Search results for ""author generaldirektion kulturelles erbe""
Schnell & Steiner Vorzeiten: Archaologische Schatze an Rhein Und Mosel
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag vorZEITEN - Time gone by: State Archaeology in Rhineland Palatinate
This book presents selected findings that are representative of the archaeological wealth of Rhineland-Palatinate, as well as up to date information on findings from current research. The Rhine and Moselle make today’s Rhineland-Palatinate region both a hub and a transit area, at times a centre of power, at times a contested border region. The history of this region is one of cultural diversity and cultural encounters, in which the flows of people, goods and ideas – often still visible today – have shaped the region over the millennia.
De Gruyter Blick zurück nach vorn: Neue Forschungen zu Max Slevogt
Max Slevogt (1868-1932) gehört mit Max Liebermann und Lovis Corinth zu den großen Künstlern des "Deutschen Impressionismus". Der Band bietet eine Bestandsaufnahme bisheriger Forschungspositionen und fragt zugleich nach neuen Perspektiven in der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit dem künstlerischen Schaffen des Malers.
Sandstein Kommunikation Blauer Aufbruch
De Gruyter Max Slevogts Netzwerke: Kunst-, Kultur- und Intellektuellengeschichte des späten Kaiserreichs und der Weimarer Republik
The very multifaceted artist Max Slevogt had contact with many different circles. As a leading member of the Berlin Secession and then the Prussian Academy of Art, he had an outstanding network and was a central figure on the art scene in Germany from the turn of century until the 1920s. The texts in the book situate Max Slevogt within the intellectual history of the late German Empire and the Weimar Republic and thus attempt to classify his work from the perspective of art and cultural history. Max Slevogt's extremely complex artistic practice is described based its intellectual, material, and communicative requirements. The constitution of his oeuvre and his identity as an artist hence go hand in hand and, as netlike structures, give rise to reciprocal interactions.