Search results for ""author georg glaeser""
De Gruyter Mondsüchtig: Das Wechselspiel der Gestirne in Bildern
The Moon has always been an object of immense fascination for humanity – and not just because of its prominence in the night sky. With its complex orbit, it is far closer to our planet than any other celestial body. Already in ancient Babylon, humans have studied the Moon and its relationship to the planets and constellations. Through incisive texts and illustrations using photos and computer simulations, this book explores the similarities and differences to other planets and their moons, the Moon’s interactions with the Sun and the Earth, and interesting historical associations. In addition to scientifically accurate texts, it contains numerous large-format photographs and graphics that vividly explain the complex phenomenon of the Moon. Richly illustrated, it is designed for anyone interested in astronomy.
De Gruyter Moonstruck: The Interplay of Celestial Bodies in Pictures
The Moon has always been an object of immense fascination for humanity – and not just because of its prominence in the night sky. With its complex orbit, it is far closer to our planet than any other celestial body. Already in ancient Babylon, humans have studied the Moon and its relationship to the planets and constellations. Through incisive texts and illustrations using photos and computer simulations, this book explores the similarities and differences to other planets and their moons, the Moon’s interactions with the Sun and the Earth, and interesting historical associations. In addition to scientifically accurate texts, it contains numerous large-format photographs and graphics that vividly explain the complex phenomenon of the Moon. Richly illustrated, it is designed for anyone interested in astronomy.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Bilder der Mathematik
Wie sieht eine Kurve aus, die die ganze Ebene oder den Raum vollständig ausfüllt? Kann man einen Polyeder flexibel bewegen, ja sogar umstülpen? Was ist die projektive Ebene oder der vierdimensionale Raum? Gibt es Seifenblasen, die keine runden Kugel sind? Wie kann man die komplizierte Struktur von Strömungen besser verstehen?In diesem Buch erleben Sie die Mathematik von ihrer anschaulichen Seite und finden faszinierende und bisher nie gesehene Bilder, die Ihnen illustrative Antworten zu all diesen Fragestellungen geben. Zu allen Bildern gibt es kurze Erklärungstexte, viele Literaturhinweise und jede Menge Web-Links. Das Buch ist für alle Freunde der Mathematik, die nicht nur trockenen Text und endlose Formeln sehen wollen. Vom Schüler zum Lehrer, vom Studenten zum Professor. Es soll sie alle inspirieren und anregen, sich mit diesem oder jenem vermeintlich nur Insidern vorbehaltenem Thema zu beschäftigen. Lernen Sie die Mathematik von einer ganz neuen und bunten Seite kennen. Die Neuauflage ist vollständig durchgesehen und um acht Doppelseiten mit neuen und spektakulären Bildern ergänzt. Stimmen zur 1. Auflage: „Die durchweg exzellenten grafischen Veranschaulichungen geben gute Beispiele, wie man elegant und sauber argumentiert. Möge dieses Buch viele Leserinnen und Leser zur Mathematik verführen." c't 17/09„In den ‚Bildern der Mathematik‘ kann man nach Herzenslust schmökern. Denn die einzelnen Mathematik-Häppchen und kleinen Geschichten sind zwar thematisch geordnet, bauen aber nicht aufeinander auf. So ist dieses Buch – für ein mathematisches Sachbuch sicher erstaunlich – sogar für den Nachttisch geeignet." Deutschlandradio Kultur
Springer International Publishing AG Ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea: A Photographic Dive
This book invites snorkelers and divers on an educational visit to the most important ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea. Keystone species from brown algae to dolphins are presented in their marine habitats and understood as part of a complex ecological system. Instead of grouping animals and plants taxonomically, we have organised them according to the eight main habitats of the Mediterranean Sea. Our journey starts with different types of rocky grounds, then takes you further to the Mediterranean’s sandy and muddy grounds, and finally ends with the fish and dolphins of the blue open sea. You will be introduced to 220 ecologically significant animal and plant species via the texts of Daniel Abed-Navandi, a long-time lecturer on the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea at the University of Vienna, and the photographs of Georg Glaeser, the master behind the camera, who captures marine life on the spot.
De Gruyter Experiencing Geometry, Physics, and Biology
Understanding geometry, physics, and biology This is a highly informative and richly illustrated nonfiction book that conveys scientific content in a clear and understandable way. Drawing on numerous examples, it explains topics from geometry, physics, and biology and points out commonalities between the disciplines. The book contains approx. 300 links to video animations and is accompanied by a freely accessible interactive software that allows readers to delve even deeper into the content covered in the book. The content, videos, and software were developed by the Department of Geometry at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Georg Glaeser’s research focuses particularly on interdisciplinary mathematical and biological issues, and he worked for many years with Franz Gruber, who was highly adept at visualizing complex issues. Includes links to around 300 video animations, accessible via QR codes Compact, informative, and easy-to-understand explanations of scientific issues in the disciplines of geometry, physics, and biology With numerous images and illustrations
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG The Evolution and Function of Biological Macrostructures
With spectacular large-format images complemented by scientifically grounded, yet easy-to-read, explanatory texts, Georg Glaeser and Werner Nachtigall take you on an exciting journey through the fascinating world of macrostructures – small structures in nature that fulfill specific functions. This book will pique your curiosity about a secret world known only to a few by presenting an impressive range of evolutionary mechanisms, from shrimps’ “tail flips” to the adhesive pads of gecko setae and the implementation of biological structures in the field of bionics. The book can be read in any fashion you please – the cross-references make it easy to jump across the sections, which are largely self-contained and discuss various highlights of the evolutionary process.