Search results for ""author frater barrabbas""
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Seal Sigil Call
Presents a new school of ceremonial magic that draws from both Western and Eastern traditions but is not limited to one specific path.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Elemental Powers for Witches
Offers a unique approach to using elementals, qualified powers, and uncrossing techniques; appeals to traditional Witches, Wiccans, and Pagans
Crossed Crow Books Transformative Initiation for Witches
Crossed Crow Books Abramelin Lunar Ordeal
Crossed Crow Books Liber Nephilim
Crossed Crow Books Mastering the Art of Ritual Magick
Crossed Crow Books Mastering the Art of Witchcraft
Crossed Crow Books Sacramental Theurgy for Witches
Witchcraft Theurgy are the religious rites and the magical practices of Witchcraft blended together to formulate a magical system where coven deities become the emissaries of a sacramental magic. Anything blessed by the deities is an empowered sacrament, and these tools of godhead-empowered magic are available to all witches.Theurgy is defined as a magical operation to induce and encourage a deity to aid in a magical working. Coming from the Greek phrase, God work, many witches practice their magic with and work alongside gods and goddesses, but do they know how to take those relationships to a deeper level? In Frater Barrabbas'' latest work, SACRAMENTAL THEURGY FOR WITCHES, you will learn how to go further with your gods and,in the process, learn to be a Theurgist. Learn techniques to directly converse with ancient beings, use their help in magic spells, and learn how to assume the identity of a trusted god. Part of Barrabbas'' For Witches series, SACRAMENTAL THEURGY FOR WITCHES will
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Spirit Conjuring for Witches: Magical Evocation Simplified
The greatest Witches of legend and folklore practiced their craft through spirit conjuration and employing a familiar spirit. Now, centuries later, this art, once the supposed proclivity of ceremonial magicians, can be acquired and mastered by Modern Witches using only the enhanced tools and methodologies that they already possess. Without having to invest a lot of time, money, and effort, the average Modern Witch can adopt certain practices and techniques to safely and competently perform invocations, evocations and travel the Spirit World like the Witches of legend.
Crossed Crow Books DiscipleS Guide to Ritual Magick
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Talismanic Magic for Witches
Filled with advanced planetary and zodiacal magic, this book shows practitioners how to make talismans materialized spells that are continually and perpetually operating for the benefit of the owner.