Search results for ""author iris müller-westermann""
Hatje Cantz Hilma af Klint: Artist, Researcher, Medium
Once considered an outsider artist, after her show at the Guggenheim Museum was seen by more than half-a-mil-lion visitors, Hilma af Klint firmly established her place in art history. She has also been the subject of documenta-ry films and biographies. In 2013, Iris Müller-Westermann organized the first institutional exhibition of af Klint’s work. Now she presents us with the latest information and research in an extensive survey show at the Moder-na Museet in Malmö. Of crucial importance is the issue of spirituality in af Klint’s painting—how she managed to translate both the material and the immaterial world into a pictorial vision. The accompanying exhibition catalogue is the first to investigate, from a variety of perspectives, the question of how this trailblazing abstract artist linked her painting to a higher consciousness. Essays by leading historians of theosophy and a quantum physicist, among others, provide enlightening insight into a world in which both the visualization of atoms and spiritual séances alike became artistic material—a world that fascinates us even more than ever.
The University of Chicago Press Hilma af Klint: Notes and Methods
At the turn of the twentieth century, Swedish artist Hilma af Klint (1862–1944) created a body of work that left visible reality behind, exploring the radical possibilities of abstraction years before Vasily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, or Piet Mondrian. Many consider her the first trained artist to create abstract paintings. With Hilma af Klint: Notes and Methods, we get to experience the arc of Klint’s artistic investigation in her own words. Hilma af Klint studied at the Royal Swedish Academy in Stockholm where she was part of the first generation of female students. Up until the beginning of the century, she painted mainly landscapes and detailed botanical studies. Her work from this period was that of a young artist of her time who meticulously observed the world around her. But, like many of her contemporaries, af Klint was also interested in the invisible relationships that shape our world, believing strongly in a spiritual dimension. She joined the Theosophical Society, and, with four fellow female members who together called themselves “The Five,” began to study mediumship. Between 1906 and 1915, purportedly guided by a higher power, af Klint created 193 individual works that, in both scale and scope of imagery, are like no other art created at that time. Botanically inspired images and mystical symbols, diagrams, words and geometric series, all form part af Klint’s abstract language. These abstract techniques would not be seen again until years later. Notes and Methods presents facsimile reproductions of a wide array of af Klint’s early notebooks accompanied by the first English translation of af Klint’s extensive writings. It contains the rarely seen “Blue Notebooks,” hand-painted and annotated catalogues af Klint created of her most famous series “Paintings for the Temple,” and a dictionary compiled by af Klint of the words and letters found in her work. An introduction by Iris Müller-Westermann illuminates this unique and important contribution to the legacy of Hilma af Klint.
Hirmer Verlag Lotte Laserstein (Swedish edition): A Divided Life
Laserstein’s current reputation as a great realist has assigned her an undisputed place in the 20th-century art history. Striking portraits, self-portraits and sensual nudes demonstrate her synthesis of traditional painting style and modern subject matter in the Berlin period.
Hirmer Verlag Lotte Laserstein: A divided life
Comprehensive view and new research on the fascinating painter of New Objectivity. The German-Swedish painter Lotte Laserstein (1898-1993) is one of the most exciting rediscoveries of recent years. The richly illustrated book with essays on Laserstein’s production in Berlin and her reception in Sweden as well as unpublished documentary material can enrich the existing knowledge of Laserstein’s life and work. Laserstein’s current reputation as a great realist has assigned her an undisputed place in the 20th-century art history. Striking portraits, self-portraits and sensual nudes demonstrate her synthesis of traditional painting style and modern subject matter in the Berlin period.
Hatje Cantz Hilma af Klint (Swedish edition): Konstnär, Forskare, Medium
Från att tidigare ha betraktats som en konstnärernas konstnär har Hilma af Klint (1862 - 1944), efter den första retrospektiva utställningen på Moderna Museet i Stockholm 2013 och den följande utställningsturnén som sågs av en miljonpublik, numera en etablerad plats i den abstrakta konstens historia. Centralt i hennes måleri är även frågan om andlighet. Hilma af Klint var en klassiskt skolad konstnär och ett medium som förvandlade andliga meddelanden till abstrakta och färgrika bilder. Ur en rad perspektiv undersöks i den här katalogen hur denna banbrytande abstrakta konstnär kopplade sin konstnärliga praktik till ett högre medvetande. I essäer av konsthistoriker, en kvantfysiker, en lärare i andlighet, en historiker i teosofi och esoterism, men flera, ges insikter om en värld bortom det synliga som fascinerar, nu kanske mer än någonsin. Katalogen har producerats i samband med utställningen med samma namn på Moderna Museet i Malmö, sommaren 2020. Once considered an outsider artist, after her show at the Guggenheim Museum was seen by more than half-a-mil-lion visitors, Hilma af Klint firmly established her place in art history. She has also been the subject of documenta-ry films and biographies. In 2013, Iris Müller-Westermann organized the first institutional exhibition of af Klint’s work. Now she presents us with the latest information and research in an extensive survey show at the Moder-na Museet in Malmö. Of crucial importance is the issue of spirituality in af Klint’s painting—how she managed to translate both the material and the immaterial world into a pictorial vision. The accompanying exhibition catalogue is the first to investigate, from a variety of perspectives, the question of how this trailblazing abstract artist linked her painting to a higher consciousness. Essays by leading historians of theosophy and a quantum physicist, among others, provide enlightening insight into a world in which both the visualization of atoms and spiritual séances alike became artistic material—a world that fascinates us even more than ever.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Rosemarie Trockel: The Same Different (Det Lika Olika)