Search results for ""author j i packer"
Crossway Books J. I. Packer
John Murray Press J. I. Packer: His life and thought
'Alister McGrath is a brilliant guide to Jim Packer's invigorating theological vision. Crisp, incisive commentary on every page!' - Andrew Atherstone, Wycliffe Hall, University of OxfordJ. I. Packer was one of the most influential evangelical theological and spiritual writers of the twentieth century, best known for his classic work of spirituality Knowing God. In the 1990s, Christianity Today readers named him one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century, second only to C. S. Lewis. But who was Jim Packer, and what is the story of his own faith? Bestselling author and friend of Jim's Alister McGrath tells his story, and in the process opens up how Packer's faith nourished and sustained him - exploring questions of theology and spirituality as they arise along the way. Alternating narrative with reflection, Alister sets out Packer's ideas and presents them engagingly, and in doing so helps to explain why Packer and his writing continue to be so helpful and useful to all on the journey of faith. This beautiful tribute to a giant of the Christian faith is both a celebration of his life and the perfect introduction to his thought and writings for a new generation of readers.
Crossway Books Packer on the Christian Life: Knowing God in Christ, Walking by the Spirit
Offering readers an accessible portrait of J. I. Packer’s life and theology, this book explores his insights into prayer, Bible study, indwelling sin, and true godliness.
Faithlife Corporation Pointing to the Pasturelands
All theology is doxology. Anglican theologian J. I. Packer was one of the most widely respected Christian writers of the twentieth century. Author of over forty books and named one of the most influential evangelicals by Time magazine and the readers of Christianity Today, Packer's impact is immense. He was known for profound theological writing that was always lively and worshipful. Pointing to the Pasturelands recovers several decades of Packer's contributions to the pages of Christianity Today. This includes his editorial columns, longer articles, and brief answers to readers' theology questions. The book concludes with a profile of Packer from Mark A. Noll. Enjoy timeless insights from a man whose life was devoted to knowing God and making him known.
Crossway Books Weakness Is the Way: Life with Christ Our Strength (Trade Paperback Edition)
J. I. Packer helps Christians to embrace weakness as he shares about his own struggles in this book of meditations on 2 Corinthians. Ultimately, Packer directs us to the ultimate source of strength and power: Christ himself.
Crossway Books Keeping the Ten Commandments
J. I. Packer explodes common misconceptions about the Ten Commandments and gives readers God's blueprint for relational, spiritual, and societal well-being.
Crossway Books The Heritage of Anglican Theology
In this comprehensive overview of the Anglican Church, theologian J. I. Packer showcases the hallmarks of “authentic Anglicanism” and its rich history while casting a vision for the future.
Crossway Books Finishing Our Course with Joy: Guidance from God for Engaging with Our Aging
Rejecting the advice of the world, J. I. Packer calls seniors to press on with endurance in the final years of their lives for the sake of God’s glory and their joy.
Crossway Books Knowing God
J. I. Packer’s insightful and practical approach to understanding God has impacted countless Christians throughout the world as they are introduced to the wonder and joy of knowing God. Now available in a beautiful hardcover edition.
Baker Publishing Group A Better Way – Rediscovering the Drama of God–Centered Worship
Now in paper! "There is a distinct weariness with market-driven, showbiz worship. The pendulum has swung to the longing for transcendence, substance, challenge, and biblically driven worship. Michael Horton shows us the way." --Robert Webber, president, Institute for Worship Studies; author of Ancient-Future Faith "Horton's enlivening wisdom is surely a godsend to all evangelicals." --J. I. Packer, Regent College
Crossway Books Proclaiming Christ in a Pluralistic Age
In 5 never-before-published lectures originally given in 1978, theologian J. I. Packer tackles common objections to Christianityincluding secular humanism, pluralism, and universalismby preaching the glory of the gospel and Christ crucified.
Crossway Books Affirming the Apostles' Creed
Noted Bible scholar J. I. Packer examines each phrase of the Apostles' Creed, inviting readers to dive further into the essentials of the Christian faith.
