Search results for ""author georg kuhlewind""
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Wege zur fhlenden Wahrnehmung Die Belehrung der Sinne
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Bewusstseinsstufen
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Aufmerksamkeit und Hingabe
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Vom Normalen zum Gesunden Wege zur Befreiung des erkrankten Bewusstseins
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Meditationen ber ZenBuddhismus Thomas von Aquin und Anthroposophie
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Weihnachten Die drei Geburten des Menschen
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Licht und Leere Das letzte Notizheft und ein Fragment
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Licht und Freiheit Kleiner Leitfaden fr die Meditation
SteinerBooks, Inc Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?: Healing in the Gospels
'Wilt thou be made whole?' is the question Jesus addresses to the paralyzed man who had waited in vain for years at the pool of Bethesda. Finally he says, 'Take up your bed and walk.' This thoughtful book asks what power within ourselves Jesus's call can awaken, that can help make us whole and healthy. Kühlewind presents meditations to help the reader think about Jesus's various psychological and physical healing in the Bible. These exercises lead us to a new, deeper understanding of the healing process, and how we might heal ourselves.
Temple Lodge Publishing Star Children: Understanding Children Who Set Us Special Tasks and Challenges
'While working on this book the following happened to me: As I checked in at the airport in Hamburg a young couple was in front of me, and the mother had a three-to-four-month old baby in her arms. All of a sudden the baby turned round, looked me straight in the eye, and I was deeply shaken; for that was not the look of a baby but of a very self-aware adult, a wise one, and he appeared to see right through me...' Who are the 'star children'? In recent years there has been much written about 'gifted' children with special abilities ('indigo children', 'crystal children', etc.). Such children, it is said, are coming to earth to help humanity in its development. Based on extensive research, Georg Kuhlewind confirms that this new generation has been incarnating among us for the past couple of decades. This event, he states, is one of the most important of our age. Unlike many other contributors to this debate, Kuhlewind gives us the necessary background with which to follow experientially what he has to say. He takes us consciously, scientifically, into the realm from which we all enter the world as babies, 'trailing clouds of glory...'. We all possess the tools he describes for taking this path: our thoughts, our heart forces and our willpower. By using these faculties with our full attention, by focusing our attentiveness and eliminating everything else, we can enter the realm of the spirit where laws differing from those on earth prevail. The author aids us on this path by closing each chapter with themes for contemplation and meditation. Star Children is a compelling addition to the literature on the theme of 'special' children, and offers a unique perspective based on spiritual-scientific discipline and research.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Light of the 'I': Guidelines for Meditation
This is a short guide to meditation through practical exercises. Step by step, a carefully selected series of concentration exercises, sentence meditations, visualisations and perceptual meditations guide the reader along, leading them into a full experience of both the 'I' (or Self) and to an understanding of human attention.Georg Kühlewind has based this book on over thirty years of experience and teaching of meditation.
Anthroposophic Press Inc Working with Anthroposophy: The Practice of Thinking
SteinerBooks, Inc From Normal to Healthy: Paths to the Liberation of Consciousness
"Our central problem is that we do not know what or who a human being really is. We lack this knowledge because we have no valid picture of the human WORD." from the ForewordHow much time do we devote to the general art of being human? This practical guide is both a spiritual psychology and a contemporary manual of the inner life. From Normal to Healthy highlights the constricted nature of today's consciousness and describes the importance and value of taking time to become aware of our consciousness and to actively engage with it. Georg Kühlewind highlights how readers can expand their inner selves by practicing a series of exercises, based on the Eightfold Path of the Buddha and the cognitive spiritual path of Rudolf Steiner. He outlines these exercises and explains that by actively engaging with them it is possible to journey towards a life which is more active, thoughtful and happy.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Gentle Will: Meditative Guidelines for Creative Consciousness
Every spiritual practice, every exercise of consciousness, all meditation -- indeed, every moment of true awareness -- we do with the 'gentle will', even if we are unaware of it initially and cannot fully activate it yet. Through practice, however, the gentle will begins to shine, and we gradually gain the ability to access it in our ordinary, daily activities, allowing our lives to become infinitely richer, meaningful and creative.The gentle will is relaxed, receptive, expressive, creative, soft, light and playful. It is not rigid or cramped. We use the gentle will in artistic activities such as playing a musical instrument, writing a poem, or painting a picture. In today's world, however, life is governed by the principles of usefulness, utility, comfort, and efficiency -- the hard will of egoism. Georg Kühlewind writes in this book that the only hope he sees of avoiding global destruction is a change in human consciousness; the 'hard will' must become the 'gentle will'. To this end, he provides exercises through which we may transform the hard will into the gentle will.