Search results for ""author jürgen tautz""
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Die Sprache der Bienen
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Auch Bienen haben Schweißfüße
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Communication Between Honeybees: More than Just a Dance in the Dark
Jürgen Tautz, renowned German bee researcher explains how bees communicate. Exciting and surprising new insights on communication between bees. During the history of bee research, scientists have peered deep into the inner life of bee colonies and learned much about the behaviour of these insects. Above all, the bee waggle dance has become a famous and extensively discussed phenomenon. Nevertheless, recent insights reveal that while bees are social insects inside the hive they also communicate with one another outside the hive. In this book, Jürgen Tautz, renowned German bee researcher, provides an entertaining, fresh and enlightened account for lay and professional readers, not only about the fascinating dance language but also about additional remarkable phenomena concerning information exchange between bees. From the author of the bestseller “The Buzz about Bees”. “The Language of Bees” assembles, for the first time, a complete overview of how bees understand one another. Although communication biology research on bees has so far concentrated largely on events within the hive, this book directs attention as well, to how bees communicate in the field outside the hive. The reader learns which steps new bee recruits take to reach the feeder a dancing forager has advertised. The book analyses the status of work on the bee dance published over the last 100 years and orders the essential findings as building blocks into a coherent new concept of how bees find their target. In addition, the historical survey of research on the “Bee Language” explains how several contradictory and incomplete hypotheses can still survive. A fresh point of view on one of the most remarkable behavioural performances in the animal kingdom. Observation from a different viewpoint leads to previously unknown insights. Such new perspectives clearly reveal both how large the gaps in our knowledge still are in relation to the language of bees and in which direction research must take to complete the picture of one of the most impressive behavioural accomplishments in animals. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tautz is an expert on bees, sociobiologist, animal behaviourist and emeritus professor at the Biozentrum, University of Würzburg. He is a bestseller author and recipient of many awards of excellence for his successful communication of science to a wide public.
Penguin TB Verlag Die Wunderwelt der Bienen
Guetersloher Verlagshaus Die Honigfabrik Die Wunderwelt der Bienen eine Betriebsbesichtigung
Springer International Publishing AG Communication Between Honeybees: More than Just a Dance in the Dark
Jürgen Tautz, renowned German bee researcher explains how bees communicate. Exciting and surprising new insights on communication between bees. During the history of bee research, scientists have peered deep into the inner life of bee colonies and learned much about the behaviour of these insects. Above all, the bee waggle dance has become a famous and extensively discussed phenomenon. Nevertheless, recent insights reveal that while bees are social insects inside the hive they also communicate with one another outside the hive. In this book, Jürgen Tautz, renowned German bee researcher, provides an entertaining, fresh and enlightened account for lay and professional readers, not only about the fascinating dance language but also about additional remarkable phenomena concerning information exchange between bees. From the author of the bestseller “The Buzz about Bees”. “The Language of Bees” assembles, for the first time, a complete overview of how bees understand one another. Although communication biology research on bees has so far concentrated largely on events within the hive, this book directs attention as well, to how bees communicate in the field outside the hive. The reader learns which steps new bee recruits take to reach the feeder a dancing forager has advertised. The book analyses the status of work on the bee dance published over the last 100 years and orders the essential findings as building blocks into a coherent new concept of how bees find their target. In addition, the historical survey of research on the “Bee Language” explains how several contradictory and incomplete hypotheses can still survive. A fresh point of view on one of the most remarkable behavioural performances in the animal kingdom. Observation from a different viewpoint leads to previously unknown insights. Such new perspectives clearly reveal both how large the gaps in our knowledge still are in relation to the language of bees and in which direction research must take to complete the picture of one of the most impressive behavioural accomplishments in animals. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tautz is an expert on bees, sociobiologist, animal behaviourist and emeritus professor at the Biozentrum, University of Würzburg. He is a bestseller author and recipient of many awards of excellence for his successful communication of science to a wide public.
The Natural History Museum Honey Bees
Bees are a symbol of nature conservation. People all over the world are studying their fate and the threats posed to them by human activity and biodiversity loss. This is a stunning photographic record captures for the first time the unique way of life of the, forest-dwelling honey bee. A lavish, picture-led book, this is a unique collaboration between Germany's leading bee expert, Prof. Dr Jurgen Tautz, and one of the world's top nature photographers Ingo Arndt, which documents a major research project into the mysterious, hidden world of the honey bee.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Insekten - Erfolgsmodelle der Evolution: Faszinierend und bedroht
Im Laufe der Evolution haben die Insekten eine schier unglaubliche Formenvielfalt und funktionelle Raffinesse entwickelt. Das Design ihres Außenskeletts ist so phantasievoll und ungewöhnlich, oft auch bizarr, dass man nur staunen kann. Dass Insekten für jedes noch so spezielle Problem Konstruktionslösungen finden können, macht sie überaus erfolgreich. Sie wurden so zu entscheidenden Bindegliedern in den komplexen Netzwerken der Natur. Beindruckende Makroaufnahmen und informative rasterelektronenoptische Bilder geben einen Einblick in Formenreichtum, Schönheit und Funktion der Sechsbeiner. Spannende Texte begleiten die Bilder und erklären u.a. wie der Gelbrandkäfer Wirbeltierhormone als K.O.-Tropfen einsetzt, wenn er von Fischen angegriffen wird, der Kiefernprachtkäfer weit entfernte Waldbrände lokalisiert, der Bombardierkäfer mit seinem Schussapparat gepulste Explosionen abgibt oder die Bläulingsraupe Ameisen bezirzt. In den Ökosystemen unseres Planeten spielen die Insekten eine entscheidende Rolle. Die menschengemachte Umweltzerstörung greift empfindlich in diese Kreisläufe ein. Das gefährdet das Überleben der Insekten, mit dramatischen Auswirkungen auch für uns Menschen.
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Phänomen Honigbiene
Abrams Animal Architecture
Every day, all over the world, animals and insects set about the purposeful tasks of designing their homes, catching their prey, and attracting their mates. In the process they create gorgeous nests, shelters, and habitats. Capturing 120 of these wonders in all their beauty and complexity, Animal Architecture presents a visually arresting tribute to the intersection of nature, science, function, and design. Ingo Arndt’s stunning studio photographs and vibrant in-situ shots of nests, forests, and wetlands provide close-up details of these designs, as well as the animals who created them. These compelling images are combined with an abundance of fascinating facts about the evolution of animals and insects, as well as their survival methods, mating habits, genetic dispositions, and more.
Springer Verlag Il ronzio delle api
Attraverso foto spettacolari e un testo di facile comprensione Il ronzio delle api racconta la storia di questo insetto partendo da una prospettiva diversa. Jürgen Tautz, attraverso le scoperte più recenti, molto delle quali frutto del suo gruppo di lavoro, ci offre la possibilità di venire a contatto con lo straordinario mondo delle api. L’intera gamma delle sorprendenti attività che le api sono in grado di svolgere trova in questo testo una affascinante rappresentazione. Pregevoli fotografie, mai viste prima, ritraggono le api impegnate nei compiti più diversi: pulizia delle cellette, cura della prole, accudimento della regina, visite ai fiori, raccolta del nettare, produzione del miele, costruzione dei favi, protezione dell’alveare, termoregolazione, ecc. Il libro contiene anche immagini di api che si accoppiano, sciamano, combattono, dormono e soprattutto comunicano mediante suoni, profumi e danze.