Crossway Books Growing in Christ
Late theologian J. I. Packer gives readers a road map for studying the essentials of Christian faith, with quick, in-depth explanations of essential topics including the Apostles' Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments.
Crossway Books What Did the Cross Achieve?
In this famous essay, late theologian J. I. Packer analyzes Scripture and the works of early Reformers to defend the truth of Christ’s substitutionary suffering and death, the heart of the Christian gospel.
Crossway Books Keep in Step with the Spirit
Keep in Step with the Spirit by late theologian J. I. Packer is a helpful guide to the Holy Spirit that is both conversational in tone and comprehensive in scope, revealing who the Spirit is and how he is active in the lives of believers.
Crossway Books God Has Spoken
In this repackaged edition of God Has Spoken, late theologian J. I. Packer mounts a formative defense of the inerrancy of the Bible, calling readers to reclaim the unity between inspiration (how God has spoken) and revelation (what God has spoken).
Crossway Books In My Place Condemned He Stood: Celebrating the Glory of the Atonement
Combining three classic articles by J. I. Packer with a recent article by Mark Dever, this penetrating anthology takes a classically biblical stance on the increasingly controversial doctrine of substitutionary atonement.
Little, Brown Book Group Forever: A sexy, action-packed spinoff from the acclaimed Black Dagger Brotherhood world
The latest steamy adventure in the Lair of the Wolven spin-off series from the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author J. R. Ward, set in the Black Dagger Brotherhood world, with a scientist fighting to save the timber wolves - and getting caught in a deadly trap herself . . .For Lydia Susi, there is no sweet sorrow in saying goodbye to the man she loves. As a wolven hiding among humans, she became used to being alone - until destiny gave her the kind of love she didn't dare hope for. But then came a devastating diagnosis that ended all her dreams. Grief is the only thing she sees in her future now.Daniel Joseph, as an operative for a clandestine arm of the U.S. government, always expected to die an early death. He just assumed it would be out in the field . . . not in a hospital bed in an underground lab. With his time running out, he refuses a potentially lifesaving treatment to focus on making sure that Lydia finds her wolven clan. Following an attack on the lab's compound, Daniel fears his former boss is coming after him and Lydia. Marshalling his strength, he must call on all his training to protect the female he loves . . . even if it means her moving on, without him.Discover your new obsession . . . 'Utterly absorbing and deliciously erotic' Angela Knight'Hot, sexy, unique, intriguingly wicked' Christine Feehan'Insanely good! . . . Intensely romantic and straight up flipping steamy, violent and gruesome, heartbreaking and deep. Her addictive writing tells a story like none other' Goodreads reviewer'I can't get enough of these sexy, tough, intriguing vampires' Amazon reviewer'Emotional by epic proportions' Kobo reviewer'The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a twisting, often surprising, but always awesome read' Amazon reviewer'A must read' Goodreads reviewer'The story had me captivated the whole way' Kobo reviewer'Each and every character is compelling' Amazon reviewer
Inter-Varsity Press When God's voice is heard: The Power Of Preaching
"Good preaching is the present Word of God to his people", argues J. I. Packer. And it is to communicate this that is our first calling. In this inspiring collection of essays, experienced preachers explore the different aspects of preaching.
John Murray Press God Has Spoken
J. I. Packer maintains that anyone who wants to know God will want to know as much as they can of what is in the Bible. For through it God reveals himself and his purpose to us; and in it we discover his fellowship and grace. Packer presents the case for reliability of the Bible and urges us to return with open hearts to reading God's word, and to discovering its overwhelming power in our lives.This challenging sequel to Knowing God is a great resource for the Christian journey.
