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Peeters Publishers Lettres familières sur le roman du XVIIIe siècle: II. L'espace dialogique du roman
À un âge où les Lettres sont encore largement gouvernées par la Rhétorique, la narration fictionnelle se légitime par l’argument qu’elle véhicule. En interférant constamment avec les autres discours - philosophique, moral, théologique, esthétique … - qui composent le système discursif de l’époque, le roman ‘informe’ la narration d’un argument et propose à son lecteur différents contrats de lecture. Comme le savait déjà M. Bakhtine, le roman est en soi un massif stratifié et hétérogène de discours qui interagissent au sein d’une narration. Le roman fait dialoguer la partie avec le tout, le oui avec le non, le long avec le bref, le privé avec le public, le même avec l’autre, le présent avec l’absent, etc. Si le roman est en premier lieu un récit, la spécificité de la narration romanesque est d’être plurilingue, plurivocale et polémique. Le discours romanesques du XVIIIe apparaît dans ce volume comme un espace dialogique et un lieu d’interférence discursive où l’on peut prendre le pouls au temps.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handbook of Dutch Church History
Herman Selderhuis as editor of this volume has brought together a team of experts, resulting in a unique approach since each chapter is co-written by a catholic and a protestant author, who have all integrated the latest research results. Each section begins with a brief historiographical overview. The same time, ecclesiastical events are always set within a greater framework of political, social, and cultural developments for which reason each author has taken the liberty to describe its own method. The user will find in this book tables, diagrams, and illustrations. Also many source texts are integrated in the narration. Theses texts are intended to bring the described events and people closer to the reader and, as it were, to let them speak the words.The name of the book as "Handbook of the church history of the Netherlands" immediately brings to mind three problematic complexes which are relevant to its user. First, there is the nature of a handbook, that is intended to be a good tool but also has its limitations: it stimulates and necessitates the use of further books. Second, the area. The Netherlands is a plurality and that is also noticeable in its church history, for each region, town, and village has its own church history. Third, the history of the church for sure is the most important aspect, but this history can only be understood if it is described in the context of political and social developments.
National Geographic Society Warriors in Uniform: The Legacy of American Indian Heroism
Packed with first person accounts and sharing little-known insights into a culture that is still misunderstood, Warriors in Uniform is a page-turning epic and a stunning gallery of never-before-seen artifacts from personal collections. Former senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell and other distinguished Native Americans have contributed to the collection.
IVP Academic Psalms 73–150
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Calvin - Saint or Sinner?
The Calvin year 2009 began on October 31, 2008 with a conference organized by the Institute for Reformation Research (Apeldoorn) on the topic "Calvin: Saint or Sinner?" A number of scholars dealt with the question of whether and how Calvin brought a renewal to theology, the church and society. This volume contains the papers held at this conference, which demonstrate the detailed and growing research on the reformer of Geneva. Since the contributions reflect the latest research in Calvin studies, the conclusions reached in many of the papers are surprising. Calvin was not a reformer in all respects in the original sense, as some would have wanted him to be. However on other subjects he definitely distanced himself from tradition and from his fellow reformers. All in all, this volume gives an overview of the many facets of John Calvin and his theology.
Peeters Publishers Essai de Poétique historique du roman au dix-huitième siècle
Au XVIIIe siècle, le ‘roman’ est un ensemble très hétérogène de formules narratives. L’objet de cet ouvrage est d’étudier comment, dans un contexte hostile, certaines de ces formules se codifient en se conformant aux codes poétiques dictés par le centre du système littéraire, alors que d’autres recherchent une position périphérique qui permet de renouveler ces mêmes codes. L’évolution du roman au XVIIIe siècle n’est pas pensée ici comme l’effet d’une interaction de la production textuelle avec la critique spécialisée – qui paraît de mauvaise foi - mais comme une négociation avec une instance beaucoup plus insaisissable qui est la doxa, c’est-à-dire l’opinion publique. Dans cet ouvrage, on écoute des formules narratives novatrices comme le roman-mémoires et le roman par lettres négocier leur acceptation par le public. Cette négociation vise à conclure trois accords : un pacte de visibilité qui autorise l’auteur à se montrer, un contrat de lecture qui propose une nouvelle manière de lire et une convention de participation qui invite le lecteur à accepter les ‘règles du jeu’ de l’illusion. Cette négociation est protocolaire, ce qui veut dire qu’elle est à la fois conventionnelle et indispensable.
