Methodisch sind die Beitrage dieses Bandes von einem 'diachron geerdeten', vorrangig synchronen Ansatz gepragt. Zentrale Themen der neutestamentlichen Einleitungswissenschaft sowie eine breite Vielfalt an exegetisch-theologischen Themen der Theologie werden in diesem Band vorgestellt. Neben den grossen Theologumena vom Leiden, Sterben und Auferstehen Jesu geraten dabei insbesondere die Fragen nach Armut und Reichtum im Neuen Testament und im Leben der (fruhen) Kirche, nach den Bedingungen der Nachfolge sowie der Rolle von Frauen als Jungerinnen Jesu in den Fokus. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt ist die Behandlung des Markusevangeliums, der Gleichnis-, sowie der Johannesforschung.
Peeters Publishers Luke and His Readers
The "Festschrift", dedicated to Professor Adelbert Denaux (K.U.Leuven), contains twenty-three articles on the meaning and reception of the Gospel of Luke and Acts. Under the title "Luke and his Readers", friends and colleagues from different backgrounds have considered key texts, language issues, themes, text-critical problems, the authorial intent and how the books have been received.
Peeters Publishers The Gospel of Matthew and the Sayings Source Q: A Cumulative Bibliography 1950-1995
The present Bibliography covers the research on the Gospel of Matthew and on the Gospel Source Q from 1950 to 1995. The new volume has adopted the model of the previously published The Gospel of Mark. A Cumulative Bibliography 1950-1990. It contains about 15.000 entries and is arranged alphabetically by name of author; the author's works are given in chronological order. Each entry includes the complete bibliographical references, information about reprints, new editions and translations, and summary indications of the content (Gospel passage, subject). The companion volume furnishes detailed Indexes of Gospel Passages and Subject matters related to Mt and to Q. All indexes are prepared by J. Verheyden. The Bibliography completes the series of Leuven repertories on the Gospels published in BETL 82 (John, 1988), 88 (Luke, 1989). and 102 (Mark, 1992).
Peeters Publishers Paul Ricoeur: Poetics and Religion
The present volume contains the proceedings of an international conference that was held at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Leuven, October 28 to 31, 2008. 'Poetics' and 'religion' take an important place in Ricoeur's oeuvre; yet they still require further investigation. The common link between these two concepts may well be found in the creative dimension of language. Poetics reflect upon it; religion turns to it for help in expressing the experience of the transcendent. Ricoeur has explored and offered ways for reflecting precisely upon this junction. Contributors have studied the many ways these concepts function in the earlier and in the later work, and how they have been used and received in various in various fields and disciplines, including theology. Scholars have been working with Ricoeur in anthropology, ethics, Biblical studies, systematic and practical theology, intercultural philosophy, spirituality, and other disciplines, which together makes for a wide palette of interpretations. Ricoeur's audacious explorations on the intersection of creative language, religion, and philosophical reflection continue to open new ways for reflection in many different fields.
Peeters Publishers The Gospel of Mark: A Cumulative Bibliography 1950-1990
Peeters Publishers Miracles and Imagery in Luke and John: Festschrift Ulrich Busse
Luke and John have been the double focus of the research Professor Ulrich Busse has been conducting for many years and which has resulted in major publications on the miracle stories in the Gospel of Luke and on the images and metaphors used by the Fourth Evangelist. Luke and John, miracles and images, was the obvious choice for the topic of this collection of essays in honour of Professor Busse at the occasion of his retirement. The volume contains contributions by P. Hoffmann (Q 6,39.40 and Luke); R. Hoppe (Lk 5,1-11); B.J. Koet - W.E.S. North (Lk 10,38-42 and Jn 11,1-12,8); A. Denaux (Lk 24,29); T. Nicklas (Jn 4,43-54); F. Tolmie (Jn 13,21-30); J.A. Du Rand (Jn 13,31-14,31); G.J. Steyn (Jesus as Lord in Jn); M. Theobald (Augustine on Lk 5,1-11 and Jn 21,1-14); M.J.J. Menken (1 Jn 3,12); J.-M. Van Cangh (Miracle stories in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman world); J.G. van der Watt (Reading the Bible in an African context).