John Murray Press Knowing God Through the Year
'How can we turn our knowledge about God into knowledge of God? The rule for doing so is simple but demanding. It is that we turn each truth that we learn about God into matter for mediation before God, leading to prayer and praise to God.'Knowing God is a more complex business than knowing another person. If we spend the rest of our lives at it, there will still be more to comprehend. But the marvel of it is that God's riches are opened up to us to explore.' J. I. PackerJoin J. I. Packer on a year of discovery. Using excerpts from his bestselling book Knowing God, each day you'll read a Scripture and a brief passage from Knowing God. There are ideas for prayer and reflection to help you respond to God as you journey into knowing him more. There is no greater adventure.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 18 Words: The Most Important Words you will Ever Know
If the modern world can be characterised by one thing it is probably the enormous increase in the number of words around – but that increase has also been accompanied by a seemingly corresponding decrease in understanding. J. I. Packer is a master wordsmith. He is also gifted with the ability of showing where truth lies in complicated reasoning. These skills combine to make 18 Words a fascinating read – and a life–changing one.
Inter-Varsity Press Concise Theology: A Guide To Historic Christian Beliefs
This book sets out in short compass what seems to me to be the permanent essentials of Christianity, viewed as both a belief system and a way of life ... Theology is for doxology and devotion - that is, the praise of God and the practice of godliness. It should therefore be presented in a way that brings awareness of the divine presence. Theology is at its healthiest when it is consciously under the eye of God of whom it speaks, and when it is singing to his glory.' - J. I Packer Packer's classic summary covers nearly one hundred subjects, from a Reformed perspective. Brief, easy-to-understand chapters offer precise descriptions without sacrificing depth. The four main sections present God revealed as Creator, Redeemer, Lord of grace, and Lord of destiny.
SPCK Publishing Mere Discipleship: On Growing in Wisdom and Hope
In exploring Christian discipleship, Alister McGrath encourages us to move beyond a superficial grasp of our faith to discover its depth and riches. He sees discipleship as a process of growth in wisdom, through which we absorb a Christian vision of reality, and allow it to percolate our minds and inform the way in which we think, imagine and act. Helpfully drawing on the insights of Dorothy L Sayers, C S Lewis, John Stott and J I Packer, whom he finds both astute and illuminating, the author offers counsel on holding on to hope while journeying through darkness, and how to live meaningfully in a world in which things don't always seem to make sense.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Christ Set Forth: And the Heart of Christ Towards Sinners on the earth
This classic book gives us an opportunity to learn about Christ, his work and his death. Based upon Romans 8:34, Goodwin presents to us the Lord Jesus Christ, the example and the object of justifying faith. If the term Christology is a new one to you, then this book will help understand what it means. In true Christian Heritage style, it is attractively laid out with headings and subdividers to assist reading. The foreword is provided by J. I. Packer and a helpful introduction provided by Mark Jones.
Baker Publishing Group Rediscovering Holiness – Know the Fullness of Life with God
"There was a time," writes renowned theologian J. I. Packer in this classic book on biblical holiness, "when all Christians laid great emphasis on God's call to holiness. But how different it is today! To listen to our sermons and to read the books we write, and then to watch the zany, worldly, quarrelsome way we behave, you would never imagine that once the highway of holiness was clearly marked out for Bible-believers." In this revised and updated edition of Rediscovering Holiness, the highway is once more clearly marked out for a new generation of readers, pointing to true freedom and joy, both now and in eternity.
Inter-Varsity Press Keep in Step with the Spirit: Finding Fullness In Our Walk With God
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). The Holy Spirit empowers us, guides us, and enables us to grow and endure in our relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. Often the most misunderstood member of the Trinity, the person of the Spirit continues to attract attention today amidst church revivals and renewals. In this new edition of his classic Keep in Step with the Spirit, J. I. Packer seeks to help Christians reaffirm the biblical call to holiness and the Spirit s role in keeping our covenant with God. Packer guides us through the riches and depth of the Spirit s work, assesses versions of holiness and the charismatic life, and shows how Christ must always be at the centre of true Spirit-led ministry. A new chapter explores Christian assurance. With abiding relevance and significance, Keep in Step with the Spirit sets forth vital knowledge for healthy and joyous Christian living, through understanding and experience of God the Holy Spirit. Here is a book for every serious believer to read and re-read.