InterVarsity Press Psalms 1–72
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Calvinus clarissimus theologus: Papers of the Tenth International Congress on Calvin Research
Even beyond the 500th anniversary of 2009, Calvin and the consequences of the Reformation associated with his name have lost none of their fascination. Current questions and research projects revolve around the life, work and thoughts of the early modern theologian. The work contains the lectures of the tenth International Congress for Calvin Research (Bloemfontein 2010) and represents the latest state of Calvin research. The first part consists of all lectures by leading scientists from the history of the Reformation and theology, including Luca Baschera, Tony Lane and Wim Janse. They deal with the main topic of the congress, reconciliation. The thematically diverse second part contains short lectures, such as on Calvin's concept of theology or Calvin's understanding of freedom. Mimako Saito writes about Calvin's legacy in Japan. Like the publications of previous Calvin Congress lectures, this edition is intended to serve as a source and guide for future studies. The selection of the title, Calvinus clarissimus theologus, continues the tradition of quoting from an exchange of letters to Calvin. The title echoes the words of Johannes Storm, who praises Calvin as an "astute and learned theologian." Based on these words, Herman J. Selderhuis expresses the honorable commemoration of the Calvin expert and long-time secretary and member of the Presidium Wilhelm Heinrich Neuser, who died a few weeks before the start of the congress.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc US Policy Toward Africa: Eight Decades of Realpolitik
The author draws on both the documentary record and his years of on-the-ground experience to provide a uniquely comprehensive survey and interpretation of nearly eight decades of US policy toward Africa. Tracing how this policy has evolved across successive administrations since 1942 (beginning with President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s third term in office), the author illuminates the debates that have taken place at the highest levels of government; shows how policy toward Africa has been affected over the years by US relations with Europe, the Soviet Union, the Middle East, and most recently China; and points to the increasing reliance of Western economic interests on Africa’s natural resources. His deeply informed narrative reveals the roles not only of circumstance and ideology, but also of personalities, in the formulation and implementation of US foreign policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Nonlinear Models
The papers collected in the two volumes Nonlinear Models focus on the asymptotic theory of parameter estimators of nonlinear single equation models and systems of nonlinear models, in particular weak and strong consistency, asymptotic normality, and parameter inference, for cross-sections as well as for time series. A selection of papers on testing for, and estimation and inference under, model misspecification is also included. The models under review are parametric, hence their functional form is assured to be known up to a vector of unknown parameters, and the functional form involved is nonlinear in at least one of the parameters.The selection of earlier articles on nonlinear parametric models is extensive and, although they are not all equally influential, each has played a significant part in the development of the field. The more recent articles have been selected on the basis of their potential importance for the further development of this sphere of study.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG More than Luther: The Reformation and the Rise of Pluralism in Europe
This volume contains the plenary papers and a selection of shortpapers from the Seventh Annual RefoRC conference, which was held 1012 May 2017 in Wittenberg. The contributions concentrate on the effects of Luther's new theology and draw the lines from Luther's contemporaries into the early seventeenth century. Developments in art, catholic responses and Calvinistic reception are only some of the topics. The volume reflects the interdisciplinarity and interconfessionality that characterizes present research on the 16th century reformations and underlines the fact that this research has not come to a conclusion in 2017. The papers in this conference volume point to lacunae and will certainly stimulate further research. Contributors: Wim François, Antonio Gerace, Siegrid Westphal, Edit Szegedi, Maria Lucia Weigel, Graeme Chatfield, Jane Schatkin Hettrick, Marta Quatrale, Aurelio A. García, Jeannette Kreijkes, Csilla Gábor, Gábor Ittzés, Balázs Dávid Magyar, Tomoji Odori, Gregory Soderberg, Herman A. Speelman, Izabela Winiarska-Górska, Erik A. de Boer, Donald Sinnema, Dolf te Velde.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Big Challenge of Gravitational Waves: A New Window in the Universe
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Biblical Scholarship in Louvain in the 'Golden' Sixteenth Century