Faithlife Corporation Christianity and Pluralism
Are the world's great religions ultimately all the same? Christianity and Pluralism is a collection of concise yet thoughtful essays by J. I. Packer and Ron Dart, interacting with and responding to the four traditional models used to answer the existence of multiple faiths (exclusive, inclusive, pluralist, and syncretist), but focusing particularly that form of syncretism which claims that all faiths find commonality through their mystical traditions. Written in response to key events in the history of the Anglican church, Packer and Dart's analysis gives us a perennially relevant model for how the church ought to respond to our own pluralistic culture with integrity and kindness - and how to uphold the distinctiveness of the gospel. Christians directly or indirectly engaging our pluralist world will find their ideas enriched by this short yet powerful book.
John Murray Press Fear No Evil
Facing the final test of faith, David Watson candidly shares his personal thoughts during his moving struggle with cancer: his doubts and fears but also his ability to trust in God and fear no evil.David Watson was an internationally renowned and much-loved preacher and writer. His many books include Discipleship, I Believe in the Church, Is Anyone There? and One in the Spirit. He died in 1984, a few weeks after writing the final pages of this book.'Fear No Evil is the conquest of death... by facing it squarely... and knowing that for a believer it is the vestibule of glory.' - J. I. Packer
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Pleasantness of a Religious Life: Life as good as it can be
Matthew Henry, the great Puritan commentator, here looks at what gives people real joy. He looks at 12 different types of Christian pleasure, reviews what God has done to bring sinners joy, demonstrates that Christian experience proves this and challenges the reader to join in! This was Matthew Henry’s last book and was at the press when he died in 1714. This classic of Christian living is brought to you by J. I. Packer who adds an extensive introduction to the book showing its significance and gestation from Henry’s ministry.
Baker Publishing Group Reformed Dogmatics – God and Creation
In partnership with the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, Baker Academic is proud to offer the second volume of Herman Bavinck's complete Reformed Dogmatics in English for the very first time. This masterwork will appeal to scholars, students, pastors, and laity interested in Reformed theology and to research and theological libraries. "Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom, and great expository skill. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics remains after a century the supreme achievement of its kind."-J. I. Packer, Regent College
Inter-Varsity Press Introducing Major Theologians: From The Apostolic Fathers To The Twentieth Century
Is 'newer' really 'better'? We often assume so, but if we do treat the past as inferior, we will ignore the legacy of history, and thus will find ourselves stranded on the tiny desert island of our own moment in time. In particular, this applies to Christian theology, which should be thought, and lived, corporately by the church down through the ages. The remedy to 'chronological snobbery' is, as C. S. Lewis put it, 'to keep the clean sea breeze of the centuries blowing through our minds'. Such is the motivation behind Michael Reeves' introduction to a selection of influential or significant Christian theologians. This accessible and informative volume covers the Apostolic Fathers, Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, Athanasius, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Owen, Edwards, Schleiermacher, Barth and Packer. Each chapter begins with a brief biography and some background, and then surveys each theologian's major work or works, gives a timeline for historical context, and ends with guidance for further reading. This book was previously available as two separate volumes (The Breeze of the Centuries and On Giants' Shoulders), but now repackaged together with a new chapter on J I Packer.
Inter-Varsity Press Understanding Scripture: An Overview Of The Bible'S Origin, Reliability And Meaning
How does the Bible as a whole fit together? How should we read it theologically - and as literature? Are the manuscripts reliable? How do they relate to archaeology? When and how was the canon of Scripture formed? What is the Septuagint? How does the New Testament quote from and interpret the Old Testament? Such questions are the focus of this collection of concise studies on the nature and content of the Bible. Useful as both a general overview and as a tool for more specific reference and training, this volume will help readers to grow in their understanding of Scripture and their ability to apply it to their lives. Pastors, church leaders, students, and other Christians engaged in studying and teaching God’s Word will benefit from these studies, originally featured as articles in the ESV Study Bible and written by notable contributors, including John Piper, J. I. Packer, David Powlison, Vern Poythress, Peter J. Williams and Roger Beckwith.
Faithlife Corporation Basics of the Faith
A systematic theology from the pillars of evangelicalism. Basics of the Faith is an overview of essential Christian doctrines from some of the best minds of mid-twentieth century evangelicalism around the globe. Originally appearing in the pages of Christianity Today during 1961-1962, this collection includes essays from influential theologians and biblical scholars including Philip E. Hughes on inspiration, Anthony A. Hoekema on the divine attributes, John Murray on sanctification, Cornelius Van Til on original sin, F. F. Bruce on the person of Christ, G. E. Ladd on the saving acts of God, Leon Morris on the atonement, and J. I. Packer on the nature of the church. This edition includes an introduction by Kevin J. Vanhoozer that lays out their original context and evaluates their ongoing significance. Approachable yet scholarly, Basics of the Faith is both a relevant systematic theology and a celebration of evangelical heritage.
Inter-Varsity Press Praying: Finding Our Way From Duty To Delight
If we are honest, most of us struggle with our praying at least some of the time. Perhaps we have difficulty finding time to pray, or maybe we simply do not know what to say. Praying may seem simple and straightforward in theory, but in reality it can be hard work. In 'Praying' J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom offer hope to us in our efforts to pray better. They present praying as both a duty and a delight: an essential, expected practice for a follower of Christ, but also a privilege and joy. With wisdom, humility and sincerity they lead us through different moods or types of praying. Yet they do not just teach us about prayer; they also challenge and inspire us to do it by pointing us to a clearer understanding of the character of God. Here is practical help for active, honest praying that involves all of who we are - heart, hands and head - and moves us to deeper obedience, joy and intimacy with our Father.
Baker Publishing Group Reformed Dogmatics – Sin and Salvation in Christ
In partnership with the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, Baker Academic is proud to offer in English for the very first time the third volume of Herman Bavinck's complete Reformed Dogmatics. This masterwork will appeal not only to scholars, students, pastors, and laity interested in Reformed theology but also to research and theological libraries. "Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom, and great expository skill. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics remains after a century the supreme achievement of its kind."--J. I. Packer, Regent College "This magisterial work exhibits Bavinck's vast knowledge and appreciation of the Christian tradition. Written from a Reformed perspective, it offers a perceptive critique of modern theology. . . . Recommended."--Library Journal
Inter-Varsity Press British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century: An Enduring Legacy
Throughout the twentieth century, Britain produced some of the most prominent evangelical theologians in both church and academic circles. This survey and introduction, edited by Thomas Noble and Jason Sexton, presents twelve of these theologians, exploring what made their work so influential and their continued relevance for today. As well as surveying each man’s work, British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century considers what is meant by calling these theologians 'evangelical' Christians – taking into account their understanding of biblical authority, standing in the Reformation tradition and treatment of Scripture as well as their approaches to biblical criticism and liberal theology. As a result, it is ideal for students looking to deeper their understanding of British evangelical Christianity as a whole, as well as increasing their knowledge of the individual figures From James Orr and Lesslie Newbigin to John Stott and J. I. Packer, a range of perspectives within British evangelicalism is reflected. Along with brief biographies, each body of work is examined in three particular areas: stance on the Bible (‘biblicism’), the atonement (‘crucicentrism’), and concern for mission and evangelism (‘conversionism’). British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century is a thorough introduction to twelve of the keenest and most influential minds in British evangelical thought. It will leave you with an appreciation of each man’s contribution to English-speaking evangelicalism, as well as helping you to engage critically with their theology and understand how their work is relevant to the development and discussion of British evangelical theology today.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Crook in the Lot: Living with that thorn in your side
First published in 1737 this book holds a special place among the tremendous amount of Puritan literature that was produced during that time. Thomas Boston was renowned for his clearly understood English and the manner in which he maintained that clarity while conveying messages of great depth. The Crook in the Lot is introduced to us by J. I. Packer. In an extensive prologue he shows how Boston’s advice remains deeply relevant today. Boston was not preaching merely from his theological understanding, he was speaking from direct personal experience. Boston had real “thorns” to deal with himself, ranging from his wife’s paralyzing depression to his own experiences living for years with what were probably kidney stones. He brings his own unique combination of wonderfully profound and yet immensely practical advice to bear to give us a work of lasting impact.