Antonio Gerace dealt with the development of biblical scholarship in Louvain by analysing with seven authors who worked in the first part of the Sixteenth century and who are strictly linked to the Louvain milieu. In chronological order, they include Nicholas Tacitus Zegers (c.1495-1559), John Henten (1499-1566), Cornelius Jansenius of Ghent', Adam Sasbout, John Hessels (1522-1566), Thomas Stapleton, and Francis Lucas 'of Bruges'. Each author offered key-contributions that can effectively show the development of Catholic biblical scholarship in that period. This can be divided into three main thematic areas: 1) Text-criticism of the Latin Vulgate; 2) Exegesis of the Scriptures; and 3) Preaching of the Bible. Somehow, these three areas represent the 'study flow' of the Scriptures: the emendation of the Vulgate, aimed at restoring the text to a hypothetical 'original', and the philological approach to the Greek and Hebrew sources allowing for a better comprehension of the Bible. Such comprehension becomes the basis of commentaries made with the intention of explaining the meaning of the Scriptures to the faithful in the light of the Tradition. Furthermore, the Church needed to preach the Scriptures and their contents to the Catholic flock in order to safeguard them from any 'heretical' influence. Therefore, several homiletic works appeared so that priests could prepare their sermons appropriately. Therefore, Gerace divided his work into three parts, each devoted to one of the three research areas, following the 'study-flow' of the Scriptures.
Chicago Review Press Building Atlanta: How I Broke Through Segregation to Launch a Business Empire
Born into a blue-collar family in the Jim Crow South, Herman J. Russell built a shoeshine business when he was twelve years old—and used the profits to buy a vacant lot where he built a duplex while he was still a teen. Over the next fifty years, he continued to build businesses, amassing one of the nation’s most profitable minority-owned conglomerates.In Building Atlanta, Russell shares his inspiring life story and reveals how he overcame racism, poverty, and a debilitating speech impediment to become one of the most successful African American entrepreneurs, Atlanta civic leaders, and unsung heroes of the civil rights movement. Not just a typical rags-to-riches story, Russell achieved his success through focus, planning, and humility, and he shares his winning advice throughout. As a millionaire builder before the civil rights movement took hold and a friend of Dr. King, Ralph Abernathy, and Andrew Young, he quietly helped finance the civil rights crusade, putting up bond for protestors and providing the funds that kept King’s dream alive. He provides a wonderful behind-the-scenes look at the role the business community, both black and white working together, played in Atlanta’s peaceful progression from the capital of the racially divided Old South to the financial center of the New South.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Latomus and Luther: The Debate: Is every Good Deed a Sin?
Who was Jacob Latomus? What did he write in the series of lectures to which Luther penned an answer in 1521, an answer which is now so central to many interpretations of the great reformer? And how is the reading of that answer affected when it is preceded by an interpretation of what Latomus wrote? The study goes through the most important parts of Latomus' treatise against Luther (1521). The aim is to identify Latomus' theological convictions and thus to pin down who and what Luther was up against. The second and major part of the book is a reading of Luther's pamphlet against Latomus (1521). Parallels are drawn with Latomus' theology in order to facilitate as much as possible an appreciation of the differences between the two.The comparison between the two theologians shows that they speak completely different languages and that their viewpoints do not square at all. Basically their ways depart in their understanding of God's word and how it is communicated to man. This generates two ways of perceiving the matter of theology, and of speaking theologically -- and prevents mutual understanding. Latomus cannot understand Luther's view of the autonomy of God's word and the special character of proclamation, and hence a theology which is incompatible with natural reason. Even though he accepts a division between a natural and a supernatural rationality, and thus admits that natural reason has a limit, he grants the very same natural reason an important role in the ascent of cognition towards revelation. Everything else - such as Luther's theology - is a dehumanisation of the human being. Luther, on the other hand, regards Latomus' theology as a result of the impulse in sinful man towards ruling and controlling the word of God with his own inadequate natural abilities. In Luther's eyes that proclamation of Christ, which in the shape of a human being comes to man in contradiction of everything human, here disappears in the twinkling of an eye.