Inter-Varsity Press Meeting God (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
His majesty will fill our thoughts. His love will soften our hearts. His holiness will purify our lives. When we meet God, we will be changed. In this guide, bestselling author JI Packer leads us through twelve key passages from both the Old and New Testaments which will enlarge our vision of the God we worship and serve.
Princeton University Press Levels of Selection in Evolution
Ever since the groundbreaking work of George Williams, W. D. Hamilton, and Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologists have recognized that natural selection generally does not operate for the good of the group, but rather for the good of lower-level units such as the individual, the cell, even the gene. One of the fundamental problems of biology is: what keeps competition between these various levels of natural selection from destroying the common interests to be gained from cooperation? In this volume twelve prominent scientists explore this question, presenting a comprehensive survey of the current theoretical and empirical research in evolutionary biology. Recent studies show that at many levels of biological organization, mechanisms have evolved to prevent potential conflict in natural selection. Editor Laurent Keller's aim in this book is to bring together leading researchers from all biological disciplines to outline these potential conflicts and discuss how they are resolved. A multi-level approach of this kind allows important insights into the evolution of life, as well as bridging the long-standing conceptual chasm between molecular and organismal biologists. The chapters here follow a rigorous theoretical framework, giving the book an overall synergy that is unique to multi-authored books. The contributors, in addition to the editor, are H. Charles J. Godfray, Edward Allen Herre, Dawn M. Kitchen, Egbert Giles Leigh, Jr., Catherine M. Lessells, Richard E. Michod, Leonard Nunney, Craig Packer, Andrew Pomiankowski, H. Kern Reeve, John Maynard Smith, and Eors Szathmary.
Crossway Books Rediscovering Holiness
In this repackaged edition of Rediscovering Holiness, Packer explores the central role holiness plays in God’s plan of salvation for the renewal of the church, calling on Christians to shun sin, strive to be more like Christ, be pure, and fear God.
Hodder & Stoughton The Last Act of Adam Campbell: Fall in love with this heart-warming, life-affirming novel
'Astoundingly good. Brave, wickedly funny and profoundly affecting. Wow!' Miranda Dickinson'An emotional punch-packer of a book. Be prepared for it to swallow you whole' Milly Johnson'A big-hearted, funny, hugely emotional and uplifting novel - I loved it!' Rachael Lucas'Such a beautifully written book with characters that will linger in your head and heart' Sarah J Naughton****You don't need talent to join this group of actors. The ability to remember lines or stay awake throughout a performance is appreciated, but not essential. The only mandatory is a terminal diagnosis. But Adam Campbell is less than enthusiastic about this eccentric form of group therapy. He has under one year to live, and a heck of lot to get done. Like explaining mortality to his six-year-old daughter. And making amends with the woman who should have been his wife.The last thing Adam needs is a part in an amateur production of 'Shakespeare's Greatest Deaths'. But help and hope can be found where we least expect them. And perhaps camaraderie, and a shared purpose, will turn out to be the best medicine after all. As Shakespeare, didn't quite put it: Shuffling off this mortal coil is a drag; but it's no reason to stop living.The Cancer Ladies' Running Club meets The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot, The Last Act of Adam Campbell is a warm, poignant and wise tale about love, friendship, and making the most of every minute of life that we're granted.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Directing Shakespeare in America: Historical Perspectives
This unique and comprehensive study reviews the practice of leading American directors of Shakespeare from the late 19th to the end of the 20th century. Charles Ney examines rehearsal and production records, as well as evidence from diaries, letters, autobiographies, reviews and photographs to consider each director’s point of view when approaching Shakespeare and the differing directorial tools and techniques employed in significant productions in their careers. Directors covered include Augustin Daly, David Belasco, Arthur Hopkins, Orson Welles, Margaret Webster, B. Iden Payne, Angus Bowmer, Craig Noel, Jack O’Brien, Tyronne Guthrie, John Houseman, Allen Fletcher, Michael Kahn, Gerald Freedman, Joseph Papp, Stuart Vaughan, A. J. Antoon, JoAnne Akalaitis, Paul Barry, Tina Packer, Barbara Gaines, William Ball, Liviu Ciulei, Garland Wright, Mark Lamos, Ellis Rabb and Julie Taymor. Directing Shakespeare in America: Historical Perspectives offers readers an understanding of the context from which contemporary practitioners operate, the aesthetic philosophies to which they subscribe and a description of their rehearsal methods.