University of Nebraska Press From the Heart of the Crow Country: The Crow Indians' Own Stories
The world of the Crow Indians comes to life in this extraordinary collection of stories from respected elder and famed storyteller Joseph Medicine Crow. Raised by traditional grandparents, who remembered life before the reservation days, Medicine Crow as a child would listen to stories that his grandfather and other elders told during sweat baths. He also learned about the Indian wars of earlier years from White Man Runs Him, one of Custer's Crow scouts. Medicine Crow became a passionate collector of stories and information about Crow life and history. This volume is a fascinating and informative collection of legends, humorous tales, history, and detailed accounts of life and culture, all told from Crow points of view.
University of California Press A Picture Gallery of the Soul
A vivid and moving celebration of the ways that Black Americans have shaped and been shaped by photography, from its inception to the present day. A Picture Gallery of the Soul presents the work of more than one hundred Black American artists whose practice incorporates the photographic medium. Organized by the Katherine E. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota, this group exhibition samples a range of photographic expressions produced over three centuries, from traditional photography to mixed media and conceptual art. From the daguerreotypes made by Jules Lion in New Orleans in 1840 to the Instagram post of the Baltimore Uprising made by Devin Allen in 2015, photography has chronicled Black American life, and Black Americans have defined the possibilities of photography. Frederick Douglass recognized the quick, easy, and inexpensive reproducibility of photography and developed a theoretical framework for understanding its impact on public discourse, which he delivered as a series of four lectures during the Civil War. It has been widely acknowledged that Douglass, the subject of 160 photographic portraits and the most photographed American of the nineteenth century, anticipated that the history of American photography and the history of Black American culture and politics would be deeply intertwined. A Picture Gallery of the Soul honors the diverse visions of Blackness made manifest through the lens of photography. Published in association with the Katherine E. Nash Gallery. Exhibition dates: Katherine E. Nash Gallery: September 13–December 10, 2022.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Acta of the Synod of Dordt: (ADSND)
Volume 1 includes the original Acta Authentica of the synod, here published for the first time. Following the Acta Authentica, the corresponding acts, as first published in the Acta Synodi Nationalis - Dordrechti Habitae (Leiden, 1620), are reprinted; these published Acta were a significantly revised version, for stylistic and political purposes, of the original Acta Authentica. Also included are the Acta Contracta, a topical summary of the Acta Authentica, and the minutes of the meetings of the state delegates, who represented the Dutch government at the synod; neither of these has been previously published. This volume begins with a general introduction to the Synod of Dordt and its context, an introduction to the Acta Authentica, the published Acta and Acta Contracta, and an introduction to the role of the state delegates and the minutes of their meetings.
National Geographic Kids Facing the Lion (Biography)
Schnell & Steiner Bibelauslegung Durch Bilder: Zur Sakralen Intermedialitat Im 16. Bis 18. Jahrhundert
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Reformed Historical Theology
Das Calvin-Jahr 2009 gehörte zu den wichtigsten Ereignissen im Vorfeld des großen Reformationsjubiläums 2017: Eindrëcklich wies es darauf hin, was die Reformation alles ist: international, ökumenisch, facettenreich - und mehr als nur ein Martin Luther mit Umfeld. In den Beiträgen dieses Bandes steht das Moment der Auseinandersetzung des Luthertums mit dem entstehenden Calvinismus im Vordergrund, sowohl in historischer als auch in systematisch-theologischer Perspektive. Das Phänomen eines Calvinismus, der ëberhaupt erst durch gegenseitige Ausgrenzungsprozesse entstand, beleuchten die Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln. Damit erscheint letztlich auch die Ordnungskategorie -Konfession" noch einmal als historisch variable Größe. Die Beiträge wurden verfasst von Irene Dingel, Matthias Freudenberg, Wim Janse, Robert Kolb, Martin Leiner, Volker Leppin und Herman Selderhuis.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Reformation und Rationalität
Text in German. On 19 October 1512, Martin Luther received his doctorate of theology under the chairmanship of Andreas Bodenstein of Karlstadt. Throughout his life, Luther remained tied to the Universityof Wittemberg. The Reformation movement was initially driven by and through his concern with academic issues, which also from the outset pertained to the relationship between theology and the other sciences.The contributors to this volume describe the relationship between faith and reason or ratio and pietas which was assessed in different ways in the Reformation, described by some as oppositional and by others as harmonious. Moreover, reformers referred back to medieval philosophical and theological points of view to relate reason with belief. The way in which this was done was definitive, for example for the establishment of universities, relations between science and the Church and in matters concerning the Bible and preaching. The lectures printed in this volume address the question of the relationship between the Reformation and reason before a European, interdenominational horizon.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Renaissance Und Bibelhumanismus
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Reformed Majorities in Early Modern Europe
This volume contains the papers of the international RefoRC conference on 'Reformed Majorities and Minorities in Early Modern Europe' as it was organized by the Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek, Emden in cooperation with the Faculty of 'Artes Liberales' of the University of Warsaw. The conference took place 10-12 April 2013 in Emden and was part of the research project 'Doctrina et Tolerantia' directed by the Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek. The contributions in this volume deal with the question how the relation between doctrine and toleration was dealt with in territories with a Reformed majority. Did the refugee-experience of the Reformed make them tolerant or militant? How did official policy relate to everyday practice? Were there different opinions on this issue within the Reformed tradition? The answers to these questions give more insights into the diversity of international Calvinism and the way theory was put into practice.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Macht des Glaubens -- 450 Jahre Heidelberger Katechismus
The year 2013 will see a big anniversary: 450 years of Heidelberg Catechism. This Protestant confession was written in Heidelberg in 1563 on behalf of Frederick III, Elector Palatine and spread over the world when it was approved on the Synod of Dort in 1619. Since then the Heidelberg Catechism has shaped the spiritual and political life and became a symbol of change and departure from the old in Europe, America, and Asia. Even today the Heidelberg Catechism is the binding confession of the Reformed Church. It is in everyday use by more than 20 million people worldwide.In this exhibition book well known specialists in the field present how the Heidelberg Catechism spread and influenced culture, education and ecclesiastical life; they also show the context of its time and the courtly pomp of the electors and the House of Orange. Together with over 700 pictures illustrating the contributes and many objects in the exhibitions this documentation becomes an incomparable event!
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Power of Faith: 450 Years of the Heidelberg Catechism
The year 2013 will see a big anniversary: 450 years of Heidelberg Catechism. This Protestant confession was written in Heidelberg in 1563 on behalf of Frederick III, Elector Palatine and spread over the world when it was approved on the Synod of Dort in 1619. Since then the Heidelberg Catechism has shaped the spiritual and political life and became a symbol of change and departure from the old in Europe, America, and Asia. Even today the Heidelberg Catechism is the binding confession of the Reformed Church. It is in everyday use by more than 20 million people worldwide. The institutions Palatinate museum Heidelberg (KMH), State Palaces and Gardens Baden-Wurttemberg (SSG), the foundation Refo500 and the Johannes A Lasco Library (JALB) will celebrate the anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism together in several events. Heart of the activities will be a joint exhibition presented by KMH and SSG in two locations in Heidelberg and the exhibition at Palace Het Loo in Heidelberg, as well as this exhibition book that is realized by Refo500. In addition the Johannes A Lasco Library has supported this project with a conference in March 2011; the conference papers will be included. In this companion to the exhibitions well known specialists in the field present how the Heidelberg Catechism spread and influenced culture, education and ecclesiastical life. Together with over 700 pictures illustrating the contributes and many objects in the exhibitions this documentation becomes an incomparable event!
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht The Convening of the Synod of Dordt