National Portrait Gallery Publications The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure
The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure edited by Ekow Eshun celebrates flourishing Black artists whose work illuminates the richness, beauty and complexity of Black life. "There is never a time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment, the time is always now." - James Baldwin 'Angry, elegiac, critical and celebratory, The Time Is Always Now brings together 22 leading black artists working in the UK and US.' - The best art and architecture shows to visit in 2024, The Guardian The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure assembles contemporary African diasporic artists working in the UK and US whose practice foregrounds the Black figure. Edited and with texts by Ekow Eshun, and original essays by Bernardine Evaristo, Esi Edugyan and Dorothy Price. Published to coincide with the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, London, this publication explores and celebrates contemporary Black artists internationally who work within Black figuration. This visual and beautifully produced book examines contemporary figurative artworks against a backdrop of heightened cultural visibility. Within this context, its collected paintings, drawings and sculptures take on a dual role as the accomplished work of individual artists and as a collective assertion of Black presence. Through a three-part structure containing detailed artist profiles and stunningly reproduced artworks, the publication examines Black figuration as a means to address the absence and distortion of Black presence within Western art history. Profiled artists include Hurvin Anderson, Michael Armitage, Jordan Casteel, Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Noah Davis, Godfried Donkor, Kimathi Donkor, Denzil Forrester, Lubaina Himid, Claudette Johnson, Titus Kaphar, Kerry James Marshall, Toyin Ojih Odutola, Chris Ofili, Jennifer Packer, Thomas J. Price, Nathaniel Mary Quinn, Lorna Simpson, Amy Sherald, Henry Taylor and Barbara Walker.
Crossway Books Proverbs: A 12-Week Study
In this 12-week study, author Lydia Brownback leads readers through the book of Proverbs, uncovering its wisdom for godly living that both glorifies God and leads to blessing for his people.
Crossway Books John: A 12-Week Study
In this study of John’s Gospel, pastor and author Justin Buzzard helps readers understand the most theologically and philosophically profound account of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection in the New Testament.
Bonnier Books Ltd Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stane: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Scots
Mr and Mrs Dursley, o nummer fower, Privet Loan, were prood tae say that they were gey normal, thank ye awfie muckle. They were the lest fowk ye wid jalouse wid be taigled up wi onythin unco or ferlie, because they jist widnae hae onythin tae dae wi joukery packery like yon. 2017 will see an auspicious alignment of anniversaries. J. K. Rowling's world-beating debut novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone turns 20 this year and Itchy Coo, celebrating 15 years in the book trade, will publish a Scots version of this classic text - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stane. The novel has already been translated into a staggering 79 languages - Itchy Coo's Scots translation will be language number 80. Since 2002, Itchy Coo has been wowing young readers and challenging old attitudes with bold new translations of books by Roald Dahl, Julia Donaldson, David Walliams, Alexander McCall Smith, A.A. Milne, Asterix and others - and done it all in the wonderful Scots language which has the power to engage, excite and entertain readers of all ages. Matthew Fitt's forthcoming Scots translation of J.K. Rowling's phenomenal adventure story will break new ground and earn a place in hearts of young Scots readers and Harry Potter fans alike.
Baker Publishing Group Enjoying God – Finding Hope in the Attributes of God
Confused, angry, and hurt after the death of his father, a young R. C. Sproul began his personal search for ultimate truth with these piercing questions: Who are you, God? And why do you do the things you do? In Enjoying God, readers journey with R. C. Sproul to discover the attributes of God through the questions many of us have asked: Where are you, God? Can I trust you, God? and more. In this warm, personal account, Dr. Sproul communicates deep truths in a fresh and easy-to-understand style as he shares his passion to know God and urges the reader to dig deep and seek the God who is alive, who is real, and who loves each one of us.